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Adam Lambert liked saulikoskinen photo!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, February 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, February 19, 2015


Anonymous said...

Cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so nice to his friends. May be he will see Sauli in UK on Friday. Actually love Sauli's hair curly better, this might be for his gig tonight at the club.

Anonymous said...

Lol that shirt! ;)

JAK said...

He looks like his mom combed his hair for school photos day! Sweet and neat.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I thought of that too Sauli looks like a real sweety:D:D!! Kindred

Anonymous said...

Sauli invited people to his skating party he was having before his gig tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,he looked good! Nice he is keeping up with his skating skills too:).

Anonymous said...

LOL the weird print on that shirt...

Anonymous said...

Adam liked Drake's photo the other day. He always gives support to his ex's and friends. I like more Sauli's fiercer style (hair up, more colorful pants and shirts, little eyeliner sometimes) he had when they started dating (and no to facial hair (; ). But this t-shirt is nice. He will be thirty in March, maybe he just wants to look more mature and ordinary now. But the fact that he keeps on skating and enjoys it so much is fascinating b/c he did not like it at all before Dancing on Ice -competition.

And Drake looks fine and makes great art. No wonder Adam likes him still.

JAK said...

Def. OT....I'm curious, am I the only one on this site that read Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates? It was a classic when I was a child......way back in the 1900's!

Anonymous said...

Like the saying on the shirt.

Anonymous said...

We are the weirdos and at the bottom bf. LOL

Anonymous said...

I expect Sauli is getting spruced up for a trip to London after his gig tonight.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe a tropical resort, to warm up after all the cold weather.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that Sauli has found a winter sport that he loves to do.
You can only do so much at the gym, and I think he goes to Lapland to snow board or ski.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what you said. Sauli needs some SUN and a fiercer edgier look, the hair do and colour is just too...blah (sorry! jmo). That facial bone structure, that body (gulp!), that smile and those eyes... Bring them on,.Sunshine!!!

Lam-My said...

Hello Kindred.....You are always laughing when Sauli comes on this site. I think Sauli looks handsome in straight hair and combed this way, reminds me of those early days when high-ranking men walk around with tail-coats and monocles. lwl! Good to know, he is having fun...skating parties sound so exciting, like my dramatic, skating story of Bert and Saul doing some flying skating stunts on ice. lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-My!:))
Yes I'll be here for any Sauli-Adam related news commenting because it's a matter of my heart, love the subject!
Still on my mind the incredibly gorgeous pics from their Mexico vacation!:D

Yes your stories have a way of becoming true sometimes, quite often actually:),
like, when they appeared on the skating rink in Amsterdam.:))

I share the enthusiasm with you for Adam's upcoming album, singles and every performance he makes.

I love the connection Adam and Sauli have with each other,it is to me very exciting and fun. Hopefully they continue sharing a little bit of it with us, having my fingers crossed:D!
Still I've no serious expectations just enjoying the journey like everybody else here in Adam-land. Full of surprises!:D No wonder the Queen men are so full of energy, drinking Adam's blood every day, addicted too I'd say:D!

Anonymous said...

And Hi JAK!
I remember seeing a film as a child of "the boy who plugs the dike", that was familiar to me as a story by Hans Brinker originally. Many good stories out there to be discovered again Thankey JAK!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes and Hans being the skater boy of the original story ofcourse not the film maker sorry for my English skills. Kindred

JAK said...

@ Kindred....your English is just fine! :-)

Anonymous said...

So you think it's not necessary for me to always conclude in running out to the Finnish forest forgetting my mistakes on English grammar by banging my head through the snowy tree branches, it's sometimes refreshing though...the run I mean...
:) Kindred

Lam-My said...

Kindred.....Your reference to "the "Queen men" reminds me of Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall and it seems: 'All the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again.' They should have taken your advice and called the "Queen men" instead; they would certainly do a better job because they are like Dracula drinking Adam's purified blood every day. lol!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Hi Lam-My,
I have a feeling sometimes that Adam and Sauli both attract in a "draculish-h-h" way on me, they mesmerize with their looks and voices and smiles:D:D!
I like Sauli's new hair cut, he looks so sweet and innocent yeah but I think he could suddenly bite...;)))I would surrender immediately!:D

Anonymous said...

Today Finland's President has confirmed the gender neutral marriage law starting from March 2017. This is historic - also because it's the first law in the country's history brought to the Parliament by a citizen's iniative.

So YAY for Sauli Land!
- which is btw also the first name of the Prsident of Finland, :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing the info here, that is sooo great great great!!! Made my day just complete for THAT was still lacking
from the world of justice for the gay marriage progress here in Finland! I'm glad this is settled for now, hope it will bring happiness to many people here and makes a difference and hopefully reflects to other countries struggling the same issues and more. Kindred

Anonymous said...

2017? It's going to take TWO YEARS in put into effect? In the US it's been put into effect in one day to six months.

Anonymous said...

It takes time to change all the public computersystems in Finland!

Anonymous said...

11:13 am, a that's ridiculous excuse.

Anonymous said...

In Finland there are whole lotta more laws related to the marriage law, so they all need to have to be changed and The President's confirmation was a GO -sign
for all of that. All married couples get exactly the same benefits March 2017,A lot of legal work.All good!

Anonymous said...

OT There is also election for the representatives for Finnish Parliament in a month from now, so there are new law makers elected at work next fall. Our beautiful House of the Parliament is under renovation too and supposed to be ready 2017. Hope they'll have good working circumstances to operate.:)
I'm sooo happy for this law is now put forward to actually come reality!!:)

Lam-My said...

Kindred.....I don't feel Sauli is that kind of person who suddenly turns round and bites; those are the dangerous type; perhaps you mean, in a moment of passion or come up with that is more Adam's sushi. lol!

Lam-My said...

Story time...
Killer Queen / Somebody To Love...

KillerQueen was out looking for somebody to love. As he was strolling in the woods near his home on the hills, he heard a voice beckoning to him.
He ventured closer and found a young handsome man sitting by the stream; Killer Queen got closer and asked who he was as he had never seen him before. His name was Saulbert and he explained he was waiting for his turtle to surface to bring him fish which he barbecued for lunch. He had trained his turtle, Tammy to do this every day. Saulbert said he lived in a cave-dwelling on the hilltop.
KillerQueen felt a strange attraction toward this rather unusual young man; especially his straight golden hair and deep-set blue eyes.
And then, a gush of water splashed out of the placid stream, wetting them. Whoa! exclaimed KillerQueen, what was that? Well, Tammy the turtle emerged with a mouthful of fresh, flapping tilapias. KillerQueen was taken aback by the size of Tammy and that Saulbert could actually train it to fetch fish from the stream
Both newly-made friends then got back to Saulbert's homestead on the hilltop, a rather modern state-of-the-art cave-dwelling wired with computerised sensors and switches. There was a ready barbecue-pit just outside the dwelling and both sat down to grill those freshly-caught delicious and the smoke added to its flavour.
Saulbert took KQ for a walk around his cave home, a mini labyrinth with lots of twists and turns, gizmos and gadgets. He is a modern-day computer geek.
As they rested in the lounge, finding out more about each other, KQ observed something moving in a corner of the ceiling...a hairy tarantula hanging from a silken web; what attracted KQ to it was, it reminded him of his dear Alien friend MarsSpider who addresses him as Marsbert. Its eyes seemed to send out two red beams. So was MarsSpider tracking him again. Sure enough, a low droning sound was heard on the helicopter pad not far from the cave-dwelling. Both men went out for a quick check.
Lo and behold ! ten MarsSpiders filed out of their spaceship which had landed on the pad. Saulbert was in awe, it was his first encounter of the fourth kind. The MarsSpiders had come to bring bad tidings. Their SpiderKing had taken ill and was dying. He requested to see Marsbert for the last time. Marsbert felt sad on hearing the news; they communicated via Alien telepathy. SpiderKing is his favourite Alien ! He loves the song Spiders On Mars. Moreover SpiderKing had rescued him on his near-fatal Mars landing crash some years ago.
Soon the spaceship with Marsbert and Saulbert in it, was on its way through a time portal, sped like lightning and in no time landed in front of their Red Cave. An entourage of black MarsSpiders carried their dying SpiderKing out on a stretcher made of silken threads woven into a cocoon-like structure.
SpiderKing stared at Marsbert with bulging watery eyes; its eight legs were all curled inwards limp; it sure looked so different from his first encounter with the vivacious SpiderKing; thought Marsbert.
He stroked SpiderKing gently and sang: Lord - somebody - somebody - Can anybody find me - Somebody Toooooo Loveaoove.....his voice piercing into SpiderKing's limp disjointed body. At this moment out of the blue, SpiderKing stood up on its eight legs as if suddenly energised and his exoskeleton started vibrating...Wow! All his spider subjects bowed to their King with watery eyes and then they heaved Marsbert up to glorify him for saving their King. Saulbert was completely agog in disbelief at what he witnessed. Being a technology geek, it literally swept him off his feet! also due to the very low Martian gravity.
Yes, Marsbert's voice as we already know, has healing powers; it supercharged SpiderKing to make a vital comeback, just like he did in his recent bout of ailment. By the way, SpiderKing is quite tall for a spider, reaching up to Marsbert's knee when it stood up...that's why he was picked as King. lwl! Continue...

Lam-My said...

At this moment, KillerQueen heard a familiar voice calling him:
KillerQueen, get off your killer couch ! We're leaving on our jet-plane for the next concert venue. Killer Queen suddenly snapped himself out of his beautiful Sleepwalker dream.
As he was about to leave, he spotted something strange on the killer couch; he picked it up and lo and behold ! A hairy tarantula leg ! Whoa! thought KillerQueen...I was there with Saulbert...must have been some sort of teleportation...
Wait for me ! I'm coming...KillerQueen called out to his Queen comrades, euphorically, floating on air...


Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-My! WOW and Thankey for your story done in a way I felt you as a kindred spirit!:))) Your description is fun to read, especially "the turtle"-scene. Full of fast exciting turns too. Very fun to me.

You are right of my sudden "Sauli-bite"
-fiction. More like me surrendering to enjoy it! :D A dracula bite fiction is sexy to me, I'm weird I know:D:D! Sauli's shirt, text and all, is very suitable for me too. :) Kindred

Lam-My said...

Kindred...Thank you sooo much!! So happy you like the story and I knew you would like the turtle scene because you always spend your vacation in the forest, so close to nature. You are pretty wild yourself about your Sauli bite Dracula style. lol!