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Adam Lambert photos from last night via allaccessphotoagency!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Vagrant said...

So many threads, so many pics, so many interesting people and things to comment... And yet most threads are totally empty...

Saw a pic of this Glee guy Samuel showing a handwritten date on his t-shirt... Is he coming out with his own music or what?

Anonymous said...


I think there are too many threads lately, a new one for each picture...
I wish there was a way we could have threads for each subject rather than each tiny new thing...i.e.
all the fashion show stuff together,
all the AT&t stuff together, all the Glee stuff together....with some sort of Index where we can easily find it...

Anonymous said...

Maybe that explain the lack of comments too...
If people only visit here once every day, or even 2...the threads will have already disappeared of the home page, so there's not much point commenting by then as no one will see it....
This thread was posted today and is almost off the main page already....

Anonymous said...

eta...well not quite off, but half way down already!!!

glitzylady said...

Listening in on your convo :) I agree with what you're saying. It's a concern of mine as well, that the threads go to page 2 or 3 so quickly.. We increased the number of threads from 5 per page to 10 for that reason a while back. There has been some discussion about ways to improve the blog amongst the admins. One of the problems is the Blogger format, which is somewhat limited.

I would LOVE to have a different format ie one that allows an ongoing discussion etc.

Hang with us for a while longer and perhaps some changes can be made.

We are still getting many "looks" at the threads, but people don't comment. It has always been that way but is more so with the sign in requirement. Sadly..

Vagrant said...

@HK fan and @glitzylady
Thank you both, I get it but definitely miss more people - and so many familiar tags - commenting... I'm sure Admins do their best and will figure it out...

@HK fan, agree with everything you said! Too many threads with hat pics already (hat tricks, lol!)...

Imo it's easy to move between pages or to backpedal to older threads, but I guess people don't wanna do it and just check the news... And of course people are so busy with RL... More and more use Twitter etc.

I'm just thinking out loud... I miss comments of different lengths, get enough of hashtags reading tweets and watching instapic comments... Just not a hashtag person. Nor a hat person. Lol. :)))))

Have a great day, both of you!

Unknown said...

I agree. There are so many threads that each picture or article along with the comments get moved to the 2nd and 3rd pages before a good discussion/debate can get going. I still love to comment, but miss the back and forth. And I still love this site! I know you guys work hard on it. It shows!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I thought admins could go back into their post and add more pics or links. That would make more sense than 10 posts of articles on the same thing. Sometimes the same pic is posted multiple times by multiple admins too. Sometimes it feels a little spam like and I don't bother opening another post on the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm kind of laughing, wish all the spam I get looked as good as Adam.

glitzylady said...

Again, I agree with your points... and can only speak for myself in this case...

As a long time fan and reader of this blog, I have the same concerns and thoughts.. The threads zip by at lightning speed sometimes, and once it goes to the second page, it is unfortunately more or less, dead... which is sad because there are often some things we want to see for a longer period of time..

Yes, we "helper admins" do have control over our own threads only.. I do try to combine similar things into one thread if it makes sense.. And I also check every thread, mine and others, as it is posted, to be sure I don't duplicate items/stories etc.., unless there is a particular reason to post a picture, etc.. more than once..

That's all I can really discuss for now.....


glitzylady said...


And another point that I need to mention is this: any format changes must be made by the owner of the blog, of course.. We've discussed various things, changes, improvements, etc.. but being that the summer (northern hemisphere) was very busy for all of us (those FABULOUS Queen concerts, personal vacations, work, etc.. etc.. etc..) we haven't had the chance to really look into what can be done and what cannot be changed, without bigger changes to the blog, which might be in the future..

I'd personally love to see **perhaps** an entirely new format, one that is more versatile and "user friendly" with multiple "reply" capabilities, ways to keep certain topics always on the main page, etc.. but they do require new formatting etc..even with the present blog provider (Google Blogger).. I've been looking at some possibilities, but need to chat with the Blog owner, and the other Admin helpers, in more detail.. Now that things have settled down (for now...Are they really ever "settled down" in Adam-Land??!!), hopefully we can do just that...

Adam's career is getting bigger, and so might this blog....

Again, thanks for your input.. I think we're all more or less on the same "page" here.. I was wondering if it was just me :))))

I do have to say, I really DO miss the open comment capabilities but as we remember, things got out of hand with trolls, rude comments, disrespect to other people and to Adam, and his friends & family, etc.. There are MANY fans who come here for the news, but NEVER read the comment sections, or DO read them but do not comment, for various reasons.. Perhaps we can figure something out in that regard as well.. More participation in discussions by more people would be AWESOME.. But I love seeing the comments by those who do participate! And its always exciting to see new "names" on the blog... We need more of those!! And to see some of the "names" that we don't see much any more..

NOTE: For anyone reading this, if you haven't signed in, or haven't commented for a while, give us a shout out here!!

Time zones are another slight issue... Some fans are on opposite sides of the world so things I post in the morning on the US West Coast, for instance, are "old" by the time some others see the posts.. And some don't have the chance to see them as other threads are posted later in the day, and they disappear to the next page, sometimes the 3rd page, which is not a good place to be, apparently. Sort of the "thread dead-zone"!!

Be sure to go back to some older pages... You might miss some gems if you don't... But I agree, who wants to read the same article, more than once or twice..

It's definitely something that all of us Admins need to work on.....with the final say coming from the blog owner...

(Continued below...)

glitzylady said...

Just one more thing I want to mention: A sort of "personal" note....

I absolutely adore and admire and respect Adam Lambert so much, and this site has been a great place to see what's happening in his world for quite some time now.. I also love being able to (as my good friend, both on and off this site, @funbunn40 likes to say) help to "spread the Lambert love" (don't we ALL???!!!!) to as many as we can, and to help to provide a place for Adam's fans to come and learn and flail and chat... "Original" long term fans, and those new ones who are just discovering Adam Lambert, through the Queen concerts this year.. It would be awesome if we could provide a welcoming and friendlyplace for them here..

It became a bit of a quagmire for awhile, with certain (probably just very few, in reality) people coming here to hurl insults back and forth, and engage in petty squabbles with each other... Hence the sign in requirement.. I'm wondering if there is perhaps a happy medium... As many have mentioned, it used to be a joyous and fun place, before things got **complicated**. There's nothing like a really good discussion, with pro's and cons, and different perspectives and points of view (as long as we can be respectful of one another, and we certainly don't have to always agree with each other..heck no!!), and I would love to see that happen, with that capability, with some format changes...

Who knows, it might just happen. We'll see. :))

glitzylady said...

**Sorry about the wordiness, but this seemed like a good time and place to talk about a few things....

JAK said...

@ Glitzylady....Wordiness for a good cause is always welcome. I hope some changes can be made. So many threads repeating same info have no comments because we already discussed on another many "Adam Likes" have no comments because either we don't know who the people are/or don't care.

Good luck to Admin and helpers in trying a new approach, not an easy job I'm sure.
Most of us love coming here.

PS...@ you ever hear from @lmb? So much is happening in LGBT world I'm sure she's very encouraged with her PFLAG work.

choons said...

I always click backwards to "Older Post" so I can catch up, sometimes many pages back if I've been away - I don't want to miss anything - and I often leave comments on older posts. Just because.So maybe others do the same?

glitzylady said...

I do that as well.. It's easy to do but I think some may not notice the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page... I'd like to see the link larger/more visible.. It's on my list of possible tweaks to the site.

glitzylady said...

I also want to say I think @Admin Fan is doing an absolutely outstanding job of finding so many Adam news items, both big and small, for us to enjoy..


glitzylady said...

I haven't been in touch with @lmb lately, but a good reminder for me to check in with her!!

glitzylady said...

And lastly (maybe :)))):

HUGE thanks to the Administrator/owner of the 24/7 Blog.. Without her, none of us would be here...

Many of us have met over the years, some have become friends outside of the blog.. And hopefully, more of us will have that opportunity as time goes along..

And ALSO, many many thanks to Adam Lambert for being the amazing singer/performer/lovely human being that he is, thanks for just being himself.. and giving us so much of himself, by sharing his gifts of voice and music and spirit and joy, with us.. (not to mentions his "GIFS" :)))

As we have said on occasion: Peace, love and light..

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