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Adam Lambert Tweets An Instagram Video: "Aries Approaches...Howls*" AND 2 More Tweets: "What's Your Sign? Rising? Moon?" And "Are We Compatible?"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, March 14, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 14, 2015

Is Adam referring to his new single, soon to be released in April??? (Aries covers from March 21st to April 19th.. so hmmmmm.... or perhaps the season of Spring.. again...hmmmmm...).. 

A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Note: Adam's Instagram is a video of flames burning brightly.. If you can't see the vid, here's a screen cap of the fire...  

And another tweet:

And this one...well, I don't even know.............. :))


Anonymous said...

The "Are We Compatible?" is downright scary! O^O

Anonymous said...

I'm a Piscean & this is a description of a Pisces/Aquarius relationship .............

"Pisces-Aquarius Compatibility. Initially both the zodiac signs will love each other's company. A Pisces will always find pleasure and fun in living with an Aquarius person and in turn Pisceans being compassionate, will try to take Aquarians on their trip to the dreamland."

Hmmmmm, could be an interesting liaison. ;)

Anonymous said...

Another weird video.... Hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Sauli's zodiac sign is Aries. He is having some free time in April. He will travel to LA. He will approach Adam. And they both will howl. LOL

Haha! Only the first sentence is fact.

Anonymous said...

Adam, re these tweets and questions...

My answer to you: "Yessah, you are!"
(Sauli = Aries and go look at his latest instagram vids...)

Anonymous said...

3:27 AM
Haha!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Maybe he has a new song called Aries (lol .... best I can do at the moment!).

Anonymous said...

Saulis last instagram is terrible!

Anonymous said...

@4:56 AM
I agree! Didn't give it a "like" altho I usually support him liking his pics and vids. The last is some "car accident app". I didn't laugh at all as many did.

Anonymous said...

"Aries Approaches" .... well, that's April and it's when Adam's new single arrives!! <3

Anonymous said...

5:31AM cont.
But on the other hand I did not like those Adam' s scary vids too. I think they were terrible as well. I apparently have sometimes different kind of sense of humor than these two men.

Anonymous said...

Adam if that last picture is a queen from RuPaul's Drag Race ,no you are not compatible.

Anonymous said... looks like he is burning CDs in the fire. Oh no what can that mean? Help us!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol, what? That is Tina Turner in the musical "Tommy".

Dee R Gee said...

I'll bet it's about the new single release, don't you think? And the howling is "howling for joy?" Compatible? Will we all love the music as much as he does? It's all so cryptic. I kind of like when he does this. He's a thinker.

3:27, I like your fantasy scenario! Seems like Adam and Sauli keep finding ways to bump into each other. Maybe they'll get together to celebrate the release of the single. ???

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam will celebrate Sauli's birthday with him - he's an Aries - and they'll howl together. Gee, I should be able to come up with something other than that! :p

Anonymous said...

That's Tina Turner as the Acid Queen. She gave Tommy LSD in the movie "Tommy."

otexbert said...

Maybe Tina is dueting with Adam. We know he has at least one on his album.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing different speculations and it's fun indeed!!!:) As long as it's respectable to Adam!;)

Keep on howling!!!!:)


otexbert said...

Maybe they are re-making Tommy and Adam is going to be the acid queen ;)

PRS said...

Adam's moon's in Aries. Aries is a fire sign. Not sure bout the Tina Turner bit.

Anonymous said...

Is that Adams fireplace? This maybe his fireplace in his new home. It look inviting, especially on a chilly day.

Anonymous said...

Tina Turner lives in Switzerland and is married with Mr. Bach. I think she has lived there twenty years.

Anonymous said...

I have no interest in astrology, nor belief that dead hunks of rock and ice (stars) have any relevance to our personalities or lives.

But it's okay with me if people want to pretend they do.
Fantasy can be fun.

Anonymous said...

Love the way our dear man puts these puzzles out and sits back and just enjoys the many speculations about what his fans thinks the symbols mean! He is having a wonderful time with all of this; I just bet! I can hear that beautiful sexy laughter now!!

Aint LIFE GRAND IN ADAM LAND; never a dull moment being a Glambert!

This handsome, talented sexy; thinking man that is full of mischievous fun; is SO EXCITING TO FOLLOW!!!!!!!

I hope Adam never, ever, ever changes!!!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Fairly certain these strange messages have meaning, but no clue what. The fire looks like the fire from BTIKM video??? Not getting the Tina thing at all but Adam loves to keep us guessing. OK then ...,

Anonymous said...

If she lives in Switzerland, she may have recorded something with Adam. Since that is where he recorded his album.

Anonymous said...

The pic IS Tina Turner, the voodoo Queen in TOMMY, the movie musical. Now I am really getting excited about Adam's next offering. Will Adam and TT duet? I really think there's a chance they will... recall how Adam "busted her moves" during one QAL performance?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:57 AM
Adam recorded much of his album (maybe all??) in Sweden (not Switzerland), where music producert Max Martin has his studio...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@10:11 AM
You might be as right as any of these people who are guessing/speculating. He was with certain Mr. MM just the other night (sorry I don't like or respect much a guy who wears golden weed leaf on his neck).

Dee R Gee said...

otextbert, I must have missed something. When did we "know" that Adam actually has a duet with someone on his new album. I must have missed that info. Is it true? I know he has done collabs, but a duet? I'm dying to know more!

Dee R Gee said...

Also, I saw a professional production of "Tommy" onstage a few months ago. Terrific show! The Acid Queen was amazing and fierce. I can picture Tina doing that role.

Anonymous said...

The last IG picture of Sauli is not the car accident, which I didn't like either. The last picture is a beautiful one, that I was surprised to see, because we rarely get any from him on a week end.

Anonymous said...

@11:33 AM
The last beautiful photo of him jogging (those blue eyes are so pretty) was not there when I wrote my comments (5:31AM, 5:35 AM). That car accident vid is the only I have not liked. IMO he has been quite active on IG lately. He posts lots of photos and vids during the week and also on weekends from his hosting gigs (at least a week ago, two weeks ago etc.). Sometimes he has not been so active but would not say that lately.

Anonymous said...

If Sauli is an Aries, ( which I didn't know, til someone mentioned it) Is he approaching and making Adam howl. They might celebrate Sauli's birthday together. Or we might see a tweet from Adam, saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAULI, since Sauli is in Finland for a while.
Yes I agree that Sauli has been posting pictures relating to his work on week ends, but not usually anything he is doing personally. I love the picture he just posted, but I only saw his head, couldn't tell if he was jogging.

Anonymous said...

I see that now, that he is jogging, or about to, from the signs he put under his picture.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Adam would be referring to Sauli's upcoming birthday rather than his soon to be released single.

Just another example that so many people here are more interested in Adam's personal life than his music. That's really sad.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There is nothing in Adam's tweet that he is referring to his new single or his new album. He is interested in astrology, and pointing something out. That's all , no need to read more into it, than that.

Anonymous said...

im a virgo

Anonymous said...

@10:11 & 10:30 AM

You are a piece of ignorant work!
Throwing out slanderous hateful allegations; and very disrespectful INUENDOES towards the amazing Adam Lambert! First of all you don't know what the hell you are talking about! You just could not wait to agree with yourself at 10:30 am. If you have such disdain for Adam; why are you even posting here? I just could not let your hateful posts stand!

I know people, I shouldn't feed the darn ignorant hateful troll; but, the devil made me do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

3:30 PM, you are as bad as the troll.

Anonymous said...

@4:04 PM

You are not as bad as a troll; you are worse than a troll; trying to stop the voice of an Adam fan from expressing themselves! Are you sure you are not the troll with hurt feelings??? Just SAD, either way!!

Anonymous said...

Adam fans have every right to express themselves against trolls. Whether it's the right thing to do or not in your opinion. I agree with 3.30,

Anonymous said...

Trolls don't care about what they say, they just want a reaction. They just want to see people get upset. Answering doesn't change their mind it just encourages them to keep going. It is well known the best way to deal with trolls is to delete them or ignore them. Otherwise they keep coming back.

Is expressing your opinion to a troll who doesn't care what you think, just wants you upset, really worth it?

Responding is kind of like throwing out crumbs for cockroaches.

Anonymous said...

Well worth the read. It's about why trolls do what they do and why we want to respond but shouldn't.

Don’t Feed the Haters: The Confessions of a Former Troll

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dee R Gee said...

Saying the we can respond to trolls if we want to is one thing. But remember, trolls aren't just riling up one person. It's not just a one-on-one response. It affects the whole thread and everyone else on it. It destroys a whole positive discussion among many people, not just one person. So ignore the trolls if you can. I have learned more self-restraint since I've been hear and I rarely take the bait.

Just remember that if you respond to a troll, you're perpetuating the ugliness for everyone else, not just for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am 8.57. I totally agree you should not respond to trolls. They make stuff up to upset fans it's all nonsense. But unfortunately people are human. They love this guy it's human nature to defend him. I certainly done it. I agree they don't care they know they are telling lies, they could care less. I also agree we should all try not to respond. But how is it right to call a fan who oviously cares for Adam they are worse than a troll. There are ways of stating your opinion without being mean. That what I was saying. I was not saying if you feel like it just have a free for all with an old troll.

yada said...

I would appreciate it is Admin would require sign in....The trolls can be blocked.

At a minimum, please delete their comments. That seems to stop them in their tracks once they begin....

yada said...

*appreciate it if

Anonymous said...

Yada, having their comments deleted as soon as possible, every time, is the most effective solution.

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of consistency about that here.

Dee R Gee said...

As good as they are, the admin team also has real lives. It takes a lot of time to monitor a site around the clock. They do their best to catch inappropriate comments and delete them, but it's not possible to catch every single one as soon as it's posted. It's certainly better here than it was a while back. I give the admins credit for doing all they can.

Anonymous said...

Admin fan rarely deletes troll comments.

Anonymous said...

One been here three days.