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Adam Lambert mentioned on French TV: dans TLMVPSP du 9 novembre!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, November 9, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, November 09, 2014


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Caught Adam Lambert and Freddie Mercury that was my limit. Anyone?

Anne Marie said...

Only heard Queen.

Anonymous said...

So funny; if everyone understands at least one different word, perhaps we can put a whole sentence together. I was able to understand Adam, Queen and Freddie also; so I am not much help. I loved the accent, and the name Adam Lambert always sounds good.

Anonymous said...

I understood some of it. Maybe enough to get most of what was said.
He mentions Freddie Mercury at the very beginning and that Queen continue to tour? and have partnered with singer Adam Lambert who replaced Freddie Mercury.....
Then I couldn't quite get the ending...maybe something like Freddie Mercury not replaceable?
Not quite what he is saying, but that's the best I can do for now.


Anonymous said...

French is such a sexy language! <3

Anne Marie said...

I thought JAK knew some French. Where is she?

Anonymous said...

8:27, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I speak some French--Will try to translate as directly as possible:

Video starts with him mid sentence with something like "Freddie Mercury of raw/crude cement"?? (Probably an idiom referring to the power of his voice/personality) before he mentions/announces "...but Queen continues. There is even a concert that is going to be in Ulis de Paris with singer Adam Lambert who replaces Freddie Mercury--even if Freddie Mercury is irreplaceable--" Whatever he starts saying next is cut off. Ulis is a "commune" of Paris, which would be the equivalent of a neighborhood or township in the US.

Not a perfect translation, as he speaks quickly (for a non-native speaker like me) and uses colloquial language I'm not totally familiar with (while I learned formally). But I tried to stay as close to the literal translation and meaning as possible--Not everything translates perfectly, or there can be multiple translations.

Basically, it's an announcement about the QAL concert, that seemed to stem from an earlier conversation about Freddie Mercury. Some nice publicity. :)

Oh and the Title reads: "Adam mentioned on TLMVPSP on November 9th"
Description reads: "Adam and Queenbert mentioned by Nagui in Everybody Wants To Take His Place on November 9th (Sorry for the quality!!)" Nagui is the host of this game show. Seems like either Freddie or QAL was one of the questions.
That was easier to translate since I'm better at reading than listening, lol! Gotta practice and keep the skills sharp so I don't forget everything I've learned, haha!

Anyway, hope that helped!

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury is no longer of this world, but Queen continues, there is a concert au Zenith (name of the arena) in Paris, with a singer, Adam Lambert, who replaces Freddie Mercury... If only Freddie was replaceable

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the translations.