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Awesome News for the glambert!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Anonymous said...

It is up to 23 now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

25 now and hour to go!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

CT said...

Squeeeeeee! We're actually going to hear it on the radio this time round! I'm soooo happy for Adam :))))))

Anonymous said...

Excellent!! #Excited

yada said...


- Go Adam go.... :))))

Anonymous said...

Negative Nicks & Nellies must be crying in their soup about the very promising HAC & Top 40 radio adds for GT today. I know I know, I should just keep it positive, sometimes I just have to be human too 'though! I wish those who are so cynical well, I really do, and there is indeed a long way to go for GT, and it DOES take TIME, we shouldn't forget that, it could take MONTHS for a single to see decent radio play... but I have to be honest and say that it makes my heart just a little bit MORE glad about the promising radio adds today, when I think of the naysayers' absorption of that news. Sorry, I'll kick those lesser angels off my shoulder and get back to appealing to my better angels now... reclaiming my positivity now and putting it into hopefulness for GT radio play... as that is so powerful in driving the popularity of a song, as Dee R Gee mentioned in an older song. Streaming and all the new ways of music consumption are influential, indeed, no doubt, but radio play is still what brings a song to a very powerful demographic, there is little debate about that imo. Yay radio adds for GT today!

Anonymous said...

Up to 27 now!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*older thread - re above comment

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Top 40 is even better than the AC. Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

"HIP, HIP, HOORAY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

otexbert said...

Up to 30!!!!

otexbert said...

Up to 30!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now it is at 38!!!!!!!!!!! THis is amazing

JAK said...

Anon 2:35 PM....Wait a minute, I hope I'm not being included in the Negative Nellie (a crappy term I believe)
catergory. Please understand that personally not liking a song does not mean I am not rooting for it to be a smash
success. Why would I be "crying in my soup?" I purchased both single and album to come as soon as I was able.

I have explained that GT is not a song I like, is that a crime on this site?
I also don't like The Star Spangled Banner, but I'm pretty happy about living in the USA.
I also don't like tomatoes or strawberries, but I'm okay with other people liking them.

This place is rapidly becoming a 'like it or leave' location, what's fair about that? Bullying Glamberts are just as hateful as the true trolls who wish for and foretell Adams failure.

Let's get it straight that not liking one song, ONE, does not make me and many others the enemy? But it does make us feel unwelcome!

Anonymous said...

JAK, brava!!

You said so much of what I think has happened to this site so much more eloquently than I could. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but, a slightly oversensitive Glambert; has nowhere near the mentality of a troll! The troll hates and despises Adam; tries to promote ugliness towards Adam. An overprotect fan is usually trying to get people to understand that he is perfect! Minor problem that can be corrected with a little self help and help from other fans!

On the other hand; a troll is here to destroy and cause turmoil!
Come on; you have to know the difference!!

Now let's all do the Glambert Air Hug; and go out and support our man, whether we like every record he makes are not. Adam would be the first person to say, and has already said, "there is something on his CD FOR EVERYONE"!!!!

Anonymous said...


I am so glad I came back, which I don't always do, this is 2:35. To be honest, I have no idea what you are talking about? Did you post somewhere here on 24/7 that you didn't care for the song? If you did, I am not even aware of that at all. My participation here ebbs and flows, I have actually been reading quite a bit in the past few days, but I do not recall coming across any post from you where you talked about not liking the song. I have no idea really what you are even referencing @ 3:30pm. Tbh, I feel that your post is more aggressive than mine sorta. But whatever. I was addressing some posts/posters who seem to be almost destining GT to fail. I couldn't possibly extract the posts that I am referring to, they are sprinkled here and there in various threads; they are not particularly subtle, and I would not generally approach or act aggressively towards a comment that was less than obviously cynical or outright troll-ish (even then I don't call out posts often). As I said, I am human too, and, to your own point about people being able to express themselves here, I did just that, and shared my feelings that the radio adds today were made just a little bit more satisfying for me in the face of comments posted here recently by participants who seem to almost want GT to face an extraordinarily uphill battle. I shared my feelings in that regard because I suspected that others who participate here might feel similarly, and might get a private chuckle or smile or "I hear 'ya girl" out of it. I have been reading and participating here a very very long time JAK, I remember when you arrived, and I felt that my comments about briefly appealing to my lesser angels would "land" with some readers here, so I went for it.

Thank you for sharing your concerns, but I assure you that I need no schooling on how to digest the posts here, or assistance in comprehending the banter here. I am always up for a teachable moment however, and I have apologized a few times here for adding a post too quickly in response to somebody else, and I would offer one here, but after re-reading my post, I am comfortable with my 2:35 comments. Now, if I'm being really candid, I don't care for the tone of many of your posts (they are not offensive to me or anything, they are just kind of negative and judgey to me sometimes, but I could be feeling sensitive in those moments, I'll own that) but how you post is none of my business and I just read on. Many of your posts make me laugh as well. Your post at 3:30 however, is, in my opinion, not a fair or correlative response to mine at 2:35 ... but it doesn't matter, no problem... onward we press... to great of a day for Adam Lambert news to wallow in misunderstandings.

Looking forward to ET tonight and psyched about what apparently now is 38 radio adds, so very awesome!

Anonymous said...

@2:35 PM

I want to thank you for your humorous post; I so agree with your "tongue in cheek" assessment! I knew exactly who you were talking about. I know that you were not talking about the named loyal posters that seem to be defended by your words. I know exactly the ones you were speaking of. Those have been trolling around for the last few days predicting gloom and doom! Now; as you say; I guess this will quieten them down for awhile. Maybe they have crawled away for good.

Please continue to express yourself, love your humor; just a sensitive time for some!

Hope everyone will enjoy the ET INTERVIEW THIS EVENING. Our man must be over the moon with excitement; I know darn well that I am!!

Anonymous said...

@4:08, this is 4:19/2:35 here. I like your comment. I was typing mine in when you were posting yours probably and I am just seeing yours now, I like it. Definitely supporting AML is key, I'm off for a bit to see if my market/station was among the radio adds today, so that I can text and tweet them appropriately. :)

Anonymous said...

Really, you were offended too; I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

JAK, I agree, there is a definite feeling of like it or leave.

Any comment that isn't 110% Adam is perfect, I love everything Adam does, is attacked.

I've said before that the bullying of fans who leave a less than glowing comment is out of control.

I have stopped leaving my opinion on many things because I just don't want to deal with the bullies if they deem it not good enough.

Anonymous said...

4:25 PM

Thanks! For the record; I liked yours too!! Off to get things ready for Mr. Lambert's interview, enjoyment time for myself!!

Anonymous said...

@April 28 4:24PM
Well gosh, thanks very much. I really appreciate that. I feel badly that I caused a ruckus, I offer my apologies to anyone reading for that. As I said above, I truly posted my "lesser angels" feelings because I felt that some readers here might get a chuckle and a "I hear 'ya girlfriend" out of it. :). I probably shouldn't have "gone there", but spilled milk and all that. Thanks you very much for your shout out, much appreciated! And yes, over the moon indeed!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

@April 28, 2015 at 4:35 PM

If you agree with JAK, then you also agree with 4:19. js

Anonymous said...

4:50 PM, No, I don't. 4:19 was condescending and rude.

Anonymous said...

Why 5:01, because he/she defended himself/herself with civil words and a thought out, reasonable explanation and response. I'd say JAK was condescending, uninformed, and a bit rude as well. However, we can agree to disagree. Have a good night.

yada said...

Personally, I feel we as a fandom here are in a heightened state of sensitivity for various reasons (ie: ill-intentioned trolls who come here with "drive by shootings" style snipes in their comment; infecting the threads with negative, reactive emotions. Just to name one reason). Also perhaps .... Many of us have been here before. Here, as in: before the release of Adam's album in era2. I believe there is perhaps, residual disappointment; and therefore, a strong desire to prevent that again .... An "I don't want anything to mess this album release up" type of anxiety......

Maybe we might see a bit of heightened sensitivity with eachother (genuine fans' perceived "negative" opinions) as more understandable within some of that context?

I say, let's just believe the best of each other, and the intent of eachothers' posts and keep encouraging each other in all this.

We're in this together! :)

With that shared.... I will also say, that I think maybe it is also getting more difficult to seperate folks here who genuinely mean harm (trolls and naysayers) and not.... And, so... I think some reactions are a build-up due to the snipey "drive by shoots" troll input; which make us more on edge at times to what seems like anything more negative, perhaps.... ??

How about we all take a big collective breath.... Refuse to allow people to encourage us to turn on eachother, and re-focus on unifying behind this amazing artist we appreciate and enjoy?

No worries necessary.... Adam is poised for success - whether Ghost Town is a smash hit or not - he has MANY more years of success ahead and he is making major headway with a solid label backing him. This is a new era .... A new time. And it's very bright!

~ Love and peace to all you guys!!

It's an exciting day!! :D

Anonymous said...

@4/28, 5:01

From the 4:19 post to JAK: "...As I said, I am human too, and, to your own point about people being able to express themselves here, I did just that, and shared my feelings that... "

Which was the basic principle of JAK's point in my perception and estimation.

Anonymous said...

4:19 didn't need to point out that they don't care for the tone of JAK's posts, etc. Then they went on to say whatever, no problem. That whole part was unnecessary to explain what they intended to say. Very passive aggressive in my opinion, but that is fairly common here.

Anonymous said...

4:19 PM was an OTT tl;dr response.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so 2:35 was fair game for JAK, but JAK was off limits for a response? JAK's 3:30 post to 2:35 was very aggressive, and to use your word, totally "unnecessary", and off the mark wildly it appears as well. There's some passive aggressiveness here alright, but we can agree to disagree as to where it's displayed.

Anonymous said...

How funny @5:51, OTT is EXACTLY the term I was going to use for JAK's 3:30 post.

yada said...

Umm, yoohoo! :)

..... How about we chill a bit, move forward, and focus on Adam, and his big day, please? :)))

Anonymous said...

Somebody is upset that they have been called out and they are making multiple comments.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, Sorry yada, kind diplomatic yada :), but I just have to throw this in the pot. What bothers me about this defense of JAK (by someone other than JAK, and which is not being done well in my little old humble opinion, and probably should be left up to JAK) is that JAK herself posted "...Honey, you need a nap" to a poster in a recent thread. The Headline Planet something or other thread older than this thread. A person (I am thinking a woman) posted a comment that seemed very heartfelt to me. This person began their post with something like "I am just going to give my feelings at this moment...". She was up front about just sharing her own personal feelings at that moment. To me, it seemed a pretty genuine post, certainly not troll-ish anyway. Maybe it went a little off the rails with the passion, but it was just that, passionate. JAK went against what she is purporting here in this thread, and did not honor that person's post, did not allow room for that person to express her opinion without unkind blowback, in that thread. Actually, the "...Honey you need a nap..." comment was kind of mean if you ask me. Anyway, most of us slip up and don't practice what we preach now and then when commenting here probably, myself absolutely included, no biggie, and I can't speak for JAK but I bet she would agree, maybe. My issue is not even about JAK at this point, lol, and I like JAK, it’s about people being so defensive that they don’t even open their own eyes and minds, and it’s about a physician heal thyself sort of thing. This is just my opinion. So, while I do love what sweet yada has had to say here, I also feel that folks have to, as some people say nowadays, own their own sh*t. Someone is trying to defend JAK and in doing so not opening their OWN EYES to other people’s valid points here. Well, anyway, much newer threads happening now.

Anonymous said...

OMG, just stop it.

JAK said...

Well it's nice to hear someone thinks I deserve defending, thanks. :-)

However, I will offer an apology to 2:35. I got too heated
and should not have addressed myself to you. It was that "Negative Nicks and Nellies"....I see that used against so many commentators who don't 'toe the line and like everything Adam says, does and sings.'

@ 2:35....though it appears you did not know I had explained why I didn't care for this new song....since I did state my opinion, several pointed comments have followed me thru a few threads.
It is difficult sometimes to 'talk' with someone with no tag, those who use tags often disagree, but we kind of know there is no ill will intended because we are familiar to each other.

So, again, sorry for snapping at you....when actually I was snapping at several 'unknowns.'

Anonymous said...

"I see that used against so many commentators who don't 'toe the line and like everything Adam says, does and sings.'"

Sadly this quote from JAK is too true. I have sometimes kept my thoughts to myself so I didn't upset certain people.

I hope the Admins will address this issue when they create the list of what can be deleted. Hopefully bullying other obvious fans who just have a different opinion than the "approved" opinion will be subject to deletion as much as the trolls.

Anonymous said...

This is Adams time! He worked hard on this album to be successful and to please his fans new old and to come. I absolutely love this song. As long as people are respectful they have every right to their opinion. Unfortunately the respectful does not happen often. I think there is a huge difference between a troll and a fan respectful opinion.
The great things happening for Adam now it's his time. I don not think our opinions should over ride Adams single soon the album.
No one in the world will like everything Adam or any one else does. However I think the young people are really going to get this song and video and be rocking to it in clubs around the world. That's a big demographics that will help this songs success.
I have to say yada is such a kind hearted sweet person and I really love her posts.

All this troll crap we unnecessarily insure here about Adams career is just that crap.
Adam had many sucresses such as a hugely successful and on going Queen concerts. Yes it's Queen and they are one of a kind amaizing but I think Adam had just a bit to do with how successful the concerts were and still are. It is an amaizing collaboration of talent.

Every career has ups and downs big sucresses and disappointments . I think it's time to get over what happened with Adams las very good album. Look to the future Adams in the best hands he's ever been in both label and producer wise.

Maybe we should just put aside how
Important we think our opinions are and give Adam the love and support he deserves.

Adam and his concerts and music have been an escape for me especially the last two years of hell I gone through with my health. His wonderful talent and and personality has help me a lot. I think he's helped people in ways he will never know. People can do what they want I going to support this crazily fantastic single and what looks to be a wundercut album in every way I can. Not because I think I owe him anything but because I believe in him and really like the single.

We have not heard the album yet I believe there will be something for all
Music lovers there.
I was really down and exhausted tonight been at the Drs. All day . After hearing just few bars of Adams song on TV I felt so
Much better.

This post in no way is criticizing any body I just think Adams music moe important than proving points.
It may not be every body's cup of tea but I would brew this all day ( play it) you don't have to agree with me the important thing is backing Adam. The great reviews and good opinions of this song far, far out way the bad.
So happy about the add ins today top 40 so happy for him. Correction from above not everyone in the world is going to
Like everything people do.
More mistakes I think you can make it out very hard day tired. I just said my peace and I am not criticizing any one. Most people here seem to really love this man Adam. I just think sometimes we need to put aside how important our opinions are and support the ones we love. No he's not family but he very important to me in many ways. Sue

JAK said...

By the way I don't think my comment "Honey, you need a nap" was off target. The expressing of her opinion was fine if it hadn't ended with a comment about....forces holding Adam back and then an ominous sounding "remember Judas!"

"Judas" wasn't over the top?

daydreamin said...

When I left work today and got into my car, what comes on my radio station? None other than Ghost Town!! Caught it at the very beginning too!! Woo hoo!!!!! What a wonderful surprise! So happy for Adam and our Glamily!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK, you did nothing wrong. There is just a bully lurking around again. Somebody who thinks it's okay to bully people for making a comment about another comment. Rather ironic.

The comment about forces and Judas was more than OTT in my opinion. It was plain crazy.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you all the way, JAK. This thread called "Awesome News for the glambert!!" has turned into a bullying thread instead of being a joyous one about Adam's success. Going on and on about trolls is almost as bad as the trolls themselves. JAK, you are a fantastic fan of Adam's and I always love reading your posts. Whether you (or anyone else) does or doesn't like a song of Adam's (or anyone else's song) is your decision and you shouldn't be bullyed into liking it or shutting up. Looking forward to your future posts.

Anonymous said...

JAK, if it's any comfort, I'm not a fan of Ghost Town either but I'm a fan of Adam and love nearly all of his other songs.

Anonymous said...

I see no bullying on this thread whatsoever.

Anywhoooo, I liked your comment Sue!! Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

@1:12, I say this with a kind heart, truly I do, but you do see the irony in your OWN post, right? Calling someone else's comment Just Plain Crazy is rather hurtful don't you think? About one step away from bullying wouldn't you say? Maybe that person is religious and uses religious references and imagery a lot on their conversations? I may personally think a religious reference is a little severe, sure, but if it helped her/him convey their feelings, I am not going to call it crazy, but that's just me. Simply adding an In My Opinion doesn't take the sting away from calling it crazy, you get that, right? I could picture our lovely Sue or Lam-my or Jean Renard maybe using a similar type reference or imagery, would you call them crazy? Well, to each his own.

@3:15, with only sincerity in my heart, I ask, you do realize that absolutely nobody asked JAK to like GT in this thread or asked her to shut up, right? Also, although I enjoy JAK and she often makes me howl out loud happily, it is she who took this thread away from its intended feeling imho. Well @3:15, I do agree with you on something, I too look forward to JAK's future posts. She makes me laugh most times :).

Anonymous said...

Power to you, fellow Glambert. You've said what others are too frightened to say for fear of being bullied.

Anonymous said...

@2:35 @4:19 @4:25 @4:36 @6:58 @8:08

I heart the posts mentioned above, thank you from one who has been here a looooong time.
Looking forward to your future posts!

At the risk of contradicting myself (seems to be the new "IT" here, tsk tsk!) thinking my pov's matter... I really really LOVE what @Sue said in the 4th paragraph of her post @8:59 - look it up, ya'll!

(doubt anyone comes this far back anymore, late for the party... but just in case... this is my first and only post in this thread)

Anonymous said...

@April 30, 2015 at 1:29 AM

I also adore Sue's 4th paragraph! I was going to jump in and mention it too, but thought the thread would be totally dead. Late to the party or not, thanks for mentioning 4th paragraph, you clearly read comments closely and with an open mind and heart.