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Adam on EXTRA, June 17, 2015

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to keep voting... About 25 to 30 times before it makes you wait about 5 mon or so before voting again.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... 5 *min not mon

Catharine Sloper said...

I am in Los Angeles right now, not anywhere near a record store--boy am I dating myself? Do you call them records anymore??? Ok, not anywhere near a CD store. But when I get home where I live really close to a Barnes and Noble store, I will most definitely buy The Original High which from what I have heard is a great album. Album, am I dating myself with that term as well? OK, whatever. I can't wait to have my own CD of The Original High to put in my car and listen to as I drive around! This is such an exciting time in Adam's career, although I am sure it is stressful as well.

Magiclady said...

Wow the Adam looks great. Such a sexy boy...

After watching so many interviews and performances(which is great by the way). Wish we could have this all of the time, I again realize what an enigma Adam is. He can be so sexy and macho when he is performing, and yet so cute, sweet and shy when being interviewed.

I've got to say however, I cannot believe that he doesn't have "game" as he says. There must be men falling all over him, and if he saw a cute boy as he says, I can't imagine many men who wouldn't jump at the chance to date him. JMO

Anonymous said...

I can't figure why Adam would have any trouble dating, or not having the right words to ask someone he might be interested in, to go out for dinner, and a drink, to get to know the guy. It doesn't make any sense to me, unless the guy is someone he met in Europe and does not have a good command of the English language. Adam has been around the block a few times, I am sure he knows what to say to anyone he might be interested in. He has dated hundreds of guys, and bedded most of them too, if you believe what he has said. May be he is interested in someone famous, that might be a problem for him. He does tend to be in awe of certain famous people.

Anonymous said...

Adam's great promos keep coming - thanks broddybounce.