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Cool Fan artwork!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 16, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 16, 2015


Kath said...

I like the 50 fixes for I'm bored. I want Era 3 to take over the radio! TV! Magazines! iTunes!! Internet! And 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Adam might not be a great father, and I don't think it will happen. His life style would be terrible for a child, never knowing how long he would be away from home. I can't see Adam being settled at home for long. He has so many friends, and he likes to be out and about and doing things.
He would have to change his way of life, which he might do, if he is in another relationship. Children need parents who can be depended on to be there, when the child is growing up. I really cannot see Adam as a father, although he loves his friends children.

Anonymous said...

9:37 how can you even begin to know anything personal about Adam. Such speculation is trash. Nobody can predict the future for anyone. Outsiders know nothing.

funbunn40 said...

I think Adam would be a loving dad, when & if that time would come & his career is more settled. Elton John, Ricky Martin & other gay celebs seem to manage well & love fatherhood. Adam looks so attentive & natural when he's with Riff,his godson. Now he's traveling & his hard work is finally paying off. He has plenty of time.

Anonymous said...

Enough speculation. It's nobody else's business except his.

Anonymous said...

9:37, easy, you take the kids with you while you tour. Lots of singers do it now.

Anonymous said...

It's a very unsettling life to travel with parents, just because some stars do that, does not make them good parents. Those people mentioned, won't
know how it affects the children in the long run. I wasn't dissing Adam, because I think he is a very loving and caring man. Some stars give up their public life for a few years, until the children are older and out of school. May be when his career settles it might work, but actually only his fans have talked about him having a child, Adam never has. He came from a warm and stable home, so he knows.

Anonymous said...

What happens to these school age children. Parents can't just take them out of school, when they have to travel or tour. Usually means the mom is left with the burden of being both mom and dad. It doesn't work well. There are many jobs where one parent has to travel, besides being in show business.

Anonymous said...

I guess if the kids are littlies, they're left with nannies. If they're not really young, who knows? Maybe they're left to their own devices. Either way, it's not ideal.

JAK said...

I've never read or heard Adam express a desire to marry or have a child. He has children in his life that may be enough.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is quite content being single for now. If he changes his thoughts on that and tries another relationship, I don't think it will include children. He hasn't ever said he wants children, or for that matter even getting married. When he was with Sauli, Sauli said he didn't want children either. Only Adams fans have forever talked about him being a great dad, may be true, but if you don't want it, then it is much better not even to try. So far Adam has not had a successful relationship, because of his career, the very reasons he would not be able to be a hands on dad.

Anonymous said...

I like dogs, but I don't want one of my own, but I like other peoples.
Sauli adore his nephews, his twins children, but he said he didn't want any himself.
It hasn't actually come up for Adam to even consider having children. You have to give a lot of your own time to devote to the child, and he is too engrossed in making a success of his career, to even share his life with another person for the long term.
He is wise to stay single ,and keep his friends close, with no ties.

Anonymous said...
