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Interview VIDEO: Susan From KYXY Radio In San Diego Chats With Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, May 7, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, May 07, 2015

Susan D. of KYXY Radio in San Diego Interviewed Adam Lambert on May 5th, 2015

Watch: His Early Childhood, Life Before Idol & New Look: 

The interview video can be seen by going to the KYXY website: 


    PHOTO of Susan D. and Adam Lambert: Screen cap from KYXY Radio San Diego


Anonymous said...

It's on YouTube

glitzylady said...

Yes, it is... but it would be good to go to the KYXY website to view.. to give it the hits and show interest..Please do that even if you view the one uploaded to You Tube...

Anonymous said...

Once again, I just love how natural and honest Adam is in these interviews. What's not to love about this charismatic man? Am sure hoping for a tour - let's all get out there and buy his album so we can have another tour with just ADAM alone! ... even tho I loved him with Queen, of course. Saw him at the Forum and it was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous interview! The interviewer was soooo good and Adam was soooo fine .... LOVED it!!

Dee R Gee said...

Kimmel, where are you? Fallon, where are you? Cordon(name might be wrong), where are you? SNL, where are you? Stephen Colbert, please get on board when you take over for Letterman. Adam is a talk show host's dream. Chatty, funny, full of stories. Witty and smart. MILES above lots of other guests on these shows. I hope his celeb cred keeps rising so we might see him on TV being his amazing self. Hope movie peeps notice him, too. A hit song can really have an impact and open new doors. He's still a gem just waiting to be discovered.

Lynn said...

Dee R Gee I agree with the fact that other than " Ellen ", there have been no other TV appearances. I wish something would happen soon. I always wondered why he has never been on SNL? He would be perfect as host for that show.