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Adam Lambert's Latest Instagram Photos (5): #GhostTown #EntertainmentTonight #TheOriginalHigh #AdamLambert

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, April 27, 2015

Posted at : Monday, April 27, 2015

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

And for the Instagram "scorned".... 


Anonymous said...

The mv looks good.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gaaahd, the 1st pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ded* :-D

Dee R Gee said...

So much going on today! Official GT video. Official radio add day. Get in shape, Glamberts, to put GT at the top! Love the look of the video. Dancin' Adam is always a good thing. Oh, and he looks very hot.

Anonymous said...

In that VIP package of stuff to buy from Adam hope there is some weed for us to enjoy too. I am sure Adam would like us to enjoy his OH along with him.

Kath said...

Hold all judgements my fellow Glamberts. Just wait....its building and we will soon hear the peoples reactions. Then I get to quite the doubters around me with a Na Na Na Na Na Na. :) (I know, like I'm 12)but I have been waiting a long time.

yada said...

Whewwwwweee! That top pic ..... Very GORGEOUS. Sets off Adam's masculine features in a such an appealing way.

Love the pensive look....... <3<3

yada said...

The second pic could also have been a fantastic pic for the cover of TOH, IMO! Love that pic on so many levels....

Maybe he'll use it for the cover of another single release. It's really eye-catching in the best of ways - awesome!

.... And, I agree guys, a very exciting and wonderful week ahead of us - today, in fact!!!

And, just think.... This is only the beginning this era3 trip. :)))))))

Gabi said...

Let's not forget to "like" Adam's IG pictures. I did just that and even left a comment here and there. IG is new territory for me haha. I really like the dance moves pic with the creepers. Very Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam said the new album wasn't PC.