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Handsome pic of the day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, November 15, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, November 15, 2014


Lam-My said...

Yea, sooo handsome! Hey AdminFan...between you and me, we use the word, handsome, the most times on this site. lol!

Lam-My said...

I have not seen the close-up of this shirt...the front motif is like the wings of a butterfly; also heart-shaped, reveals his chest, nicely tailored.

Anonymous said...

I like that shirt. Hope he wears it again

yada said...
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yada said...

Whew!!!!! Soooooo Delish :)))))))))))

Thinking this is a snap of his interview with Queen shown during summer tour if I recall correctly?
(I mean.... How could one forget that shirt?
And the way he's wearing it.... Pure eye candy. <3<3<3)

Anonymous said...

Yada, it was from the iHeart interview.

yada said...

Thank you, Anon 10:53. :) .....
I forgot which interview ... But remembered the shirt. Fail!
Returning my Glambert card. Lol

yada said...
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Anonymous said...

@yada, it would take a lot more than that before you'd have to turn in your Glambert card! ;) I also love this shirt on Adam (and the way he's wearing it with the open buttons and jewelry). When I saw the interview, I didn't notice the pattern.


Anonymous said...


Gabi said...

The shirt and the way he wears and accessorizes it is perfection!

Anonymous said...

Love that pic, love that look.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


yada said...

...and Chestbert always = Yumbert. ;)))

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam is picture perfect in every way.

Unknown said...

Stunning is all I can say. Gorgeous shirt. I think I will go back watch this interview. I never get tired of watching and listening to Adam.