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Adam Lambert followed jacobbix on Instagram

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 16, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 16, 2015


Anonymous said...

I just realized you're a glambert since 2010 *-*
OMG kfassfsfas *-*
If you wanna be on a glambert whatsapp group, text me.
My name is Priscilla. My whatsapp is +393464249324.
To make sure is you, say "Hi, I'm a glambert since 2010, the girl/guy with the blog, and I wanna be a part of the glambert whatsapp group"

Anonymous said...

Jacob, another very thin model.
Seems like Adam must know hundreds of models.

Anonymous said...

Another pretty boy.

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM
Isn't LA and Hollywood filled with pretty people, models, actors etc.? And the clubs Adam goes to? He meets young, pretty models all the time bit he does not follow all of them. I think...

Anonymous said...

Apparently he is 19 years old. Adam still likes teen boys...

Anonymous said...

Adam never did like teen boys, too young he said. Early 20's he preferred.

Anonymous said...

The crazed nut job is back, and he or she is playing the "he likes young boys", old tired broken record!!!

You are very busy on your favorite; three post already on this thread. I bet your sick little tirades will continue until the thread is gone I think that everyone is on to you by now!!

Pretty soon you will be asking the question that the talented Mr. Adam Lambert so beautifully sang in the Ten Commandments musical that he starred in,
"Is Anybody Listening"?

The answer to you, will be NO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

at 10:26 PM

Not another one. A late night visitor in Adam's mansion a few days ago.

JAK said...

What happens in Adam's house/bedroom is none of our business....unless of course you are a voyeur. If that's the case then you are warped.