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Los 10 gays solteros más deseados: #1 Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 14, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 14, 2015


Lam-My said...

So Adam is #1 all-time singer...he weaves in and out with his voice, any song, any genre, any note, any time, any place and with anyone. lwl!
By the way I saw his 369th celebrity-crush ranking. 369 is a very profound number which can unlock the secrets of the universe according to 'Ancient Aliens'. So this number befits Adam, not to be taken at face value, rather, the hidden secret meaning.

Anonymous said...

The 10 most desirable gay singles : # 1 Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

The WORLD'S most desirable.... indeed!

When & where was this pic taken?!?

He looks totally perfect in every effin way...Sooo hawt in all black, shiny in all the right places... and he's so at ease, looking so comfortable and confident in front of the camera fire.... SIMPLY STUNNINGLY HANDSOME & SEXYYYYY!!!!!

Go read the text under his pic. Also Sauli is mentioned... Because of his looks and persona I would put Sauli on that list, too (if he were a worldwide celebrity...) :))))

Side note to Sauli: Too much Finnish in your instagram caption texts, write more in English, keep your international fans informed, interested & happy!

yada said...

Hi Anon 4:20 :).....

This pic of Adam is from the Classic Rock (Roll of Honour) Awards night, November 5, 2014 ..... When Queen + Adam Lambert won the "Band of The Year" award for 2014.

Adam is on the red carpet here. I think he looked strikingly handsome.... :))))

Anonymous said...

Oh, didn't Adam look so handsome and distinguished that night; just a dream walking.

Heard Kelly Osborne grabbed him when she could to introduce him to her father. They are friends and ex next door neighbors when the both rented a condo in the same complex; before they both bought their own homes! She has said that she just adores him!

Nancy Sinatra also lived in the complex and called Adam her Grandson! Adam is so likeable!!

Adam is just so handsome! Tall and beautiful inside and out!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I do remember that night and the video of Brian & Adam receiving the award... but maybe did not see close ups of Adam alone from that night... or most probably experienced some sort of THUD moment due to Adam The Awesome... :)))