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Hot pic of the day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 11, 2015


yada said...

LOVE your pics of the day, Admin Fan! Nice one.......Mmmmmhmmmm....

'Bout to die here.


That look.... That face.... THAT man.... *Zowies*


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A new hairstyle would be great. He's worn his hair high for years.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it seems to me like Adam is constantly changing his hairstyle, especially when compared to other men. He also varies the colors and highlights.

I love the look on his handsome face in this pic.


Anonymous said...

So handsome. It's fun seeing how Adam chooses to present himself, visually and aesthetically, as he moves through his career. Interesting. So glad he doesn't seem to make decisions based on anything but his own choices. So much foolishness in the blogosphere & twitterverse, silly comments, ridic expections and assumptions... good on you BB for doing your own thing. Fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call having a mustache and beard doing his own thing. It's a uniform amongst many men these days.

Anonymous said...

Adam has had the same hair swept up and back hairdo for a long time.

Dee R Gee said...

I got nothing to say other than what yada said. Zowies!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gorgeous eyes.

Anonymous said...

IMHO Adam does do his own thing. Following a trend, even following it closely, even adhering to a wildly popular trend (facial hair, certain hair cut/shape) does not negate bringing one's own sense of personal style to the trend. Personal style is layered (like a casserole or something), and imho Adam brings many layers to his sense of personal style most times he steps out the door.

And if you ask me, just my POV, Adam couldn't be a follower or just one the crowd if he tried, because no matter what "accessories" he adopts on any given day, he always drapes them on a drop dead gorgeous physique and face, and heads out the door with more charisma, magnetism, sex appeal and charm than many men do... not to mention the incredible innate talent.

Captain Obvious up-thread wants to talk about a uniform among men... trends are popular, a lot of people adhere to them for a while, that's why they become trends... but I can't think of too many public outings when Adam made the uniform choice on much.

Anonymous said...

I hope he surprises and tests this fandom over and over again, with his new music, with his looks, with his antics and interests in music and professional life.

Once again decent posts seem to vanish in to the spam file...