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Awesome Fan art! New "FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ERA" drawing!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 16, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 16, 2015


Anonymous said...

Advice from Shosh on how to help Adam with promo of the first single.

@LAMBERTLUST this is good advice. Plus we will guide you when to Shazam. Follow our lead

@RandomMedley @bmoschetti request at a station that targets your demographic or make sure your age isn't able to be detected.

Anonymous said...

Thankey for this fanart, sweet childlike innocent eyes and a pure heart...yep, that's it:)))! Kindred

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful. Looks like Adam as he would look as a teenager. So cute! The young Adam! So well done!

glitzylady said...

Please note that the tweets quoted at 11:41 AM are but a very small part of the conversation.. And there is much more advice being compiled for fans who wish to help maximize the impact of Adam's new music, beginning with his soon to be released single in April.. There is much strategy to be used in this much more complicated world of music and radio play...

We'll be publishing more here soon..

Anonymous said...

Not crazy about this fan art.

Anonymous said...


yada said...

Thank you, glitzylady. Looking forward to seeing more about what we can do to help promo Adam and his music.... and maximize impact. I'll be on the standby.... :))