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Queen have a Korean dinner with Psy! Where's Adam Lambert??

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Anne Marie said...

Did Adam get wrong flight, and wound up in Finland? LOL

Anonymous said...

Hope we get a pic of Adam with them too. Maybe his flight got in later?

Rosepetal said...

Anne Marie
Too funny :)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam got a new look. We'll find out in about 15 hrs.

CT said...

what kind of new look ? Hair, tats?

Rosepetal said...

What ever his look is I'll take a double order!!!!

CT said...

@Rose Petal ......... LOL!!!

Anne Marie said...

He better not have shaved his hair off. I wonder why he has kept under the radar?