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FLASHBACK Fond memories of ADAM LAMBERT back in 2009!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Lam-My said...

Yea I still relate strongly with the vivacious, game-on Adam; he was more carefree then but I think he is a lot wiser and just as handsome now which augers well as a world Rockstar. His wish then was just hit the Top 10...but he shot his arrow wheeeeeee...plop! lodged above the clouds and stars in the sky. lwl!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, great pic!! <3

JAK said...

An extremely handsome rough draft of the polished performer he is today. It was great to revisit Adam's version of the Muse Starlight, that song seemed made for Adam.

I wonder if Season 8 was the only American Idol tour that might have been rated PG 13?

Anonymous said...

Imho, Adam gave us a pretty darn polished run, especially on Idol, right from the start. Organized. Strategic. Well thought out. Tactical. Smexy Brains Adam has. Has he grown, sure, I guess that could not be debated much... but I personally found Adam's performance life to be a well developed presentation right from the get-go.

Lam-My said...

Adam was in fact a highly trained professional hot from the oven, his Hair and Wicked stints, also previous to that, Ten Commandments, Brigadoon and Upright Cabaret etc. Actually, the S8 contestants didn't stand a chance at all. He was weaving his way in and out like a Grand Prix F1 driver.

Anonymous said...

Adam was over-qualified for Idol.

Lam-My said...

5:47.....Yes, in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

I watched Idol last night and don't know if I will continue to watch the show. And it's all because of Adam Lambert and season 8. This season's contests in the top group are so very young overall, inexperienced, lack stage presence or overdo it with the hair and jumping around and last night were often pitchy. Harry seemed to be the only judge overall calling out problems and issues with certain performers. As has been said hundreds of times, Adam set the bar so high that I can't help but compare performances to his. He was also the only contestant I ever voted for during any of the seasons I have watched. I do hope to see him back on Idol either promoting his new single or maybe singing with JAX(if she makes the top finals) because I read that she would like to do a song with Adam Lambert. Good choice. So yes, Adam was over qualified for Idol, but if it weren't for that show, we probably would never have heard of this amazing performer who has come so far since those first notes he sang during the audition.

Dee R Gee said...

Last night I read an interesting article (link I found on Atop). It's about the new mentor guy. He said that Idol is no longer focusing on "the best voice" but rather on the contestants that seem to be the best over-all performers. Idol has had its share of season winners who may have good voices but are not marketable, don't have real star quality and don't make it big. Apparently, they want winners who have a better chance of big success. The Idol "machine" supports the top two finalists for a year (if I remember correctly). I guess they want to improve their chances of having to support someone who will be successful. Interesting.

Adam, of course, was a pro from the get-go. Probably "over-qualified" as has been said here, but he needed his shot at exposure like all the rest. I don't watch Idol anymore, but it sure is a different show from when Adam was on.

Anonymous said...

Loved him from Satisfaction (my first encounter with The Glam One!), have loved everything he's done songwise, performancewise, musicwise and will never mock his choices re make up, outfits, performance antics etc. Just feel DEEP gratitude to have had the chance to see and experience everything so far... ADAM totally "fits" to what I lovingly call "the continuum of my heros in music throughout the decades"...Never been a fan of "the obvious" or "the mediocre", too boring.

I so hope Adam keeps the surprise element alive & kicking! He is such a UNIQUE talent!

Anonymous said...

Adam was over qualified to be on Idol. He was already a performer with professional engagements to his credit. It surprised me he was accepted to audition.

Anonymous said...

I think that the winner of Idol or anyone entering the music scene today must have amazing vocal talent,a mesmerizing stage presence and a strong personal charisma to become a success. It's the overall performer who catches the attention of today's record label management and as has been pointed out, someone who is marketable. Adam Lambert has all those qualities and with a new record label and management team hopefully album three will bring him even greater success that he so deserves in today's music world. Season 8 will always be my favorite on Idol because it brought Adam Lambert to us and I have been a fan since then.

Anonymous said...

@March 12, 2015 at 10:10 AM

Liked your post! Thanks for sharing :).

Dee R Gee said...

From what I understand the only requirement to be on Idol, other than the age requirement, is that you are not currently signed to a record label. Other AI contestants over the years have had previous professional experience, not just Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM, you can have professional experience and past record deals. You just can't have a current record deal.

As Dee R Gee said, others have had similar experiences. For example, Michael Johns had been signed to a label and released an album prior to bring on Idol.

yada said...

Hi 10:51 :).... Thank you for offering your opinion. Much appreciated :). A few thoughts, if I may, to your interesting post.....

Quite a number of AI contestants have had professional credits to their name & been involved in active music careers prior to coming on Idol. In fact, some of them have had more recording & traditional "gigs"/singing & stage experience than Adam had prior to auditioning for AI. Relatively speaking, Adam wasnt overqualified to audition more than other Idols before him & since. In fact, the bulk of his particular performing experience (musical theater) was, in some ways, viewed by some key persons in the music industry as a disadvantage rather than a qualification.

I believe what set Adam so dramatically & uniquely apart on AI was not only, yes, his experience, training & knowledge..(And not because he had overqualifiable experience more than other contestants).... But. also (& perhaps, the most significantly) a very particular, extraordinary blend of innate qualities & talent that comes along maybe once in many blue moons in many lifetimes.
A particular type of raw & applied TALENT & set of skills that accompany a rare gifting in singing & performance. Those qualities, innate skills, & talent cannot be taught, trained, or even "qualifiable", really. It is a part of the fabric & landscape of a person... Of who Adam is & was when he was born.
Adam has been a natural "performer" ever since he was a toddler. (As mentioned by family & friends). Adam doesn't just like to sing.... He truly LOVES to entertain & impact people through performance. Not every singer is like that... And certainly not every Idol contestant. That very difference alone - in & of itself - imho, can show through in the overall stage dominance in a contestant.

Adam instinctively understands & "knows" the timing & impact associated with creating a particular connection with those he entertains. He innately knows & has self-developed his ability in how to "reach" his audience with his stage presence & in what performance nuances & vocal deliveries are involved in doing that. He's been doing that since he was too young to even understand - as a small child. It's simply who he IS. Simon Cowell calls it "the It factor". And Adam has that in spades.

I recall significant statements made by AI judges ab Adam when he was a contestant to that same effect. A couple of those statements stand out with what I'm sharing here: Simon mentioned that "America should take the time to continue to vote for Adam ... For his TALENT alone... and not assume that he will make it to the final.". (Not due of to any skill as "seasoned" performer & experience; as Simon wasn't even impressed by that - but simply due to Adam's talent.) Randy Jackson also, IMO, shed some additional insight on a key factor in Adam's dominance on the AI stage & how he, basically, took the AI stage by storm.... Randy said that, "America is READY for someone like him". And, it appears as though Randy was right. For various reasons, we were, as a whole, simply ready for an entertainer & singer like Adam on AI. Ready for Adam, himself.

So, IMHO, in THAT way... Yes, I agree. Adam was overqualified.

He is rare....
A phenomenon, really.
And, as such, he has been acknowledged & called that very thing by people within the entertainment/music industry.... And, by some AI contestants as well, that came to Idol with more qualifications than Adam for being a recording artist & star within the industry.

Imho, all that is one of the reasons that Brian May refers to Adam as "a gift from God". And, as many of us would attest to in agreement with Brian...
Adam truly is. :))))

Thanks for reading some of my thoughts :)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

@yada ... Thanks for sharing your very eloquent & well thoughtout thoughts. Very ineresting & spot-on ... IMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of amazingly talented people on Idol this year.

Anonymous said...

If Adam graces the Idol stage at some point this year I hope it is to promote his own music. No duets with any contestants nor any other performers, not even QAL. Both Adam and QAL are so beyond normal Idol stuff now. Njmo.

Dee R Gee said...

4:08, I agree with you. My ideal "Adam Lambert appearance" on Idol would be for him to sing his own new music. No cover-song duet with a contestant. However, that being said, if doing a duet is what he is asked to do, then of course, I will be happy to watch AI that night. But his now music promotion is the biggest priority.

Dee R Gee said...

As I said in my 7:17 post, Idol isn't really looking for the best singer. They're looking for someone who is potentially the best potential success story. That person is not necessarily the best singer. As we all know, the most successful are not necessarily the best. It's a combination of factors.