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Fan art by Marwa_94glam!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, October 17, 2014

Posted at : Friday, October 17, 2014


Vagrant said...

Gongrats @Marwa!
Something about the mouth/lips reminds me of younger Bruce Willis, remember the old series with Phyllis S.... ?!? :)))

Anne Marie said...

Good drawing. He is definitely thinking about something. Might be he saw some under wear he would like to buy, or liking who is wearing them.

Anne Marie said...

Admin you are putting pictures on top of pictures again.

glitzylady said...

@Anne Marie
I'm wondering what you're seeing?? "Pictures on top of pictures"?? I don't see what you're seeing..

Please explain and maybe we can do something about it..

Is anyone else having this problem??

Anne Marie said...

There was a nice drawing od Adam, now there is a picture of Adam and Terrance over it, and there is just enough room under it for the comments about the drawing. Also no where to make any comments about the picture of Adam and Terrance.

Anne Marie said...

There was a nice drawing od Adam, now there is a picture of Adam and Terrance over it, and there is just enough room under it for the comments about the drawing. Also no where to make any comments about the picture of Adam and Terrance.

Anne Marie said...

Sorry about the double print.

Unknown said...

(Not having any computer problems here. Viewing all the pictures just fine.)

Great work, looks just like him, not easy to do. You got skills, gurl!

xo laura

Unknown said...

thank you so much guys for appreciating it!! It means a lot for me! Thank you so much!