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4Music: "Question" Game With Adam!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Friday, May 15, 2015

Posted at : Friday, May 15, 2015

On May 4th, Admin Fan posted Adam's Interview with UK music site 4Music.  A few days later (which we missed until just now), 4Music put up a new vid of the host playing a Q&A game with Adam called "Question," which we present to you now...


Lam-My said...

Ahh I can recognise this guy...he is the 'Crooning Colossus' originator lol!
Where is the love...To me it's one's heart, mind and soul. See, that kind of love is the real love. When I was young, I also thought like Adam...that one must be in love to feel love or only sexual love or love with a close person is deemed love. Well, that probably is the most tangible and intensifying I've experienced too.
Now, I feel, love is everywhere...the total giving of oneself to others and that kind of love comes really close to the partnership of two persons in love...which still ranks the highest I guess, because two persons understanding and feeling each other in great depth and dependence, is rare! even among so called couples; rare but exists.
Now, regarding love after life...This calls to mind Singapore's beloved iconic Lee Kuan Yew's Will. He willed to his children, that some of his ashes be mixed with Mama's, his 60-year-long beloved wife, a genius just like him. RIP Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo...Hope you both find love in heaven or wherever your souls reside.

choons said...

OMG his Cher impersonation!!! I just fell over. He's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I expected the interviewer to ask him, "WHATAYA WANT FROM ME?"

Dee R Gee said...

This is a very cute little interview. And the Cher
is hilarious!
OT, had on my calendar that Adam was going to be on NZ's XFactor tomorrow. Obviously, that's not true. But is he still going to be on it at some point? Guess it was just a rumor to begin with. I'm so greedy when it comes to seeing Adam.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's laugh. He's so great during interviews even with silly, outrageous questions. I felt a little sad when Adam talked about love, where is it,etc. He seems like such a great guy and when he finally finds the ONE, we will all know about it I'm sure. In the meantime, he has a new album to promote and then back to working with Queen for the So. American tour. Not much time for a serious relationship right now with all the traveling he has to do. He's lucky to have a great family and friends who keep him grounded and share special times.

Anonymous said...

@6:14 AM
Don't be sad. Adam seems to be very happy. He loves the freedom and flirting :) When Adam next time falls in love, I really hope he doesn't tell anything about it. Publicity is easier when you keep your private things private.

Anonymous said...

I agree, he has looked happy from day one after the break-up and started to date a new guy almost the same day, when the break-up was announced, introduced his new bf candidate to his family and friends, I wish he would stop bashing his ex's

Anonymous said...

Set your DVR for Monday Watch What Happens live. Adam will be on!!;

Anonymous said...

@8:17 AM
I still wonder how Bridget won Sauli. But it was Adam's choice. Feelings can't be controlled. Unfortunately, the relationship didn't last.

Lam-My said...

Oh by the way, Lee Kuan Yew made his poignant request on a written note, not his will (reference above).

Anonymous said...

@8:59 Where did you hear that? Are you sure? Adam is so great with Andy Cohen.

Lam-My said...

And Lee Kuan Yew and Margaret Thatcher always saw eye to eye as leaders and as pals. Well well...Iron Lady meets Iron Man lwl! Sounds like an exciting movie with a slight political slant but a huge amount of love. lwl!