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A "MUST SEE!!" Queen + Adam Lambert Prague: Adam Lambert Riffing During "Call & Response" PLUS VIDEOS "I Want It All" AND "Whole Lotta Love" Times Two!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, February 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, February 19, 2015

During the Queen + Adam Lambert EU Tour in Prague, CZ, Adam brings out some AMAZING vocal improvisations just before singing "I Want It All".. And Brian May surprises Adam with a few chords from "Whole Lotta Love", a song for which Adam because famous both during AND after his American Idol star turn in 2009.. 

**By the way, Adam Lambert was the FIRST American Idol contestant to be granted permission to sing "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin (in fact until then, no AI contestant was granted permission by the band to sing ANY of their songs.. See the video below of his show-stopping performance..) 

A (possible) theory about Dr. May's apparently spontaneous riffing on WLL, which brought a huge laugh from Adam: 

Adam's vocal "riffs" at one point toward the end of his Call & Response/Sing Along strongly reminded me of his incredible (improvised-in-his-car-while-driving-to-Palm Springs before the Fantasy Springs show that night) acoustic"Whole Lotta Love"... Still arguably one of his most original and most sensual/sexy performance ever, at least of "Whole Lotta Love"... I'll post it below...

What do you think???

Question: What's YOUR favorite Adam Lambert performance of "Whole Lotta Love"?? MANY to chose from out there! 

As soon as I heard Adam's vocals here on this video from Prague, my mind immediately jumped back to his "Whole Lotta Love", Fantasy Springs", which was a bit of a religious experience to those of us hearing it live.. and is still one of my absolute favorites... 

So, three videos to watch and enjoy...  

Prague Concert Video via Ivka Plo

Call & Response/Audience Singalong Intro to "I Want It All"

Fantasy Springs Acoustic "Whole Lotta Love" 2010 (at Adam's first "solo" headlining concert..). 

And... How it all began in 2009: Adam Lambert sings "Whole Lotta Love" on American Idol, Season 8


JAK said...

Whew !
What a way to wake up at 6:00 AM.

Pan said...

Yes, yes, Whole Lotta Love was Adam's performance on AI that made me turn from a housewife , hmm, into a blogger on Adam Lambert forums, no more than 4 minutes that changed my world.I loved that performance from the bottom of my heart, and many that followed.
Under no circumstances are we "allowed"to express opinions which might be taken as pieces of advice, aren't we? Good.I'll only be playing the agent provocateur!!!
It's a matter of taste whether you like the FS version, bluesy and sexy, or the rockish , masculine one played in Moscow. I gently want to remind you that both versions were arranged by...everybody-hates-Monty-but-me, I don't have any clue what happened between them, and I don't care anymore, I only cared about Adam and his/their decision to hire as new arranger such a ...blunt, musically speaking, guy, if I remember correctly he came part and parcel with Bruno's song.
Yeah, not even Monte who played a very good guitar solo in Sleepwalker GNT is irreplaceable...but I have to put an end to my post , I , as a blogger-errant, don't want somebody , not so gently to tell me that Adam has a management, a label, so many people in charge , and to mind my own business.
I only want to stress, once again, how important the arranger is, just listen to Queen's songs re-arranged by Brian, their new, fresh sound , Somebody...comes instantly to my mind.
PS When I'm here, my business is to care, to try to support, to love Adam and his projects, as much as I can, and how I can.

Pan said...

Correction Monte
Good-morning, JAK, I wrote you a "love letter", lol the post must be in the archive.

Anonymous said...

DrBri was up against Jimmy Page from LedZep in the Ultimate Guitar poll. That is why I think Bri did the WLL riff plus he knows Adam covered WLL on Idol. DrBri won that round against Jimmy Page and now on to the next round folks.

Anonymous said...

Here's my take:

During the call & response/audience singalong, Adam called out a lot of "love" in the longer than usual exchange i.e. "Gimme your love, LOVE, love, loooove..." I thought that Brian was teasing Adam - "Hey, Adam, that was a Whole Lotta Love going on" and Adam responded with that cute, good natured laughter at Brian's ribbing. Anyhow, they appear to be having such a lovely time on stage! And that riff before IWIA was so sensual and beautiful

Dee R Gee said...

5:41, I hadn't thought of your theory, but I like it. It makes sense. Adam's call and response was longer than usual. He was really having fun with the audience, and he threw "a whole lotta love" into it. I LOVE his laugh! It's so natural and full.

Nice that Brian did so well on the guitarist poll. I thought this level was the end. It didn't know it went on to a new level. Guess I'll have to do some more voting.

Dee R Gee said...

Forgot to add, I just watched the Fantasy Springs vid and the AI WLL vid. What fantastic memories! The Fantasy Springs performance made my jaw drop to the floor. He was mesmerizing. And to think that the band didn't really know what he was going to do, but it came out perfect.

Anonymous said...

Pan, I think you have a few facts wrong. Brian London did not come as part of a Bruno Mars song package. Adam said he had wanted Brian previously but he was unavailable. I do not recall Adam saying Monte arranged the FS version, I remember Adam saying it was his own idea. But your agenda is noticed.

Anonymous said...

Gotta disagree, FS not Adam's most original or sexiest performance. Not a religious experience for me hearing it live.

Brian's little riff sounded like an inside joke to me. I loved Adam's laugh.

glitzylady said...

I'm most likely wrong in my theory , but it just struck me that way when I heard it.. Just one interpretation..

And it gave me the opportunity to re-visit "Whole Lotta Love"... Not a bad thing at all.....


donna w said...

HOLY SH*T !!!! I forgot how much i loved that performance!! Yikes!!!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Seems to me that ADAM said at FS that the version of WLL was something HE improvised in the car on the way to the gig & that the band did not rehearse it but just followed ADAM's lead. Not even Monte knew where ADAM was going when he sang it for the first time at FS. ADAM then gave kudos to the band for the great job they did without rehearsing it first!! That was my recollection ... I have it on a video in my collection of Ytube downloads!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

It's interesting to me that even though I mentioned (in the thread topic) that Adam had improvised the song in his car on the way to the gig... and he himself also states the information about that toward the end of the video...., that there would be any confusion about who did the arranging of the the Fantasy Springs "Whole Lotta Love".

Watching the video to the end clears up that detail..

I'm pretty sure that Adam is always the man in charge of the arrangements of the songs he sings in his solo shows.. He's the boss.. The band follows his lead, not the other way around....

JAK said...

@ Pan....I am so sorry I missed your "letter".....threads are flying so fast now, even if I check in daily I am missing 'good stuff' :-(

Of course, I have had house guests two weeks now and am wearing down fast. At my age, I rarely "cook", my husband and I forage for ourselves when we are here alone. I'm tired... >-->o

JAK said...

Hah ! I'm not only appears I have fallen apart!
I have to learn to space better......:-)

Anonymous said...

Brian London was the music director for the Trespassing live era. While I am sure Adam has final approval he did say he asked Brian to bring the songs to life. Brian was in charge of those arrangements.

Anonymous said...

WOW just WOW Adas has so many WOW performances

Anonymous said...

Adam . .

GLb said...

Whole Lotta Smoldering Unforgettable Love in Fantasy Springs that night... The baby-maker version of the song. My favorite! :-)