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Adam Lambert spike cuffs!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, March 8, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, March 08, 2015


Lam-My said...

This is my #1 favourite picture followed hot on its heels by the reptilian magic hidden dragon pumping irons. lol!

Anonymous said...

Not into spike cuffs but I imagine there'll be Glamberts "lining up" to buy them.

Anonymous said...

OT: @11:54, I see your quick little one liner handy-work all over the threads this morning. You seem rather grumpy, or uptight, or something... perhaps you ought to just enjoy the headlines of the threads, and not venture into the comments sections? But whatever dude, free will, free country, open internet blog... have at it.

On-Topic: These cuffs don't fit my personal style or personality, but they always look great on Adam! I always admire how he incorporates his accessories into his clothing choices for any given occasion. Fun.

Anonymous said...

I am not into spike cuff either, and I am not in the least grumpy.
I agree there will be many Glamberts looking to buy them, as they do with all Adam's accessories and clothes. Anne Marie