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Adam Lambert Re-Tweeted Sneak Peek Of 'Ghost Town' Music Video Via Entertainment Tonight (Premiering Tues. 4-28-15!!!)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, April 27, 2015

Posted at : Monday, April 27, 2015


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This looks so good and mysterious;
so excited. Too short, I want more; more!!!

Pan said...

I didn't listen to the sneak peek when I posted about the amazing photos, yes, yes, they are freeze frames! But this is not the topic of this post. I'll try to ignore them and their obnoxious "comments" , they are not worthy of our attention. But they are annoying and our admins can't delete them quickly when they are "insinuated" among other posts. I could read the deleted one and I, once again, was saddened by so much energy wasted on spiteful, little "comments". A last remark:
So sad , behind the"freedom of speech" slogan, they, the haters, but not any kind of haters,are trying to exhibit their obsession , evil obsession for Adam, their former object of affection. Not any kind of haters, I think, they are apostates, renegades, once loving fans turned into haters. I will not discuss the reasons they were banned, once. From another blog. I still think that the admin decision was hasty, all 3 are intelligent people who posted intelligent stuff. It is tragic that intelligence does not exclude the hateful obsession in "our" apostate's case.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Administrator for eliminating any kind of hate or disrespectful remarks against Adam on this fan blog geared towards him and his fans; and thank you for doing it ASAP. You have been very fair always, in doing your very hard job!

For those who want to express negative remarks against Adam; let them do it somewhere else. Free speech is one thing; but, there is a limit. Thank goodness the administrator sets the limits; and not each individual poster, and the administrator is doing an excellent job!

Let the haters and disapproval patrons of Adam's go outside of Adam's fan blog and sputter their grievances! Please let Adam enjoy his happy time of all the wonderful things that are happening to him and his army of devoted fans here and around the world, and the new ones he is gathering each and every day!

Rather some of you are fans or not, hold your selfish need to be heard about your Adam disapproval, or the deeper need to tell this wonderful young man how to live his life!


Anonymous said...

YES! Let's dance to Adam's music!!

Loved, loved, the clip shown; can't wait for the full video!!!

yada said...

It's hard to even begin to describe how incredibly HOT Adam looks (and dances - phew!) in this clip....

Man oh man.... Looks like the vid is smokin'! Can hardly wait for the entire thing....

Looks exciting and like some powerful imagery for the lyrics. Yessss!!

Anonymous said...

Utter trash.