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Vote for Adam Lambert for Music Icon!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, March 15, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, March 15, 2015


Lam-My said...

Yea Adam, Music Icon
His effervescence
An immediate turn-on
When he heart goes
Bomb bomb bomb toooooo loooove
Across the big blue pond
And up and down and round and round
Any note, any scale, any song lwl!

Anonymous said...

1 vote per person only.

JAK said...

Sorry, but I don't think Adam has reached the iconic level yet. Now, celebrity rising star category would make more sense to me.

The Dark Side said...

I'm voting as I think he's as deserving as others.

Anonymous said...

I have been voting every day, but you must put your name and e-mail address first, or it won't take.
I have it in my favorites, so I just click on there each time I think of it.

Anonymous said...

voting for 1 individual I took that to mean you can only vote for 1 person in each group. They have been accepting my vote every time I vote. At first they didn't because, I didn't realize that I had to put my name at the top of the voting page. Without doing that they did not accept my vote. I don't want Miley Cyrus to get more votes than Adam.
Come on guys vote often and let Adam have , at least a decent amount of votes, to show we care.

Anonymous said...

More stupid pointless voting. Great :)

Anonymous said...

at 9:11 AM

Not really, Adam is talented but he is far from anything that could be considered iconic. I had to skip this one, sorry.

Dee R Gee said...

I'm voting for Adam, plain and simple. He's iconic to me. Glad to see his name on the list with other big names.

Anonymous said...

Is Sam Smith and Miley Cyrus, more iconic than Adam. Sam Smith is brand new in the music business, he was lucky enough to have a good album, first time out.
There is not much going on right now with Adam, until his single drops, so why not vote?

Anonymous said...

When people comment and say don't vote, either because they say it is silly, or Adam is not iconic, I usually smell a rat. I think they are wanting the votes to go to another person, in other words we may have a troll in here. Or at least hope another person on the list will win the poll.

Anonymous said...

No one on that list is iconic. Queen is iconic, Freddie was iconic, Elvis was iconic, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles. Adam may be iconic someday.
Obviously the people who thought up this poll have no idea the true meaning of iconic.

Anonymous said...

11:18 AM. You don't have trolls, you just have intelligent people.

Anonymous said...

In my book Adam is already iconic, has been from the minute I heard him for the first time!

Have been a music lover all my life, followed (more or less eagerly) all the big names and acts for many decades. No doubt in my mind. Iconic!!! My vote, My-y-y-y-yy Conviction! :)))))

Anonymous said...

Who are these people that think Sam Smith and Miley Cyrus is more iconic than Adam Lambert? PLEASE!!

@11:12 AM, the answer to your question is NO, NO NO; SS AND MS
is no where near the singing talents of the one in a billion voice of Adam Lambert. It's a joke if anyone says they are. Sure they can sing and are popular; but they are very very lucky to be where they are today.

Adam now has people behind him that will help him to get the recognition he so deserves.

Like Paula told Adam at the end of his season on Idol, after his performance of, "A Change Is Gonna Come", the night before the finale; she said, "YOU ARE ICONIC, YES YOU ARE"!!! Simon said, "we were looking for a world wide star, and we have found one in you"!!!!

Judge Paula Abdul and Judge Simon could see it even then!! There has been no one like him on Idol since then; and look how far he has come! Queen Plus Adam Lambert Anyone???

Vote if you want to, if you don't want to then don't. Simple as that. Why is it important for people to know why you don't want to vote for him being an Icon. Just don't care! I am on my way to vote again; But, who cares, right?

Anonymous said...

2.45 totally agree. A fan supports. Do you honestly think MC fans are just analyzing this pole. No they are voting they are supportive fans. No one and I do mean no one on that pole has the talent Adam does and yes as Brian M said he will be an Icon. He has so much more to give and it's on the way. If you don't want to vote fine who cares. I am supporting Adam and will vote as much as I can!

Anonymous said...

Iconic comes from the word Icon, one who is revered or idolized as in pop icon. I think that fits Adams description. I do not agree with anyone who says he is not a music icon. Anne Marie
But that's just me.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Am voting for ADAM once per hour along with Best fan base on Don't tell me not to vote for ADAM b/cuz he's not Iconic ... that is your opinion ... not mine. To me ADAM is more Iconic than some of the Icons of yesteryear. BTW ... thanx for clearing up the number of votes allowed .. wasn't sure but now that I am ... will double my votes!! Go Glamberts!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

LAMBERT Outlaw, WTG :)))

CT said...

For anyone interested in the Pop.Crush Best Fan Base Brittany vs. Adam Poll.....Adam is now 53% and Brittany 46%. Voting is over tomorrow, the 17th (in the morning I think). I'm keeping on voting because it's a Fan Base competition but aren't we all here to support Adam in any way we can? I sure am :))))

We've been told by an iconic rock legend, Dr. Brian May that Adam is a GFG. Now if that doesn't make Adam "iconic" I don't know what does.

Anonymous said...

Adam is an iconic world star. That's good enough for me to vote for him, and I agree with Brian May, Adam is a Gift from God. I have an undying gratitude for Queen, who saw what an iconic and talented person Adam is. Also Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell.
Anne Marie

Lam-My said...

Adam is exactly what it says in the title above...Music Icon.
To me Icon just means somebody who stands out, way above others in his/her field of expertise; but above that, must be able to influence/change the minds of millions worldwide. So I look at Icon from a two-prong perspective: the expertise which must benefit people worldwide, not just within one's own domain; but in our materialistic world, tangible results like actual sales too, count a lot.
Well, Roger says Adam's voice is one in a billion and that has a lot of weight because he has been in this business for sooo long. And Brian says Adam doesn't have to change the scales of the Queen songs, sings them exactly as they were composed by Freddie and Queen..."without blinking". For Brian to say that, it would mean other frontmen had to, which might take away something from the original. And I think that too has touched Brian and Roger deeply because it's as if they were hearing the same songs which Freddie and they composed some 40 years ago.

Lam-My said...

Without changing the Queen songs refers to the scales; but Adam presented/expressed the Queen songs in his own valid/intimate way; more current/updated but still keeping their essence other words he basically did not change the songs; perhaps an analogy, old wine in new bottle...same fine wine.

Anonymous said...

No one on the list is iconic.

Anonymous said...

Roger and Brian haven't heard a billion singing voices so to claim Adam's voice is one in a billion is excessive in the extreme. However, they're entitled to their opinion, just as everyone else is entitled to their opinion.

Lam-My said...

10:20.....Like you, I thought it was a bit exaggerated by Roger as one in a billion, may or may not be plausible. But we should not think of Adam's voice in isolation; when Adam sings, he actually tugs at our heartstrings and in that light, he would have touched Roger much much more deeply as he is singing their very own Queen compositions, which is in their the one-in-a-billion voice shouldn't be taken literally I is expressed from Roger's heart. Also being a singer himself, he sees Adam's immense talent in striking every note right to the core and more, with no faltering or shaking, that's the power.

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind takes the expression "one in a billion" literally or should I say numerically, lol.

C'moon you extreme realists and negative nellies, it's an expression of love, respect, admiration of Adam's VOICE (and how he uses it), made by true long time ICONIC professionals who have seen and heard it all in music business throughout the decades.

Anonymous said...

Well, any thinking person would know that Roger Taylor of Queen, did not go around the world and count everyone of Adam's Billion fans; just as People Magazine did not go around the world and check the faces of every man to come to their conclusion of their most Beautiful Man; if they had, Adam Lambert's face would grace their cover every single year, without a doubt!

Well, I think that People Magazine missed their mark more than Roger Taylor missed his.

Oh well; no one can deny Brian May's assessment that, "ADAM LAMBERT IS A GIFT FROM GOD"; and I say, "AMEN" to that!!

JAK said...


Lam-My said...

I'd call one in a billion, said by Roger, an impressionistic number like he's been in the business for so long and to him the impression of a billion taken as a whole, Adam's voice stands out; nevertheless a billion is a literal and countable number.

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