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Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 14, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 14, 2015


Anonymous said...

*Tove Lo

Dee R Gee said...

"label-free?" He's with WB, so I don't know where that came from. Anyway, it sounds like there will be great music on TOH. And yes, his voice is INSANE!

Anonymous said...

That is an old article.

Anonymous said...

Tove Lo is turning into quite the artist and celebrity. I remember someone knocking her big time on here.

Anonymous said...

He met Tove Lo in Sweden, back in Feb 2014, before he got his new label. I believe she might have been part of the work shop of Max Martin. Adam worked with several people besides Max Martin. He spent 2 months in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

11:09 AM, we don't know exactly when Adam signed but he certainly had by Feb 2014.

Anonymous said...

Warner Music only announced it a few of months ago.

Anonymous said...

Even though Adam signed with Warner Music soon after he quit RCA, he did not announce it until Jan 15th of this year. There seemed to be no reason for the secrecy, unless all the contracts took some time to be agreed on and signed

Anonymous said...

There would be reasons for secrecy/silence because Adam walked away from a contract and most likely had some big concessions to make like not putting out new music for a specified amount of time and allowing RCA to put out the 3rd album, the best of Adam or whatever it's called. Until they were met they couldn't announce.

Anonymous said...

I am sure he and Warner Music and his management team had their reasons for the new label announcement, which his team was contact the next day after Warner heard of parting from RCA!

I will never question Adam's business career choices. I am here for the fruits of his talents only.

I will let him and his label and management handle his career! He really does not have to justify his reasons for revealing the new label when he did! I am just so thrilled that everything worked out the way it did!!

Anonymous said...

@1:55, 2:06 and 2:13
You all have good points, as to why it was not announced until this year. We sure had a lot of fun guessing all this last year which new label it would be. We spent time guessing at clues that Adam might have left, and as it turned out, nobody guessed Warner Music.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't announced until the new album and single release was announced. It made a bigger impact then.

Only super fans care about knowing which label their idol went with.

Anonymous said...

As a point of interest , I think ALL Adam's fans are interested in who his label is. As we all care about his music and success. Warner Music seems to believe that Adam is headed for world wide super star status. With their backing Adam will accomplish that, he has been overlooked for too long. For the last few years, only his fans have known anything about him, outside of that circle he is unknown. But not for long.

Anonymous said...

I think with the Queen comcerts Adam has gotten much more exposure. Not to mention the NYE TV concert, X factor and Christmas special. That really gave him exposure in the UK and beyond woke many up to Adams talent and hotness. He has made more Queen fans from the Queen concerts especially abroad. The huge concert in rio will certainly help by then his album should be out. Maybe few more concerts in SA. Can't wait for his own comcerts. He is very much on his way with WB help to world wide superstardom. I do suspect WB has many promotions TV and other wise on the very near future for him that other than the Queen things. Promotions for the single and the album. I think this year and next year Adams very good for Adam many more will know just how talented and fantastic he is. Although suspect more than a few no now. The last year has also been a good fan building foundation for Adam as well.

The Dark Side said...

Like all of ️Adams fans,we know there are no limits to what he can do. I also hope this is the time the rest of the world catches up.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will get tweets from other artist when his CD drops? I also wonder if he will be welcomed into the music world family of all the award shows and such; from so many of the same artists that are falling all over SS?? Being from the UK seem to mean stardom from many who arrive here!!

I hope that Adam's CD is so outstanding that it will get tons of radio play and other recognition. All of his albums have been good. I think it is a matter of how fairly will he be treated by radio, other artists; etc. Then again, it may not even matter what they think. As long as he can get enough new fans on board! Exposure, exposure is what he will really need!

I think some artists seem to snub their noses at artists who became known from a TV show. As stupid as this sounds; I read this is the way some feel. Of course; who would want Adam Lambert as their competition? Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

I have heard on some of the daytime talk shows last week that many so called superstars are having trouble filling large venues including LG, Iggie A with Nick Jonas and another singer; so they disbanded for some reason! Also, that many of the singers are teaming up with other to get some of the venues a bit fuller; even the medium ones!

Thank goodness Queen Adam Lambert did not have that problem.

Adam will of course have smaller venues if he tours alone. Which I hope he does; unless it is with Queen, or maybe some of the artists that may be on his album. I think that even Niles and his backing band would be wonderful for the states, until he gets with Queen again; if only that would be possible!

One day; Adam will be able to fill the big venues alone, of course with a fabulous band backing him! Just some disjointed thoughts I was having. Excuse the rattling!

Dee R Gee said...

8:04, I really like your post. It says a lot of how I feel, too. Will Adam receive some of those supportive tweets that he gives out so generously to others? I used to get upset when he didn't, but I think I've gotten past it. If his new music is very successful, I would hope he'd get some good comments from others in the music business, but I don't count on it. Any other singer who gets asked about Adam always praises his voice. SS can do no wrong right now. He hasn't been in the music business all that long, but he got an incredibly strong debut song that shot him up there. Now he's at the top of the heap. Adam needs a song like that. His talent is undeniable and is certainly equal to SS's. Different, of course, but just as good if not better. Adam has proven he can handle himself, on an awards show as a presenter, performer, recipient and MC. A strong album would give him a better chance of doing more of those. And SNL needs to get him on, for cryin' out loud. Those A-listers up in the music stratosphere know who he is and how well he can sing. He certainly has higher-quality cred no, with QAL. But it's always about "the song," that ONE song that can change everything. It's time.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Nile he is going to be on AI I think next week to mentor with SB. Tune in to support and do some tweeting if you can.

Dee R Gee said...

8:26, I've also read that even the bigger stars are having trouble filling large venues, and that's why they're teaming up. Makes sense. Adam solo will likely not fill the same size venues as QAL, but he should do fine. With a new label and stronger promotion, great things could happen. And wouldn't it be great if he could team up with another singer for a tour at some point?

yada said...

Dee R Gee.... EXCELLENT points. It is indeed, many times.... ALL about that one song that does it.... That rockets an artist to world-wide super fame. So SO many examples of this.

The really great thing here, too is.... Max Martin/Shellback are the superstars behind so many of those current ONE songs that inextricably changed many an artist's career. As we know...THOSE are the guys behind Adam. They have personal legacies and legendary career reputations at stake with any artist they "take on" board now..... And almost ensure success as a result. We will soon see.... But, Looks to be a win/win! :))))))

Anonymous said...

The last paragraph in your post speaks the truth. No ligit artist in music business cannot say they have not heard of Adam Lambert and his VOICE & TALENT to use that voice! Music business is a rough business and competition & jealousy exists just like in any other field of life.

And btw Sam Smith is one of the snubbers you write about (wonder why that article was not posted here...) He is the non-threathening, blending in, mainstream accepted gay singer who makes the mainstreamers feel good about themselves 'accepting diversity', lol.

Voicewise he does not compare to Adam. Any real singer can tell you that. Can you imagine Sam S doing the Queen songs Adam sang during QAL or the Queen catalogue in general??? This is not putting Sam down, this is just saying flat out Adam has a better, stronger voice with much bigger range and variety. I also think Sam could have voice/vocal chord issues in the near future...the high demand and that voice...

@Dee R Gee, I've always loved you and your posts and I know you're trying not to cause ripples... but please stop pussyfooting about Adam's voice and talent because of SS... There is no question who is a better singer! Adam deserves more from his fans!

Pan said...

Dee R Gee
We are in full accord, a great voice, good songs(what the heck makes a pop song a hit, the voice, the melody, the lyrics, the formula, the harmonies... all?) should help Adam expand his fandom. It seems so... but , hmm, this is an old complaint of mine that comes to life whenever Adam returns to pop:is the wrap more exciting for many pop lovers than the contents? I want to remind you an event, recent and real, a lady sang at the Oscars ceremonies a medley of old arias from a famous musical and the people on forums were, wow, the lady can sing?!
After years of monster success, songs on charts, huge, kitchy concerts , when people seemed to ignore that a singer was on stage primarily sing, (or not?) they finally noticed her singing not the lol
I want to end this post in an optimistic note, I hope that Adam singing deep house will turn it from a niche subgenre into mainstream genre.

glitzylady said...

The article is originally from March 2014 but was obviously brought up again because of the possible Adam Lambert/Tove Lo collaboration on Adam's new album... Guess we'll know soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Fellow Posters:

I really love all the intelligent and respectful posts that I am reading this morning. I posted last night; and came back this AM before I got out to see what is going on.

So delighted with such wonderful conversation. Some agreeing to disagree, but, all done with such respect, and honest discord.

I have learned so much from other Glamberts, those named and those posting anonymous, such as myself; mainly because I am computer illiterate with the know how of signing in.

Thanks for the good read this AM, and the great interaction to my posts and others.

glitzylady you are great; just what this blog needs, so thoughtful and helpful to the participants.

I hope as we move forward; all the posts will be just as entertaining and informative; which will make following our beautiful superstar a pure delight!! I am super ready to continue to do all I can to help get TOH all the way to the top of every chart in existence, and that is just to start! Peace!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely loving this thread and the discussion! Right On fellow fans!

I love Tove Lo's music personally, but I could see how it would not be for everyone. Actually, that's what I find so very interesting about her continuing rise to stardom in the U.S. She had the quintessential Top 40 "Catchy" hit with her song Habits/Stay High... and now it seems like she'll get pretty good radio play with her next release, almost instantaneously. Good thing with Tove is, I think her music is worthy of good radio play, so I'm fine with that :); it's just so fascinating how someone with, imho, NOT cookie cutter bubble gum music finds herself perched in such a good position for continue decent air play for her follow up single releases.

Thanks again for the great discussion in this thread everyone. Inspiring! Hope it's a new trend ;) :)

Dee R Gee said...

3:51, Thanks for getting my drift. I'll admit that I sometimes "pussy-foot" when I shouldn't simply because I don't want to start a firestorm. SS recently came out slamming against "singing shows," saying that they shouldn't exist, etc. etc. People shouldn't go on them, etc. etc. Spoken by a very very lucky newbie who got lucky with a successful song the first time out. Spoken by a guy who had no need to go on a singing show. Good for him. His voice is bluesy and artistic. I like bluesy singers. But he also had to cancel a number of shows recently due to throat issues. My guess is that, like many pop singers, he doesn't know how to sing in a technical sense to keep his throat healthy. I don't dislike him. It was just somewhat frustrating to see him walk off the Grammy stage with more Grammys than he could carry. I thought his "singing show" comments showed immaturity and egotism. I'm sure he'll grow up over time and be wiser with his comments. Adam and SS have different voices suited to different types of music. Even most of the best singers can't handle the Queen catalog, at least not with the skill Adam has.

Pan, I love your posts, too, and I was going to write about the Grammys/Gaga thing a few weeks ago but never did. I had the exact same reaction you did. I thought I was the only one who was kind of irritated. NOT at Gaga's performance (although she did mess up a section but corrected nicely), but at all those millions of viewers who said, "Wow! Gaga can really sing!" WHAT? She's been an excellent singer from Day One. It just goes to show that the respect for a pop singer's skills is different from a musical theater singer's skills in many people's eyes. Suddenly, Gaga is a "really good singer!!!!!" Duh! This whole thing is such a great parallel to Adam. My guess is that if a large audience had heard him sing during his theater years, he would have had more "legitimacy" with listeners when it came to his own music.
"Oh, yeah. Adam Lambert. He can really SING! I heard him in Brigadoon!" Gaga had already reached the top before she pulled her Grammy coup. Now she probably has millions more people buying her music because they discovered she can "really sing." Forgive me if it pisses me off just a tad.

Thanks again, Pan, for letting me know I'm not alone. And yes, whatever genres Adam has on TOH, whether it's house, deep house, pure pop, blues, etc., he will reinvent it with creativity and vocal genius.

glitzy, thanks for bringing up the collab issue with Tove Lo. Hope it's true. The more current top names he can work with, the better. Here's a toast to the magic of MM and Shell!

So there is my non-pussy-footing post with a touch of snark. I do have strong opinions. I just have witnessed so many terrible firestorms here that sometimes I hold back. Thanks for being on my wavelength, friends, at least most of the time.

Anonymous said...

@9:05 AM

Thank you so much for your lovely post! Really enjoyed reading it, so uplifting!!

@DRG, I would not have even known about Sam Smith if it had not been for Adam attending his show a few months ago; and SS tweeted, "thank you brother for your support". We shall see what support he will return to Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

3:05, Yes, I hope we see a "Great new music!" tweet of some kind from Sam to Adam. It would be the gracious and humble thing to do.

Anonymous said...

It does seem like there is general disdain for those who made it after their exposure on singing shows. It seems like I remember Miranda Lambert getting upset with Eric Church for making a similar comment as Sam Smith. She got pretty defensive that she wasn't viewed as a real artist. She's so hugely popular now and I doubt if most people know she got her break from a singing competition show. My personal opinion is that for most of us, our success is due partly to studying and working hard, and partly to luck, someone giving us a chance, etc. There are plenty of talented singers who never got their big break, so people like Sam and Eric should still consider themselves extremely fortunate that a record label decided to take a chance on them. Maybe Sam's' comment is because he feels like those people don't pay their dues. I would argue that given Sam's age, Adam had probably paid more dues than he had. I do love Sam's voice and music though and I don't think he was trying to slam Adam in particular.


Anonymous said...

If Sam WAS trying to slam Adam, that would be pretty disappointing, especially since Adam's fearlessness in telling the world he was gay just might have something to do with Sam's ability to be a successful gay artist.


Gabi said...

I think singers like SS - for the sake of ticket buyers - should not commit to a major tour without proper vocal training to sustain it ;) At least some former Idol contestants took the opportunity to learn their craft properly. - js

I think Adam knows that pop singers are hardly ever rewarded for their voices, but still, he likely will never make an album with ballads only. He just likes all sorts of other stuff. I'm hoping that "deep house" and a bit of R&B with an honest feel to it will reach deep into the masses of music listeners.

Dee R Gee said...

I had thought this thread was dead after my long diatribe, but I'm glad it's still alive. Rosie Posie said that maybe Sam was suggesting that singing contestants "haven't paid their due." Oh come on. Many have sung for years and need their big break, just like Adam. Others who make it big, like SS, haven't paid a lot of dues themselves, but did get that huge song that shot them up to the top. Justin Bieber posted YouTubes from basement as a kid and BOOM! Some people who never graced the stage of a singing competition, or any other stage for that matter, get that big break through timing and luck without paying long-time dues. Nothing is "fair" about show business.

I don't think Sam was slamming Adam personally. He was just sticking him nose up at people who use that avenue as a path to success. Something Sam didn't find it necessary to do. Maybe if he had had to slug it out for ten years firs as an unknown, he would have tried out for The X Factor or Britain's Got Talent. Good for him that he'll never have to worry about that.

Anonymous said...

@Dee R Gee
Like I said in my earlier post: Love you & love your posts!

Thank you all, wishing more threads like this!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree DRG. And one more thing: Adam has been putting in the work to advance his career since Idol. There isn't anyone I can think of who is more deserving of success because of his talents and his desire to get to the next level and put in the effort to make it happen.
