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Adam Lambert has the sexiest eyes!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, October 28, 2014


choons said...

ooooooh - you said it. (I thought it).

Lam-My said...

To me Adam's eyes are very deep-set; when I look at his eyes, on screen that is, they seem to be always trying to figure out something even though he may not be. Ahh like I always say, his aristocratic nose wins the day and foray. lwl!

Lam-My said...

Picture 1... Adam's eyes say: Hey take it easy...I'm serious.

Picture 2...Ah-hah That's sexy; come with me...

Picture 3...Adam has the face of a movie actor like some kind of godfather, young and determined.

Picture 4...Futurist Adam next story lol!

Anonymous said...

Info for the admins. On my android cell phone I do not get captcha or popup ads. On my laptop in both IE and Chrome (while I am signed) in I have captcha and an annoying popup ad from info links. Also anonymous is back as a choice both on my phone and laptop. The test above was me seeing if it worked.

glitzylady said...

@Anonymous 10:56 PM
Thanks for the info re when the captcha occurs and when it doesn't... I'll pass that along to the blog owner.. She's still waiting for some help from Blogger to determine the cause of the problems..

The administrator has reinstated the alternate sign in option.. at least for now.. :)) But we are still hoping people will use a personalized "name".

We'll be closely monitoring the use of the "anonymous" sign in for abuse.. (not you of course!!) and will moderate comments as needed....

Again, thanks for the info! It could be helpful to determining the problem.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, every time I access this blog, messages from "Infolink" come up & they are relentless!! I've tried to delete them but with no success. They occur both on my laptop & iPad. I thought it must've been a virus so I searched the web to find out how to get rid of it but read there is no way I can delete it from my computer. I read it has to be deleted by the person who runs the site. This doesn't happen to me on any other site except this one. Can Admin or whoever runs this blog please look into this. I'd be extremely grateful if this can be resolved successfully. It is so frustrating when trying to read the topics here to have messages from "Infolink" cluttering up the pages.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam eyes are like no others on earth. Deep, sexy, playful, alluring.

glitzy and other admins, I hope all here appreciate the work and attention it takes to run a site. Fans access it with many different types of media. Hope all the problems get resolved. The more here the merrier.

Lam-My said...

DRG.....You are full of double standards. Your whims and fancies according to what you feel are superfluous. Now you say the "The more here the merrier." Just recently, you lashed out on me that I am the cause of "all the unpleasantness on this site". If you really believe the more here the wouldn't have said that to me with no substantiation whatsoever; when I was giving a legitimate view on the matter about grammar.

Anonymous said...

These are very beautiful pictures of Adam. Such intriguing eyes.


Anonymous said...

So glad that I am able to post again. Try as I might, I just could not sing in the other way. I am just not computer savy at all. But, I love the blog, so I am very glad I can get on again with all these wonderful Adam fans. Thanks so much.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant to say sign in.


Dee R Gee said...

Glad you got it fixed, Belle! Hope you stick around.

BTW, Have a nice day, Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

@Dee R Gee 6:43

Let bygones be bygones!

Lam-My said...

I do let bygones be bygones and that's why I avoid certain names and threads so as not to remind me of the seriousness of the accusations levelled at me with no substantiation. Like the one above is very serious and unfounded. If they are indeed true I would accept them but not when they are lashed out without any basis. So when such people sing a different tune in my presence, I shall not let it go by. If they are not said in my presence, I don't bother...rather spend my time writing stories and poems inspired by Adam.
As for you ! saying let bygones be might not ! if it was shot at you time and time again. I know what I am doing ! Do not ! need your pseudo advice ! Another name to avoid.

JAK said...

How many names is that I wonder? The number seems to increase rapidly.

Lam-My said...

Checkmate !!

Anonymous said...

Your in the internet, Lam-my, there are no "your paths" or your threads, anyone can post where and what they want, address who they choose. Most people come to fan sites to share their experiences about the artist in question, their flailing, and meet others who share the same feelings. This is not anybody's workplace, not anybody's private "path", so every flower here should feel welcome to bloom and bask in the Light & Love of Adam Lambert in every nook and corner of the AL Glamily Garden, i.e. A.L. News 24/7.

Lam-My said...

Your comprehension is wanting!! Since when did I say anything about "my paths" or "my threads". Of course you can post as and where you like! Please substantiate that I restricted you or anybody to write on any threads! But that does not mean or equate I can't avoid certain names like yours or threads, that's my personal preference / choice and my actual words. Please do not twist my words into something else to suit your own sub-par brain!

yada said...

Gently intended... glitzylady, is there any policy regarding commenters refraining from insulting other commenters? I'm just curious. I wasn't locating the site policies on the home page (maybe I was looking in the wrong place?), so I'm just seeking information, if you are able to give it. :)

I truly hope all of us here will stay positive with each other, and starve negativity; as we wouldn't want folks to not comment here or return anymore after reading offended or reactive posts. We're starting to get more posters again and that's great! Since negativity feeds on more negativity, I say let's always keep a positive atmosphere here, choose not to start or return remarks and let things go?

We're here for the delightful sole purpose of celebrating and admiring Adam Lambert. And, to feel good doing it. Every time. :)))

Kindly meant, as I don't want to offend anyone, Please... please discontinue insults (they are hard to read) and lets just let things go now and enjoy each other and Adam? I really appreciate it. :))

Lam-My said...

I want to make one thing clear...I do not insult commenters; that's not my thinking at all. I've been getting the brunt of attacks here and over the years have become disgruntled and have to defend myself with strong words which you label as insults though that's not my intention but rather as self defence; otherwise they come back again and again. Most of the time I use reasoning and substantiation. The attacks are not initiated by's self defence and also to keep those who target me at bay.
And you Yada ! is a wolf in sheep's clothing, always on the other side of the fence; like the time when two posters were up against me and you jumped in to praise them when they were the ones who caused the problem in the first place. You are at best a pseudo peacemaker ! because you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Also, regarding policies...this should not be addressed to anyone else other than Admin ! As far as I'm concerned Admin and AdminFan run this site and I've been writing here close to 5 years with Admin and that must remain status quo.

glitzylady said...

I'm passing this thread on to the Blog Owner for further administrative evaluation..

And as far as @yada's question at 5:13 AM, I refer everyone back up to my post at 11:21 PM. This goes for everyone who posts a comment here..

I'm refraining from any further comment in this particular case for obvious reasons, at least for the time being..

Lam-My said...

Nothing really "goes" for "everyone". It depends on whether they want to read it or not ! Perhaps that's why I work so well with Admin and AdminFan...they don't use overbearing statements.

yada said...

Hi Lam-My. I didn't mean to accuse or cause you to feel a need to defend yourself. I apologize to you if I came across that way.

My desire was to encourage myself and all of us to stay positive and let any sensitive comments just roll off (walk away, so to speak). Respect and appreciate each other as fellow people and Adam appreciaters. :)

Perhaps a better way for me to have said it (instead of "insult") would be ... 'Kind about how we comment and post' in spite of whether others do it or not. Hoping that makes more sense.

From my little corner of the world... It's okay, and we're all good. As Adam says... "It's music and entertainment. Fun!"
Hope your morning is wonderful :))))

yada said...

Anyway... If I haven't said it lately on this thread... Adam's eyes!!!
Amazingly beautiful and sexy. The expression in his eyes... So much there. A rich, deep, sensual, and vibrant person, indeed. :))

Lam-My said...

Yada.....a nice kind voice always works a lot more effectively with me. You do not need to apologise as I did sense it was a general comment and I was not defending myself, more like a clarification. I am by nature a respectful person and will not hurt anybody's feelings unless cornered and I have to defend myself or things concerning the site. My intention here is solely to follow Adam's musical journey, nothing more; and then poems and stories started jumping out of my brain. Also, I have the great pleasure of 'meeting and making' friends from all over the world. It intrigues me when these nice people tell me a little about their daily ups and downs. Oh it's night for me here.

yada said...

...Lam-My :))

Dee R Gee said...

Bottom line, Lam-my, you are taking the fun out of this site. We want to attract more fans here, not chase them away. I said "the more here the merrier," and you went on a rant against me. You do that with others here, too, whether you think you do or not. You read things into people's comments that they never intended or didn't even say. Please refrain. Thanks.

Lam-My said...

DRG.....You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and you are asking me to refrain! Your double standard and hypocrisy made me point out your "the more here the merrier" comment. It's not a rant, I just can't let hypocrisy and double-standard go unchecked. Is the following your idea of "refrain" with no substantiation ! simply lashing out:

Dee R Gee said this to me...

Lam-my, Quite frankly, you are the one who is making this site an unpleasant place. Your constant lecturing and over-reacting to others' comments sets a really negative tone to 24/7. Your complaining and backlashing at others just escalates the problem. A fansite doesn't need grammar police or constant spelling correction....
September 23, 2014 at 6:04 AM

As I've said many times already but you refuse to listen...that I use grammar as a way to ward off attacks and not to check on people's grammar for its sole purpose; a kind of self-defence mechanism. I do know many commenters are not native or official English language users; that does not bother me one wee bit.
Your comment of my supposed "constant complaining, over-reacting, lecturing and backlashing" is a total lie !! I don't do that unless people like you, force me to fight back. Now, I even try to keep away from certain names and threads so as to avoid arguments...surely that doesn't seem to be the picture you painted of me ! Refrain yourself before you tell other people to do so...hypocritical !

Unknown said...

It is good to be back on here I have read & commented on this site since it started I have had to change my sign in name for no reason except if I get a virus I loose all past info I use to post as blueeyes but couldn't get that to work so changed it again.I do appreciate this site and all the people on here I was really sick in March my daughter put all of Adams music on and put head phones on me she said that would always bring a smile to my face Adam & his music means a lot to me.

glitzylady said...

@josie smith/blueyes
Welcome back!!! Glad you're feeling better too.. Adam has a way of bringing a smile to our faces, doesn't he?!! And his music and voice brings so much joy to his fans.. As does he himself, just being Adam.

Anonymous said...

@Dee R Gee

You are one of the fans here who's keeping it real. Have loved your commenting throughout these years. I'm sure Adam would agree! Keep on keeping it real!

Lam-My said...

Anonymous.....The word, real, means not fake. It requires depth in thinking, above all honesty to oneself and others. Just a personal notion like yours ! with nothing to back up is far, far from real and you obviously can't tell the difference or not strong-minded enough to face the real ! And so you keep perpetuating the fake ! thinking it's real lwl!

Anonymous said...

Good grief you are impossible.

Lam-My said...

Real or fake
Now that's hard to differentiate
Engage your grey matter
Hook up as much of the neurons and glia
For sound reasoning and backing
Lashing out is child's play
Even Adam at baby stage
Achieved that 20 hours a day lol!

Anonymous said...

SLammy @4:51

I was talking to Dee R Gee @11:21. Period. Nothing to do with you.

FYI, there are many Anonymous here, post @6:47 is not mine. But after reading all these posts, I understand where her/his comment is coming from.

I kindly beg of you, please stop making one-sided judgements, writing awful condescending words of other people's comprehension or brain function, you've done it to so many here, no one else here does that. You should make a trip to Canossa and come back with a fresh, friendlier attitude towards all here.

PS. About keeping it real:
Your words that you "work well wth Admin and Admin fan" etc are delusional (neither of them have uttered a word to you) and the rest of that sentence is insulting towards glitzylady. This site is a team effort of all the Admins and we all as commenters here should give kudos to them all plus treat everyone here based on the principles stated & represented by Adam: Equality, Diversity, Love & Light!

Lam-My said...

7:03.....Don't be naive ! You were obviously insinuating about keeping it real regarding our tiff ! which definitely involves me! Wake up! I was not born yesterday.
Well, you should write your name if you do not wish to be mixed up with other Anons so you just got yourself to blame for any mix-up; take responsibility for your own action! If you don't state your name, you have no right to complain of any mix-up by me or anyone; as it would not be my responsibility but totally yours and yours alone!
Regarding working well with Admin and AdminFan, they do not say anything but I enjoying working with them all the same! And I still maintain Admin is the only Administrator that I acknowledge having written with her for 5 years; along with AdminFan because they are silently congenial and they respond to me not with actual words, but in subtle ways.
Also, I have not been against what others do on this site as I believe in freedom of expression and so have not been insulting in any way to the person mentioned or any other persons ! I always present my thoughts with reasoning and only use strong words when being attacked first ! I don't initiate attacks ! All the time I have to self defend.
Yes I always believe in team effort with the original team organisation / administration from 5 years ago and present AdminFan. You cannot force me to accept another person, it has to be based on freedom of choice ! Got it ?

Unknown said...

Thank you glitzylady I have never missed a day of being on here just keep up the good work.---blueeyes

Unknown said...

I for got to say Adam has the sexiest eyes I have ever seen.