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Adam Lambert Radio @RIXFM (Sweden) Interview (Audio) With Laila and Marko #rixmorronzoo

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Fun and hilarious (and very revealing!) interview with Adam Lambert on RIX FM (Sweden) 6-2-15 with Laila & Marko

(Audio only) 13+ minutes


Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I am asking very politely, will you please tell me why you deleted my comment about opera singers? I do not understand how it violated any rules. Please explain. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

@6:04, I visit this blog semi-regularly, so I am not, by a long shot, up with the contents of each thread, certainly not the comments sections of each thread, but regarding your request, you should know how heavily moderated another popular Adam Fansite is! It is a blog owner's right to moderate their sites. The other popular site to which I am referring does not allow any, how shall I say it, "pissy-ness" towards its participants. It allows a lot of discourse about Adam which I would categorize negative (shave don't shave, tattoo don't tattoo, ripped pants no ripped pants, keep hair color change hair color, etc) and that is why I don't sign up at this site and participate there, I don't much care for the non-career topics there much, but I will say that they generally have a very supportive atmosphere there for the commenters to participate in with each other. No level of snotty or abrasive tone is allowed to happen between the participants; it is strictly moderated I would say, imho, and the atmosphere there, I think they call it their "playground", or "Sandbox", or something like that, is a friendly one. They disagree, and tbh I find them a bit clique-y, but they do so without the sort of snark that I find in your comments (or what I believe to be your comments, you don't use a tag, and neither do I, no problem with that, I am just saying that your being the author of certain comments seems easily detectable to me most time, 'though I can't be sure, of course), and anyway, I am just saying that no level of snark at all is allowed at this other site, so how this 24/7 site is moderated is hardly unique. I do see your point about a set of rules being constructed and published, I think that is in place at the other site, but gee, these admins are busy people, I cut them some slack, appreciate what they do publish for us... and general Google Adam when I don't feel like lurking here (that is your right as well 6:04am). I don't have time to go back and proofread this comment, I hope it makes sense, and you understand what I am getting at with you. have a pleasant, constructive, productive day fellow 24/7 site user.

Anonymous said...


Anon. 6:04AM's question is directed at glitzylady. Let her answer it.

Anonymous said...

6:29 AM, what was that rambling about? How do you even know what this is about, especially since you say you are semi regular? I agree, let glitzy answer the question since she obviously knows the answer.

Rosepetal said...

Sometimes I worry about my state of mind where our Adam is concerned....I spent several minutes looking at the pic of the top of head.... And thinking what a nice picture...then I shook myself back to reality and reminded myself it's just the top of his head...I'm a gonner:)

Anonymous said...

6:04 AM, you are delusional if you think you are getting an answer. If glitzylady doesn't like your opinion you will be deleted. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

If you don't comprehend the ideas offered up by 6:29, I submit respectfully that you're just as stubborn and lacking self awareness as 6:04. Or maybe you both are 6:04?

@Rose Petal, I getcha' girl ;)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Good for Adam!

Anonymous said...

I don 't get why he has to tell with whom (no, he did not tell names; don't take this literally) or with how many guys he sleeps in different countries. He is like a sailor; has guys to spend nights in every country.

I don't want to hear such things. But you never know how the interview goes and what is the emphasis.

Anonymous said...

@t 7:11 AM you're only kidding yourself when you comment as if you are different people. You are so transparent you might as well give your real name each time. Give it up! and act like you actually support Adam and have his back.

Anonymous said...

@7:53 AM When you hear those questions, cover your ears and go NANANANAANAANNAANANNANANA! til you think Adam is done answering.

Anonymous said...

Exactly @8:33, well said

Anonymous said...

@8:35 AM
Maybe it's easier to stop listening to his interviews. But thanks, I'll think about it.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sauli runs far away from Finland on Saturday when Adam arrives. But I'm afraid he will run to this "friend" if he just snaps his fingers. Crazy...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

If he were a woman, people would say that he is a wh...
Hundreds sexual partners are an achievement for men, not a shame.

Anonymous said...

9:13 I agree with you ... fucked in the head ... I do not want to Lambert came in Finland ...

Anonymous said...

@9:13, @9:42
I agree. Adam is not a good thing to Sauli anymore.

The Dark Side said...

I thought GL comment very good and don't understand it being removed. Interviewers seem obsessed with Adams love life--probably because everyone wants to be in love with him. It must be difficult to keep answering same questions. Personally I believe Adam and Sauli still close but keep it private IMHO

Anonymous said...

@9:42 AM But he is a brilliant singer and entertainer, so his sex life does not matter. It really seems to be vivid.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be allowed to keep his sexual life personal that is his business,I was in a public eye for years people made it there business who i dated I am still hearing about people I was suppose to have dated.So crazy if it did not happen they will think & say it anyway I would have had to be 2 people at least to have done all was acused of.

Anonymous said...

9:42 AM To have hundreds sexual partners is not an achievement, I think it's only a need for recognition. So pathetic, especially for a 33 yrs man... Also I hope Sauli will stay far away from Adam, cause he deserves something much better.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 AM
Why doesn't he shut up himself? He could politely say that he does not want to talk about his sex life publicly b/c it's only his business. Instead he says that he has had sex with Swedish guys, with a woman, with a few closeted Hollywood-stars etc. He should keep his mouth shut when ever asked about it. But no.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear Adam say he's been with 100's of menand I agree he gives too much information but he is the first to admit he is too honest. And who knows Sauli so intimately that they know what his sex life is like after Adam. I think you are assuming too much. Just because Sauli doesn't talk doesn't mean he 's not doing the same as Adam.

Anonymous said...

In fact, if I remember correctly, Adam said years ago that he's been with 100's. Sorry, if I'm wrong. Adam loves sex and freedom. Sex is a very important thing to him and he is an open book.

Sauli doesn't talk his sex life and it says a lot about him.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to feel that Adam isn't good for Sauli anymore... He is using Sauli just for a good f.... He is safe and trustforthy.. Snaps his fingers and Sauli is there. I don't like that Adam talks so much about his love life... if being asked, he could easily say sorry, it's private. He was asked about Sauli in London last january, then he said he wants the focus to be on music. Well, no it is def not there. Hope he's happy now.
Hoping too Sauli would run as far as possible. This relationship isn't fare and equal.

Anonymous said...

No it's much more than 100. Homos live different way, they don't mind so much any family things as heteros.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately adam is 33 years old childish man, but must say he is a very good Singer. sauli has really a good style

Anne Marie said...

Adam said he had sex with swedes and also during that same time Sauli visited him for a few days. Wonder if he was aware that Adam has sex anywhere it is available.
I was a bit shocked at the question, but even more shocked at the answer. He , in his answers let us know that it was not Sauli who stomped on his heart, but someone else. A lot of people have assumed it was Sauli, and quite a few remarks have been made about it. I seriously don't think Adam has ever fallen in love, he falls in lust. He is very immature, as he has just proven by telling all the things he could and should have kept his mouth shut about. I agree Sauli should run for the hills, Adam is not good for him, and will always cheat in any relationship that they might have had. Sauli may not be pure either, but at least he knows when to shut up.

Anonymous said...

Funny Adam was so open about his sex life, but wanted to be coy about smoking funny cigarettes, when that is something that has been in the open for some time, that he has. Also said he likes them.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me that in previous interviews Adam said he had no social life in Sweden. He did a lot of soul searching and most of all... his focus wad all in music, went to studio almost every day. I was happy to hear his friend Sauli came to visit him. Thought it was nice he had friendly face to cheer him up after all that hard work.
And now all of sudden, gay bars and sex w swedes and says " c'mon what was I supposed to be doing"

c'mon Adam, we didn't need to know that... All we need to know u did amazing music during those 2

months. I hope Sauli doesn't find about this.... It was nice of him to come to Sweden. But would he have come if he knew Adam was sleeping around. I wouldn't...

Anonymous said...

I know some people thinks that he walks on water, and always makes excuses for any bad behavior , but now we know a little bit more about him, and one thing is that in the past he has not always told the truth. Swedes are known for a lot of drinking, and I wonder if Adam had had a few before this interview. He usually really loosens up when he has been drinking, even during his concerts, it has been very noticeable, in his solo tours and with Queen. He possibly could regret all of his answers he made on this show. Unless he thinks it is a normal way of living for a single dude. When he was in Sweden for the 2 months, he did say that no one works on the weekends, so apparently he went out a lot then. But it seems that for the most part, Sweden was just another work, vacation.

Rosepetal said...

I not here much anymore so this won't be a big lose .. .not that it would be anyway but I just signed on to goodbye to all those I have come to care for's become clear that I have a different view of life in general as well as Adam's freedom to live he's as he pleases....I'm not saying anyone here is wrong or doesn't have the right to feel as they do... It just seems more of an Adam bashing site to me anymore and I need a break....peace to all... and JAK N CASE U DONT KNOW I TRULY LOVE THE PERSON U R ...take care... rosepetal

Anonymous said...

I don't think any info In this interview showing who is Adam in actual life.This interview is mean to spice things up.He likes to stir up the convo becouse this is what fan want to hear.He is living life like a rock star.Evan his fan should not judge his sex life base on any interview.You not his close friend or his family to know him better.Regarding intimate with swedes not necessarily about sex.It could be anything.He likes to socialized with people coz this is his life since before he popular.I guess sauli become popular when he was Adam partner.otherwise nobody know who sauli is except people in Finland.for sauli hardcore plse remember Adam visiting Finland is to promote his music and not to get in bed with his ex.

Anonymous said...

Of these fanny cigarets you get prison in Sweden.

Rosepetal said...

Opps....should be loss

Anonymous said...

I also think think Adam had a better style about answering the private life questions before.
He just used to tell the interviewers to just focus on his music. The style of interview this time may have also surprised Adam a bit. This game like Q&A seems to be a brilliant way to get celebs admit something they might not have said otherwise.
Sauli gets asked about his private life all the time in interviews but he seems to be persistent w keeping his private life his own. I also think Sauli is dealing stuff like this w his HUMOR. I hope Adam and Sauli can meet each other and laugh about this "trap" int adam got into and cheer each other forward again as the goofy soulmates they really are w each other IMO.;)

Anonymous said...


The start of your comment was good and something to agree on but the last two lines just wrong guesses.
I think intimate means sex. Period. I'm not that interested abt details. Otherwise a fun interview.

Anonymous said...

I read the comments before listening to the interview and while parts were cringe-worthy, Adam has a habit of saying things during interviews not particularly mature or nice. Yes, Adam can sound immature/childish about sexual topics, which could be answered in a better manner, if at all. The focus should be about his music, and he could simply refuse to answer intrusive questions, but that's not Adam. No his intimacy with Swedes was not complimentary to Sauli, but perhaps Sauli knows Adam a bit better than we do, and knows exactly what Adam does, as far as sexual relations are concerned. At this point, it seems merciful that they broke up and can remain friends on some level. Adam over time, more and more proves the point that Sauli is more mature than Adam is, in refusing to discuss his personal life and treating others in a dignified manner. The emphasis on Adam's sexuality is simply unpalatable and crass and I hope at some point, Adam stops feeding into it. It's distasteful and shows a lack of respect towards himself and those he's been involved with. Perhaps one day Adam will wake up and look back at these interviews and be appalled at his own lack of self-censorship. A decent relationship and monogamy seem a long way off for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone saying Sauli should run he is an adult and has done very well for himself because of the publicity of being Adams boyfriend. He has admitted that he owes Adam a lot so I think they will always be friends. What they do behind closed doors is their business.
Some of these comments are not fromAdam fans and they sound childish and bitchy to say the least. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

I agree that in these interviews the focus should be on Adam's music and the new album. Questions about sex and similar related topics are crass, crude and shouldn't even be asked. We don't need to know intimate details about Adam's preferences and relationships. If he wants to achieve the success and recognition he so desires for his music and now this new album, let's concentrate on that. When other performers come on to shows to promote their music, are they asked these ridiculous, crude questions in front of an audience. Maybe for Gene Simmons, but it shouldn't be for Adam Lambert. He looks great, sounds terrific from what we have heard of the new album so let's not turn interviews into distasteful, crude forays into Adam's private life and maybe he should also be more careful in how he answers some of these questions or just saying nothing at all. Let's focus on the music!

Anonymous said...

Annemarie, agree with you completely, but I think Sauli knows Adam well. Maybe he doesn't care about Adam's "achievements" as they both are singles. And soon after that Stockholm weekend Sauli went on the DOI cruise with that very handsome Finnish man (Ville).

I think Sauli is very smart and he doesn't just speak about his private life and "achievements"...

Anonymous said...

or here's a thought... stop commenting about all this mercilessly on an open forum, a fansite on the open WWW... I don't mean to be unkind, but you guys rehashing it all comment after comment doesn't minimize it either!!!! Just my POV. I can just foresee now the response I will get to my comment, but even if I get a "well then Adam shouldn't have put it out there" blah blah blah... fans on an OPEN forum can still choose not to comment and dissect it comment after comment.

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM Oh please grow up yourself, you're fangirling without brain...

Anonymous said...

Adam surfs the net continuously, I hope he get's the fans reaction to this interview. He might be surprised, fans like to know things in Adam's life, but not everything, that should not be shared. Sauli must be aware of Adam's lifestyle, and might not care. There is no way they can ever be in a relationship. So might be when they meet up or go on a vacation together, they both know that is all there is just friends with benefits, no future plans or anything like that. I would like to point out that Sauli was a celebrity in Finland before he met Adam, and was highly thought of and got jobs, by himself, Adam did not get him any work. It only helped because the Finns also love Adam, and for Sauli to be in a relationship with him, seemed like a fairytale. The newspapers referred to it that way.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, when Adam gives interviews such as these, it appears as if he is trying to sensationalize his personal life and those private interactions. Maybe he thinks it will drum up even more publicity for the cd. Could be Adam's just tired and exhausted with all the traveling associated with this promo. TBH this promo could seem to be better planned and not as hectic, it's got to be hard on Adam. Wish it could be just about the music and let some things be private.

Anonymous said...

I read the comments first, silly me... Should have listened to the interview first!

What a lot of NONSENSE - there was nothing in that interview to get so upset about as so many here are. Are you people for real?!??? You really think Adam should be celibate? No matter where he is, he is a grown up healthy single man, sexually active and dangerously gorgeous, why would he not get intimate, if suitable guys are available??? I find it so funny that people here, mostly women of mature age, expect Adam to live like they do, love like they do and that he should be "saving himself" for the one and only... Lmao.

These kind of interviews (the guy mostly talking must be over 40!) are so awful and immature (imo), but it is like this nowadays. Can't understand who wants to listen these programs, even Adam sounded, well not his articulate and interesting self... But what could he do but play along...

The last part, the Yes/No questions, they were mostly stupid and tasteless. Not worth getting upset about. Their bad. Just let it go.

These "upset people" for Sauli, mayhem makers, they are not real Sauli fans. And there was nothing in the interview for real Sauli or real Adam fans to get this upset about. NOTHING! If anything that interview showed poor taste by the organizers...

Lighten up, folks!

Anonymous said...

So all these negative comments about Adam and yet nobody is being called a troll.

Anonymous said...

5:51 PM I was with you until you pointed a finger at "women of mature age". Like you should have listened to the interview first, you need to get the know the people you're assigning that none sense about what others expect of Adam. I'm 72 and find you to be ignorant. I've never assumed how anyone of any legal age should conduct their sexual life as long as it's consensual.

Anne Marie said...

I think you missed most of the point, the comments on here about the interview was that fans did not want to know about Adam's sexual prowess, it was thought that he should have evaded the questions, that pertained to his private life. I would guess that everybody does not want nor believe that Adam is or should be celibate.
It's a subject best left unsaid or talked about. I also resent that the people who apposed to this interview had to be women over 40. Trust me most women over 40 have a healthy sexual life too.

Anne Marie said...

ha ha, I see we have the exact same thoughts on this. :)

Anonymous said...

That interview really took the shine off Adam for me. I don't want to know that much about his sex life. But I was listening to the interview live this AM and you can't unhear things.

Anne Marie said...

This is what happens when fans put Adam way up high on a pedestal, I have commented on this before. I knew it would happen and no one can live on a pedestal that high.
Adam is like most single dudes, sex is just a way of life, it's not that big of a deal. These days it's just part of a date, sad but true. This why he so casually talks about it, he probably figures all young dudes live this way.
His answer about the guys who cut him cold after a few dates surprised me. They must have thought they might be getting into a relationship, and that is the last thing Adam wants. JMO. I feel if there is time, Sauli will meet with him, since they are friends, Adam might make time, he has to have nights available at least for a couple of days. JMO

Dee R Gee said...

I think the interviewers are the types who probably ask silly, sexual, provocative questions all the time and want sensationalistic answers. They got it from Adam, but I think most of what he said to those types of questions was just BS. He was playing along, IMO. I sure wouldn't stop being a fan over it.

JAK said...

@ RosePetal....I understand the stepping back for awhile, I do that myself. When I find more anger or disappointment I shake it off with a "who needs this." Life has enough strife....I go seek out my happy place. My thoughts are always with you and I do think of you as my cyber daughter, I tuck you right in with my Amy and Beth. <3

krismidas said...

I really can't believe most of the posts on this thread. I saw the comments before I heard the interview and was expecting something really shocking. The interview was playful and fun. I thought the questions about pooping with the door open and trimming public hair were in questionable taste, but nothing here was a big deal.

So Adam answered "yes" to being "intimate" with a Swede -- so what? Intimate could mean he made out with somebody. And even if it was more than that, it's none of our fucking business. Do you really expect a handsome, charming, successful, single man to live like a monk?

The morality police here are very annoying. If YOU choose to live a celibate life, or save yourself for marriage, that's your business. Just please refrain from inflicting judgemental, holier-than-thou attitudes on the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

@Rose Petal, I always pay particular attention to your posts and am saddened that you feel the need to say goodbye. This site needs more people like yourself to balance things out!!! Please reconsider.


Anonymous said...

Dee R Gee, but we can't have both the "Adam is a truthful open book" and "Adam was just bs'ing them." How do you pick and chose which one he is? Whichever one fits what you want to believe?

Why would Adam say it was two months, if course I had sex if it wasn't true? And why can't he go two months without sex? Why not laugh off the question rather than answer?

Anonymous said...

Oh there is a troll or two on here. Same old so called Sauli fans. Doubt he wants them for fans at all.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't need all that detailed info about Adam's personal life. What kind of interview was that? I'm not a holier than thou prude, I just do not want to know about anyone's pubes or intimate life.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Not gonna stop being a fan ... NEVER ... just b/cuz of some stupid interview that was designed to sensationalize ADAM's sex life ... not his musical career!! I really wish these interviewers would stop asking these types of questions & stick to the real reason ADAM is there ... TO PROMOTE HIS ALBUM ... and stop putting him on the spot with all these inane questions!! ADAM is 'way' too polite ... IMO.
@RosePetal ... don't stop coming here to 24/7 ... I considered doing the same thing but then I decided 'why should I'?? I like this site ... just not some of the comments or commenters so I just scroll by the BS & IGNORE the ignorance!! Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Agree wholeheartedly with with 5:51 and krismidas!!!
Oh brother

krismidas said...

Anne Marie, I find myself curious about your background. You comment on this site frequently and seem to be a fan. You also seem to be quite conservative in your viewpoints. I'm just wondering why you follow Adam so closely when so many things about him seem to offend you.

I'm asking out of genuine curiosity. I've wondered if you are from the United States or elsewhere. Perhaps from a culture different than my own. I mean no disrespect, I would just like to understand you better.

Anonymous said...

Me too krismidas

Anonymous said...

We know Adam is not celibate, and don't expect him to be, we just don't want to hear about it. I think the Scandinavian countries, are very casual about sex. It's not a commitment to anyone if you have sex with them, it's just another experience.
It means less than nothing to Adam, he certainly doesn't want anything serious right now, but on the other hand he doesn't intend to be celibate either. He is spreading happiness all over the world, at least to the young guys.

Anonymous said...

U know his mind do you?

So ridic

Anne Marie said...

All I have commented on today, is that I don't expect Adam to be celibate, he is a healthy young man, and it is the norm when you date you have sex. Adam is single
but I felt that he didn't need to talk about it in an interview, this is private stuff. I mentioned that Sauli probably lives the same way, but he doesn't talk about, he has the sense to keep his mouth shut, it's not our business. Adam is on a promo for his music, and that is what I expected the interview to be about, not if Adam had pooped in public with the door open. I thought most of the questions were in poor taste, but maybe that is the norm for Sweden. Probably why Adam loves Sweden so much. Do you know me any better now? I am not one of the people who thinks Adam walks on water.

Anonymous said...

Me three Krismiidss. If anyone thinks Sauli not enjoying himself in the same way there living on some planet he can do what he wants as long as he does not talk about it.

He a celeb there but only there and does not have interviewer after interviewer all over the world asking h crap all the time, especially when he is doing promos for his music. Most of the time he does not answer. Sauli part of the time lives Finland so he not going to answer these interviewers in his home town.
I one of the older ones this would never chase me from Adam,

Anne Marie said...

Why did you pick on my comments, when half the other comments from other people all said the same thing as me? Is it because I use my name? I wasn't the only one by far, that thought the interview was tastless/

Dee R Gee said...

krisadam @7:11, I agree totally. Couldn't have said it better. I think, in general, Adam always wants to be a good sport and be kind of naughty now and then. I take some of it with a grain of sale, that's all.

BTW, just scooted around the web a bit and saw that there appears to be dancers working on a GT stage production! Good news. Hope it's true!

Anonymous said...

@7:50 Yes, Sauli is a celeb in Finland but also has had media constantly questioning him about his past relationship with Adam and their current friendship. True, Finland is a smaller country, and Sauli not on the superstar level of Adam naturally, but that being said his celebrity is not diminished by that. There's no need to diminish Sauli's accomplishments by comparing him to Adam. Choosing to maintain personal privacy and respecting oneself and those one has been involved with is a mature attribute, which sadly Adam is lacking. From the first interviews, too many have been about Adam's sexual activity and lifestyle. If as Adam says sexuality needs to be accepted no matter whom one is or their orientation, then the confusion is Adam's feeling the necessity to promote his sexual activity. Personally, it seems more than a few ppl have stated since this promo began, that they have been offended by his over disclosures in interviews and negative speech towards those he's dated or been involved with. Seems so trite and small minded when the goal is to sell music.

sunny said...

you all are criticizing and complaining about and to the wrong person. It should not be Adam. You need to go directly to the people and their bosses who ask these kinds of questions. Adam has no choice but to be answer sociably without offending the people he's asking to promote his work. Any other direction he might take would only cause trouble and continue to bite him long after he leaves that particular radio or tv station.

Anne Marie said...

Well said, couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Adam could have been more evasive, or even lied about his answers. He is not obligated to answer truthfully if the Question is about his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Saying run Sauli run that's not being a one thinks he walks on water that just an excuse for being able to freely criticize Adam then right after the attack go on another post like nothing happened.
This was as usual made into a big deal when it wasn't. Adam was very good to Sauli and he was lucky to have him. Tired of hearing how much better he can do doubtful.
Adam said many times he never had a problem being faithful when he was with Sauli. He single now. None of this was about Sauli and he owes him nothing neither owe each other anything they are single and can do what they please. Maybe if Sauli had to put up with the amount of interviews Adam did he would not be so perfect. They are both good men. Adam is also a very talented and Smart man. Neither is better than the other in the human being department both great there.

Anonymous said...

Adam only said once that he was not tempted when he was on tour, that was right after they started living together. He never mentioned it again, and he was caught cheating, and pictures were sent to Sauli. It was a very good idea to separate, Adam is not and possibly never will be ready to settle down. He has tried it a few times according to what he said in the interview, and it just doesn't work for him. He wants his freedom, and actually Sauli said also that he likes his freedom too. As Adam said the grass is always greener, Adam get's bored quickly, and wants changes not the same old. Sauli might have left Adam sooner, but at the time he didn't really have any place to go. Adam finally contacted a friend who had a place for Sauli to stay for a while. Sauli likes his freedom as much as Adam.

Anonymous said...

7.11 totally agree with you. Lot of hypocrits here. Adam never been one of those.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking to yourself. No one believes that all these are different people agreeing with you. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

7.33 I also feel the way you do. No one thinks Adam walks on water that's nonsense. But I sure thinks some one thinks Sauli does. This so blown out of proportion of what Adam said. It was ridiculous. Everything is not about Sauli at all. Both singke.

Anonymous said...

8.43 total and absolute lies and nomsense. I refuse to argue with a liar like you.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't have to answer any of those questions. He has the control to either have his people approve the questions or to not answer the questions when they are asked. He is smart, he can find a clever answer without giving away the truth. Put the responsibility where it lays, with Adam. It is nobody's fault but Adam's if he answers these questions.

Anonymous said...

7.11 not talking to their self I agreed with this post. Believe lot more people do than even posted they do.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, krismidas is likely that person who is always picking on you.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you also Sunny.

Anonymous said...

So much trolls, pearl clutchers and know-it-alls assuming thing here. Luckily Adam and Sauli know better and have proven them wrong countless times.

Anonymous said...

No one wants to pick on Anne Marie I certainly do not. I am not Kismidas had a very valid point. Of course sounds like some here like to cause more trouble where there isn't any.

Anne Marie said...

Thank you, for noticing that. I am fully aware that it is the person who apparently dislikes what ever I say. Whoever, is trying to fool me by using different names now, but I can see through that, because I recognize the wording and descriptive expressions they use. They seem to get their kicks from this. I will continue to post, as I am a fan of Adam, and love his music. They have no hope of trying to scare me off. Nobody has to agree with my comments, but I have a right to express them, as long as I am polite.

Anonymous said...

Sunny and 9:13 PM, so Adam is obligated to answer any question he is asked? He has no responsibility for what he answers?

Anonymous said...

An adult man admitting having sex is in no way scandalous or offensive to anyone. It's something considered self-evident. lol

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I read here on Adam's supposedly fan site! That's why now I go to Adamtopia, where I can find true intelligent fans. I still check here sometimes in search of Adam news, but this is the last time I read any fan comments on this site. Bye!

Anonymous said...

He can aneser anyway he damn well pleases. if you don't like it don't let the door hit you on the way off this site.
Love Adams new music can't wait for the whole album, so interesting about the dancers maybe for the GMA concert or something else on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

That was answer!

Anonymous said...

9.30 you were not polite at all.

Anonymous said...

As often happens on this blog, topics get turned into threads about Sauli and/or Adam's sex life, not about his music. People seem to LOVE these subjects which are NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.

Anonymous said...

You have lost the tail of this interview. This happend one year ago when Adam was in Sweden and Sauli was there few days and they gave an interview to finnish newspaper HB that thay shall try again the relationship. Now we know after this interview what is the Adams truth, he is coming to Finland end of this week.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be mean but some of you are loosing the tail of reality. They never tried again or said they were. They been friends since they broke up. That's Sauli and Adams truth, your just believing what you want and trying to make Adam the bad guy he is not.
They grew apart like they said no matter how you all try and change the script to make AdM the villan.

I would like to see a translated piece of that article where they said they will try again. I never heard that from Adam and Saulis mouth.
He is a singke man working to promo for his up coming album. Very tiring job again he can aneser the way he pleases who are any of you to pass judgement on any one. Promote the single.

This is his fan site not any one else's Adam Lambert. He abroad for his music nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Wow, some people really can't separate facts from the fiction they create in their own head. Scary. Must be fun to know Adam and Sauli would laugh at you.

Anonymous said...

exactly, I do not think it is Adam's fault, if his ex travels across the continent or wherever, when Adam snaps his fingers, Sauli + others must be very well aware of Adam not having any plans to settle down, just to have fun with whoever he finds attractive ;)

Anonymous said...

100! I WIN!

Anonymous said...

I would like to think Adam is abroad JUST for his music! THAT's the point! That's why all the comments abt Adam's interview NOT focusing on his music. People don't need to love to hear everything abt Adam's sexlife to be a real fan! It doesn't mean I want Adam to be a MONK or I am a holier than thou person cz I focus on his music. Adam is not a child he is in control of his adult life. He can do what ever he pleases, walk on water if capable, but I don't have to
subscribe to that cult to be a fan.

Please try not to pick or assume so much on other posters w all kinds of insinuations of them based on what they think abt Adam's given public interview. Surely in some way Adam is stirring the pot by WANTING to give these peeks on his private life. People are talking abt his tattoos,appearances and his interviews. His music isn't always the focus, but blame it on the fans? I think fans do what is expected nothing more nothing less, so everything is as it should be in Adam-landia! Never a dull day here! :)

Anonymous said...

@2:03 AM
So nice that he finds Sauli still attracrive. Sauli certainly knows Adam. That's why it is odd that he can't let him be. There are lots of attractive guys around the world for both of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree I think there are Attraction VIBES.....between Adam and Sauli still...
I don't blame them haha!:)))

Anonymous said...

To 2:03 AM
Oh yeah, U do know ADAM is coming to Finland
next Saturday... He would not come here to promote if Sauli wasn't here !!! He won't go Norway or Denmark. Sweden yes, but he made the album there
( or half of it). But tiny Finland.... why ? Two flies w same strike, he obviously wants to see Sauli too !!!

And yeah, managed to get him to that stadium mega concert, the biggest that Finland can offer. 30 or 40 thousand viewers, if its full. Some promo huh ...

Anonymous said...

Yes there is going to be a huge audience, summer concerts are a long waited for events and many stars taking part in this MEGA concert indeed! I wish secretly Adam would meet Tuomas Holopainen at the event and get to share some thoughts!:D

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Adam and Sauli are still attracted to each other. The visit of Sauli to Sweden was not the only time they spent time together all last year, every where Adam was on tour with Queen, Sauli went to Sweden when Adam was preparing his album, he went to Amsterdam with Qual, also a week in UK seeing the concerts and visiting Adam, remember the pic of Sauli with Brian and Roger in their private jet. Adam took him on a vacation to Mexico for 5 days, and then to his home for a few days after. It was Feb of this year the last time they were together, before work took Sauli back to Finland. Work is the biggest obstacle.Adam will not talk about Sauli at all. It is easier for Adam to say he is single and not in love, because he doesn't want to stir the pot , and he knows it would. Adam will continue to be busy for the next year or more. Saying all the time that he is single stops a lot of questions, and he is not going to answer them. He is keeping his mouth tight shut about Sauli. Nobody knows the situation between them, it is their private life, they may share it some day, but not ready to do that now. They are both single and are living that way, completely free. Certainly not like monks.

Anonymous said...

It is not out of the question that they might try again, but Sauli would have to travel with Adam on his tours, and give up the career he has in Finland. Not sure he wants to, he is the sort of man who wants to make his own money, which could happen if Adam gave him a proper job, like a fitness trainer. Sauli has been training, himself for the last year, with a personal trainer. With proper credentials, he could legally do that in the US. That would be a proper job, that is close to Sauli's heart, he might wind up doing that in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Yes @3:43am
That part Adam is keeping to himself and I like that A LOT! Also to me a little mystery about Adam's love life, people not really knowing much of it, is better than revealing it. I think tho a real person and an open book, Adam is also very much a dream like and the source of a "thousand" fantasies for his fans too, which is not a bad thing for a SUPER Star.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be in Finland Friday and Saturday, and his next promo wont be for a few days after that, unless something ne is thrown in.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe there is anywhere around 100 different people making comments here. More like the same 10 -15 people repeatedly. (This is only my second comment as I know someone will ask.)

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking the same, working as a personal trainer could very well be, what Sauli would like to do, his own interests are in healthy life, food and excercise, and he is such a good sight for my sore Adam:))).

Anonymous said...


Can you prove any of what you're saying? Hard to believe.

I can't wait for Adam's arrival to Finland and the megaconcert!

Anonymous said...

4:06am I made three comments and my brother two, so not 10-15 from me, hehe! Have a nice day!:)

Anonymous said...

sickness on this site

Anonymous said...

Heard Adam cancelled his time in Finland on the 5th is cancelled, but he will be there on the 6th.

Anonymous said...

Adam has canceĺled his interviews on Friday in Finland because of not being in the country then

Anonymous said...

The interview he cancelled on the 5th, will be held Saturday the 6th in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I think the same one or two people are posting on and on about Sauli because they WANT Adam and Sauli to be together. Go find a life of your own - Adam and Sauli have their own lives and it's as plain as day they are NOT together.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli = fan fiction.

Anonymous said...

On topic

I agree with the posters that said the Swedish interview had stupid questions to begin with and in a way Adam had to go along with the flow. I don't know, how popular their show(q&a) is in Sweden. The name of "morronzoo" sounds like morning zoo? That it surely was. Adam got his promo for his music too I guess. Thumbs up for that.

Anonymous said...

Haha Adam and Sauli don't ask any of us if they can see each other or not, sooo what any of us want doesn't much matter, does it? I hope they have a chance to see each other this short time Adam spends in Finland. Lucky those, who can see him at the concert and I'm excited to know, what he will sing there!:D

Anonymous said...

@7:40 AM
It's already known that he will sing his new single Ghost Town. Nothing more. That's how I have understood. There are so many performers and he has not his musicians. And they don't even say his name when they advertise the concert at tv. He was added so late. Just to promote the album with one song at a charity event. That's it. He will be in Finland only a few hours, maybe till Sunday morning. On Monday he has to be in Berlin. I don't believe he will have time to meet Sauli just to say "hello".

Anonymous said...

@8:16 AM don't present your own assumptions as facts, it's embarrasing

Anonymous said...

Of course Adam and Sauli will meet up, whether we get to hear a out it or not. No doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

@8:47 AM
What assumptions? MTV3 which shows the concert live informed that "Adam Lambert will perform his new single". I think it means he will not perform anything else. I'm glad if he sings more songs but I doubt it.

He cancelled his radio interview on Friday b/ c he is not kn the country on Friday. It will be on Saturday as the concert. You are right I don't know what time on Saturday ge will arrive in Helsinki but b/c ge has to be in Germany in Monday (I don't know if he has there something in the morning or during day). So ofc he has Sunday free but will he spend it in Finland or travel to Germany. I don 't know. But he won't be in Finland many hours IMO.

If he has time to meet Sauli, great. His schedule just seems very busy.

Anonymous said...

8:57AM i really doubt if they will meet. when you heard adams latest interviews i'm not so sure that they will meet at all

Anonymous said...

The cancelled show will meet at Adam's hotel Saturday morning. He has already told them he will not answer any questions about Sauli. Seems odd he could have said they are still friends and left it at that. But he said NO questions about Sauli. Figure out any meaning in that, if any, yourselves.

Anonymous said...

@7:40 AM
Very true. There are clearly some trolls here, but they don't matter in real life.

@8:57 AM
I agree. No doubt they'll meet. They spent quite a lot of time together not so long ago and will be in the same country again. Easy.

Anonymous said...

I just saw some tweets saying he is taking a flight early Sunday morning, one Finnish radio station was offered interview time at 4.30 am ;)

Anonymous said...

That's some serious travelling! But now I know, why there are managers w him, telling which country they are in at every hour:D. I guess Adam is used to sleeping during the flight, I wish him all the best and happy to see him promoting his new music!!

Anonymous said...

If he spends Friday night and Saturday night in Finland, then he will have private time to see anyone he wants to.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he will see Sauli in Finland, except at the concert. It would be too obvious. He might have a few days off next week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Well GT it is then! I wish Adam had more time to relax here in Finland. My heart goes w him that he will be succesful now in everything he does\O/\O/\O/!

Anonymous said...

@9:36 AM
Sauli is still a sensitive issue??? Very odd.
I hope they will not meet next weekend. Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

they are both gone forward in their lives and i'm sure they don't meet each other at least not publicly. let's see if sauli is in concert

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli belongs to the Adam's inner circle of friends. Having followed Sauli for years, I'm happy if they remain as good friends, Sauli is the sweetest and kindest you can have as a friend!:D And he looks smoking hot!:D

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli a lot, but a good friendship with your ex is not healthy. It can only succeed if either of them no longer have any romantic feelings for each other. Adam could answer questions about Sauli if he is just a friend. This is still chokehold situation. Not a good thing, not at all.

(sorry my broken english)

Anonymous said...

there is no evidence that they are good friends, or even friends now. they don't seem to have anything to do with each other anymore

Anonymous said...

12:14 PM
now that's silly. Did their friendship end just like that. 3 months ago they spent 3-4 days in th UK. And all the common history before that. After Uk time, did they say at the airport: so long old pal, we are no
longer friends.
Privacy I say, Privacy....

Anonymous said...

12:35 PM i hope you are right

Anonymous said...

@12:35 PM
Every sane person knows that's not how the real life works, but some people only live in the world of the internet and SoMe.

Anonymous said...

OT (for fun thoughts)
My hubby just looked over my shoulder, when I opened this thread to check the latest here and I told him about Adam's short visit here in Finland and the promo in Sweden and after reading this thread he suddenly asked me, how could any one be so certain about Sauli's actual location all the time!! That how do I know, if Adam and Sauli haven't already met each other in Sweden? I have to admit the thought never crossed my mind,hah! I would be a lousy ninja,blaaaah!:)
I better stick to waving my flag for GT next Saturday at my TV for a glimpse of Adam!

Anonymous said...

3:43AM - Anne Marie, what happened to your "I always sign with my name" story???

Anonymous said...

4:58 PM, LOL, she lies. She defends herself as anonymous as well.

Anonymous said...

OT (weather report from Finland: Cold wind but sunny:D!)
I'm not Anne Marie. I use a tag only to show my friends I'm here and I post as anon to be able to post as many times as I want to without anyone following especially me. I never use anonymity
for picking on tagged posters or for rude posting. Others have the same freedom and I love this site, thanks admins:D!
Good Adam-day!:))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:49 AM, to comment as many times as you want? How many of these comments are yours?

Anonymous said...

Re 4:06am
I'm one of the about 10 people here,so it must be 1/10 of the posts is about almost 15 posts...
I didn't know I have to count them, maybe I'm the ghost poster behind almost every post...but not I got 6 posts this added...but who believes...I'm just a ghost in Adam's GT:D!

Anonymous said...

K, you're just as recognizeable as Anne Marie, with or without tag. So are many others, mysrlf included. Not picking on you or A M or anyone, js.

Re the interview:
Nothing to get upset about in that interview. Adam did not TALK about his sexual life, did not say anything that is "private stuff", certainly not anything worth the meltdown some posters here have had. He answered 'honestly' (lol) to some supposedly funny questions (showing poor taste from the media people, but this is common in today's media), said nothing about anyone in particular. Posters, supposed fans - and yes, most regulars here are women of mature age - setting demands on Adam what he should or should not talk about, that is upsetting.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Adam has a very busy schedule next Saturday. He is just amazing! Lucky fans in Finland!

I had two posts and this my third.:)

Anonymous said...

I know I'm easily recognizable, I use :D and wish for a good Adam -day a lot! ;D

On topic
I also think Adam didn't reveal personal details about his exes. I know Adam is a cool rockstar who lives a single man's life now. Maybe I just didn't want to know about his real sexlife, to me mysterious is sexier. No wonder the interviewers love some one who answers honestly to questions about sexlife. That's more interesting and profitable than anything else and gives more hits to their web publications.jmo.