Skinpress Demo Rss 5 reasons we love Adam Lambert!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, May 20, 2015

With the groundbreaking television talent show “American Idol” announcing the end of its run after its fifteenth season comes to a close, it's only appropriate to celebrate all of the wonderful artists it discovered. One of those is fan favorite and Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert who brought a vitality to the enterprise when it was struggling to innovate. Fearless and flamboyant, with a tremendous voice to match and an attitude no one could top, Adam Lambert was one-of-a-kind – and still is. Here are just a few reasons to love the truly unique soul that is Adam Lambert.

1. He Always Looks Amazing
2. He’s Revived Not One, But Two Famous TV Shows
3. He Doesn’t Let His Haters Get the Best Of Him
4. He’s Got A Good Sense of Humor
5. That Voice!  

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