From Rolling Stone: "UNICEF Launches John Lennon–Inspired #IMAGINE Campaign" With "Katy Perry, Adam Lambert..."
Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, November 21, 2014
Posted at : Friday, November 21, 2014
From Rolling Stone (Magazine) Online today (11-21-14):
**I know we've posted several threads about this #IMAGINE UNICEF Campaign, but a mention from Rolling Stone merits another post :)) AND Adam got second-to-top billing! Nice!
From the Archives: Adam Lambert and Katy Perry at the "This Is It" Movie Premier in October 2009 (via JustJared)
"UNICEF Launches John Lennon–Inspired #IMAGINE Campaign"
"With a new app, users can record their own version of Lennon's "Imagine" for possible inclusion on an all-star "world" mix created by David Guetta"
"UNICEF has launched a new campaign, #IMAGINE, to draw attention to the challenges children face around the world and help raise money for the organization. Yoko Ono, Hugh Jackman and ABBA member Björn Ulvaeus presented it to the UN General Assembly at the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20th. "
"The campaign launch included a video of John Lennon's "Imagine" that featured cameos by more than 100 people, including musicians, actors, celebrities, sports figures, dignitaries and children's choirs. Among them were Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Courteney Cox and Lance Bass singing the song alongside clips of Lennon performing it."
**I know we've posted several threads about this #IMAGINE UNICEF Campaign, but a mention from Rolling Stone merits another post :)) AND Adam got second-to-top billing! Nice!
From the Archives: Adam Lambert and Katy Perry at the "This Is It" Movie Premier in October 2009 (via JustJared)
"UNICEF Launches John Lennon–Inspired #IMAGINE Campaign"
"With a new app, users can record their own version of Lennon's "Imagine" for possible inclusion on an all-star "world" mix created by David Guetta"
"UNICEF has launched a new campaign, #IMAGINE, to draw attention to the challenges children face around the world and help raise money for the organization. Yoko Ono, Hugh Jackman and ABBA member Björn Ulvaeus presented it to the UN General Assembly at the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20th. "
"The campaign launch included a video of John Lennon's "Imagine" that featured cameos by more than 100 people, including musicians, actors, celebrities, sports figures, dignitaries and children's choirs. Among them were Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Courteney Cox and Lance Bass singing the song alongside clips of Lennon performing it."
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They look adorable together.
How awesome! Any time Adam shows up in Rolling Stone is a PLUS. Especially associated with a UNICEF campaign. International exposure... and a worthy, vitally important cause. For the well-being of children around the world. Well done! :)
(... and, Oh I remember well this look on him...mmmhmmmm... yummo ;))
I think adam was giggling over her nail art that night. I thought they looked like a couple. sexy eyes and black hair. meow
Here we go again... adorable together... looking like a couple... Will you ever stop being delusional? Will you ever accept the true Adam?
I look at my neice and nephew and say "OMG they look adorable together"... I am quite sure that I am not indicating with my comment that they are together in any romantic way and that I am denying the "truths" about either one of their real selves.
There is a comment above that has been deleted, so I don't know if that is a comment that you read before it was deleted and it was a comment that inferred something about "couple-ness" between Adam & KP, so I apologize if your comment at 4:12am was warranted... because I do also believe that some Adam Fans don't REALLY accept all of what, by all public accounts, seem to be Adam's true traits... but if you are referring to the first comment at 8:36PM up top, chill out.
I love the fact that Adam's name is the one that immediately follows Katy's. Katy Perry has always seemed to have a strong liking for Adam. They do make an adorable couple and NO, I do NOT think there is "anything more to it." I'm not delusional. I have sometimes daydreamed about Katy asking Adam to be her escort at an awards show or some other event. Actually, I think it's within the realm of possibility. They seem to have a natural, friendly affection for each other, although I know they are not really close friends. Both very cute!
anon 4:12. what is ur problem? u take things a little fuckin' serious don't cha??? lightin' Up and loosen that tight bow tie.
A brother and sister can look adorable, a parent and a child can look adorable, and 2 friends can look adorable together. Stop with all the crap. Adam and Katy look ADORABLE together.
Adam and Katy were each others date that evening. It was at a movie event. They were perfectly coordinated. I guess neither had dates, or chose to be with each other for that event. Regardless, I think they looks so cute together.
They always seem to have so much fun together. Always nice to have a friend you can just call when you need an escort; and you don't want to call just anybody that might get the wrong idea! Their relationship seems to be a very tight and respectful one on both sides. Priceless!!
why not just say they both look good or adorable, period
they are not a couple, they are not together, they just happen to be in the same pic
this happens every time there's a pic of Adam with Katy or some other good looking woman of the right age...
some here immediately think she looks cute, adorable WITH Adam...
don't like it, don't feel comfortable with it, just stating my opinion, hope it's okay
@Anon 4:12 AM
I think you misunderstood what was being said... I'm pretty sure we all know exactly who Adam is.. And have no delusions about anything... He's a gorgeous man, Katy is stunning, and they looked great that night 5 years ago, as each others' date.. .. That's pretty much it.
And in general:
Well, sheesh, who knew when I chose this picture to post with this article (because they both looked AMAZING!!) it would create any grumpiness. They've been casual friends for years, ever since Adam was on Idol and Katy wore her "Adam Lambert" cape when she appeared (and who knows, maybe they knew each other before then...)..
I would suggest we just ENJOY......and LOVE the fact that Adam is often mentioned right up there with Katy Perry in these various UNICEF IMAGINE articles, not to forget to mention that they were invited to participate in this wonderful cause....
Excuse me, but they came to that event together; I remember it. They were together, arriving in the same car; walking the red carpet together and they were each other's escort!
Getting back to yada's very on-topic and wonderful post @ Nov 21 8:57pm... how AWESOME indeed that Adam was listed in this post at all from ROLLING STONE, a total win/win in and of itself for Adam personally & career-wise... and of course a massive win/win for the cause, as any exposure will be! A "PLUS" indeed yada/8:57PM, thanks for your post. :)
@glitzy November 22 at 10:26
Not that it matters :), but just because it's fun - I believe Adam & Katy did know each other before that wonderful "CAPE" night on Idol, from "the struggle" days on the scene in Hollywood and such. I believe, from info, videos etc, in the public domain for years now, that Kathy & Adam & Ferras, among others we might currently recognize, knew each other from "the circuit" so to speak. Speaking of those old school days, I love Katy singing Ferras' "Rush", they dueted I think, in some night-club-ish environment I belive, live. Video is on the web, really nice performance (a looong time ago now). Anyway, blah blah blah, I'm glad to see all these talented people doing well. Every performer can't capture that "tween" demo like a Katy or a T Swift, but they can still have a viable career making money at doing what they love.
strong admiration society they share. I don't think they are sharig each others toothpaste and bathroom.(:~~ You can truly love a man without sleeping with him and vice versa. I can say they have probably stuck up for each other a time or two in the wishy washy ways of the industry. They get you when you're hot, but won't settle when it's lukewarm. Katy will always be a Glambert.
Such juvenile behavior here. Again.
the juvenile will only comment on the juvenile and all their nasty ways.
1:53 PM, looks like you are too.
Come on, let's stop please :)))
I would hate to have to delete comments...
I only see one problem comment.... js....
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