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AU Yahoo entertainment: Queen to record album with Adam Lambert!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Roger Taylor is keen to record a Queen album with Adam Lambert.
The group - whose singer Freddie Mercury died in 1991 - are preparing for another tour with the former 'American Idol' singer and after finishing the run of gigs in Europe, the 65-year-old drummer is keen to make new music with the star because he works so well with them.
He said: "I think it would be a very interesting experiment. It would be nice to just go in and see what came out. I don't know if it would be an album or anything, but I think it's too good a marriage to just let it go at touring. I'm sure we'll do something. His voice is so extraordinary, and it's a beautiful instrument. I think it would be nice.
"I guess we better come up with some material. We've sort of mentioned it, yeah, but not in a serious way. I think we'll probably get this tour over with and maybe come up while we're touring, 'Do you want to go in and try to write something?' "
Before they can bring out any new material, the band will release 'Queen Forever', a new compilation which includes three unreleased tracks, including 'There Must Be More to Life Than This', Freddie's duet with the late Michael Jackson but Roger has revealed the pair worked on another track that they were unable to include for legal reasons.
He told Billboard: "It was really something the record company wanted and we did have these three tracks that have never been heard, so we tried to put together an interesting collection.

Full article:


Lam-My said...

Whoa! Aside the teaming-up for a QAL album, looks like we'll hear a couple new songs on their next tour. Mmm, the next tour would certainly be more about Adam...singing these unsung Queen songs; meaning Adam becomes the only singer to sing them to the public. That's really nice so there will be less Freddie/Adam contention. As for me I've never viewed it as any sort of contention; always thought of it as a smooth transitioning like Freddie simply passes on the baton to Adam, as in a 4x100 relay, with Adam running the last lap to the finish line and Freddie standing there to cheer him.

Anne Marie said...

I didn't read that Adam would be singing any new unsung songs. Roger was referring to an album already being released that has some unsung songs. Adam will be singing the same songs that they have already done, with possibly some new ones that they might add, that Freddie has sung before. On this last part of the tour They changed a couple of songs for different ones.
I would really hope that the talks they are planning to have with Adam during the rest of the tour, that they can collaborate enough songs together that might make an album. I will be happy with what ever they come up with. Roger specially wants more from Adam he is not ready to let him go after the tour.
As I said on another comment we had better keep a close eye on Adam, I think Brian and Roger would like to adopt him, and this book signing Brian is coming to LA to do in November is just a ruse to get the paper work started for the adoption papers.LOL

Lam-My said...

Anne Marie.....I was just prospecting but Adam could sing at least one unsung Queen song perhaps. Yea I think Dr Brian and Roger are fully aware they have stumbled onto a goldmine in the sky lol! Yea I think they are here to sign the official adoption papers, so tastefully worded by you. lol! It augers well in Adam's know, plausible future inheritance, by which time Brian and Roger would have become billionaires, partially due to Adam resurrecting Queen. lol!

Anne Marie said...

I am sure Brian and Roger must be quite excited to continue on with the tour, with their beloved Adam. He has put so much energy and fun into their lives, that they never would have expected at this time of their lives. Also the audiences are feeling this too. Nobody has forgotten Freddie, but Adam is such a joy to watch and listen to, they are just enjoying seeing Queen revitalized. Even most of the die hard Freddie fans have accepted Adam and are fully enjoying the concerts.