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Adam Lambert Running in Runyan GIFS

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, March 15, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, March 15, 2015


Lam-My said...

Running on Runyon
This handsome chameleon
Clutching his ubiquitous water-bottle
Looking rather engrossed
Momentarily, it will take his mind off
Before embarking on the next course
Original High the apple of his eye
Close to his heart, his ultimate design
I have complete faith it'll rise
Climb and twine on the international vine

Anonymous said...

Running up a hill....I'm impressed

Anonymous said...

Well said, Lam-my.

The Dark Side said...

Very well put Lam-My

Anonymous said...

runnin runnin runnin

Jean Renard said...

LAM-MY-so poetically and beautifully said. I wish Adam could read this! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

This was just a fluke that the person got a picture of Adam jogging. The camera person was taking pictures all over the Runyon Canyon, showing the view from there, and also some other people jogging, and at the very end he caught Adam. I don't think he even realized until he looked at the footage that he got Adam , or I am sure he would have got more footage of Adam. I am sure he was totally surprised. I have seen the whole footage of what he filmed, and Adam is in the last couple of seconds.

yada said...

Pretty darn cool! :))))

Anonymous said...

I hope it was just a fluke. If not its creepy stalker ish.
Poor guy, can't even sweat and huff and puff up a hill privately.

Anonymous said...

Guess taking the runs with Sauli made an impression. Think Sauli's healthy lifestyle/exercise regimen rubbed off on Adam.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Sauli's exercising, and jogging up Runyon Canyon was really on Adam's bucket list at the time they were together. But things have changed, Adam always did a bit of exercising, but not like he is doing now, I am sure he gets a lot of encouragement from Sauli, as they both have personal trainers now. It also seems like a fad, that everyone is hitting the gyms now. Sauli and Adam are two very healthy guys, they also watch very carefully to eat healthy foods. I believe it was Sauli that introduced Adam to the kale and fruit drinks. I know one thing for sure, it isn't much fun, and it is hard work, and you have to keep with it. But the results are pleasant for us to see. :)))

Lam-My said...

Hello Jean Renard Margarita Lady! You are always so appreciative of my Adam ruminations; my daily brain jogging lol!
I believe you take similar long walks with Chula in the Arizona Desert. But Adam is running uphill, that's tough.
Thank you!

6:41.....Thank you very much!

Hello Dark Side.....Really appreciate that. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't need to be introduced to kale and juice drinks by Sauli; Adam lives in LA, land of all things trendy.

Anonymous said...

Why the constant bickering back and forth (every time Adam and Sauli are mentioned and discussed here) who introduced who to what etc. The guys were together a long time, surely they influenced one another in many things/ways and most probably are still doing it as friends who know each other very well. And you know, so many things can be right under your nose for years and years, until suddenly something or someone wakes you up... and voila, a change is gonna come!

Keep on rockin, Adam and Sauli, on your own paths and true to yourselves. May your friendship florish - you are both such lovable and adorkable guys!