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Adam Lambert liked 2 photos on Instagram

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, December 29, 2014

Posted at : Monday, December 29, 2014


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam has always liked to look cute boys pictures and always will. When he start dating some day, one feature is important for his future boyfriend: a good self-esteem and no jealous nature.

yada said...

Frederick is one very very good-looking young man!

yada said...

*Frederik (correct spelling) :)

Anonymous said...

The cigarette is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Adam will always have an eye for the beautiful boys, whoever wants to be his boyfriend, needs to accept this and be independent with a good career plan, I think the lack of Sauli's independence was the reason for S and A break-up and the situation has not changed between them, so many people speculating that they are back together, I do think it will work between them, before S has gained more success

Anonymous said...

LOL, IG likes are serious business.

Anonymous said...

Back to normal: Adam liking photos of handsome guys. All is good in Adam-land. Vacay with friend was just a vacay with friend as people who don't live in dream world knew. I could bet that the next "like" might be Matty Morbid who is Adam's new fav in likings.

Anonymous said...

@yada Oh yes! He sure is "eye candy". He is a very handsome model. He is tall and thin, not any body builder-type. And his face is incredibly tempting/attractive. Perfect choice, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Freddo is bowling with his own balls. Lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is a busy guy per people who think IG likes mean something.

Anonymous said...

9:50 PM I think you are some poor adommycray or someone else Sauli hater, aren't you. Adam specifically said once that Sauli has strong self-esteem and also is very independent and strong-minded. Adam also said that Sauli took care of him, even though Adam was used to being the disposer in his previous relationships.

Sauli also has a well successful career in the entertainment business in Finland, so apparently you don't know anything about him. I think Sauli needs someone as good self-esteem and balanced man as he is himself.

For all I care Adam would be better to focus on Matty or some else teenage boys... I think they are very suitable company for him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam liked the photo that was posted by Frederik's boyfriend Damon. I believe he's friends with both of them and he usually likes his friends' photos, a bit like most of us do who have FB or IG. :)

Anonymous said...

The cigarette is photoshopped and he is just a friend. People, it's just a picture.

Anonymous said...

@4:04 AM

Shame on you;I was agreeing with you about Sauli, as perhaps an objective fan of Adam's, until you preceded to tear down Adam with very insulting remarks at the end, by your ignorant hateful comments!

Your ill advised comments make it quite clear that you are one of those, "Adam likes young boys", freaks that has to tear Adam down to build Sauli up.

I am pretty sure that Sauli would not even want you as a fan, if he heard or saw the way you felt about the person he calls his "Best Friend"!

Adam certainly does not need anyone as hateful as you posting on his fansite; so, why are you here, feeling about Adam the way that you do??

Anonymous said...

@11:28 PM

Get some class; then use it! Lol

Anonymous said...

9 00pm

Come on, I bet you'er not that creepy, don't be so hard on yourself, js!

Anonymous said...

@9:39 PM

Even though the cigarette is photoshopped; there are many more things in this life to be disgusted about then the Instagram photo of a person holding a cigarette, fake or real!

Just my opinion of course!

Anonymous said...

We all like beautiful things, so what's the problem?

Adam likes pictures of all people, men and women. He also likes beautiful art; and all things under the sun. He is a very interesting man; that is why his fans love him so much!

If you can't stand the heat; don't come near the fire!

Anonymous said...

I love so much Frederik`s model pics. Very very very beautiful face and body, everything else is also a talented young music guy. Thanks that pic. Happy New Year 2015 for Frederok Tölke... Loved

Anonymous said...

OMG... Thanks and agree... Very beautful Frederik`s face

Anonymous said...

Frederik is very beautiful and handsome model boy!!!

Anonymous said...

The eagerness of some to imagine Adam being with or being interested "in thet way" in anyone (as long as it is NOT Sauli) is rearing its ugly head once again...... :(

Anonymous said...

Does Frederik Tölke have a fan site? Does any of you know? I'm not on Fb but would like to say some nice words to him. Is IG the only way?

Anonymous said...

12:27 Frederik Tölke`s twitter is @FrederikTolke

Anonymous said...

Frederik a super handsome and sexy young man ... I love his face so much

Anonymous said...

I`m like very much @freddo140

Anonymous said...

I love you Frederick and Happy New Year 2015 for his!!!