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ET Canada Producer Graeme O'Neil Reviews TOH (video)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Anonymous said...

I agree, I don't think Ghost Town is the best song to start the album with. It's an OK song, bur IMO a poor choice for the first single, and possibly might have hurt his sales. I also don't think much about the Tove Lo song either, and will be forgotten easily. The rest of the album I love, and hope that he goes far with the other songs, I have my favorite songs, and so does every one else. I sincerely hope he can go on tour next year, if he can get enough sales on the album, and radio play. Love his new look, that he has morphed into, and also that he sings with a lower tone, without eliminating his higher tones. He is such a wonderful singer, but cannot forget, he is still a medium fish in a HUGE pond. It's a really tough business. Warner has been outstanding in their support of him.

Anonymous said...

I agree too but I bet Graeme O'Neil will be howled down by many Glamberts who think Adam walks on water. However, it's unrealistic to expect every music critic to love every song recorded by Adam, and songs by every other artist in the world. That's just not realistic. I definitely agree with Graeme's fave There I Said It. It's my fave too, and it's a great album.

CT said...

I think There I Said It is definitely one of the best songs on the whole's so hard to pick just one favorite though. I'm not so impressed with Rumors but perhaps because ToveLo is so hot right now it may be released as a single? Lucy is a killer song along with ALN and EITN. I can't forget about the Light! Love that one too! Good luck Adam! We're all keeping our fingers crossed for your success. Wonder how sales are doing internationally?

Anonymous said...

A long time Glambert

There I said it is my favorite, Another lonely Night keeps running through my head also.