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From The Gizzle Review: Adam Lambert's #TheOriginalHigh "A cohesive pop package fit for 2015" (4 Out Of 5 Stars)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, June 18, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, June 18, 2015

From The Gizzle Review (UK)

Read the entire review here:

 Adam Lambert - "The Original High"

Quote from the review:

What holds the album together is Martin’s hook writing. Every track is a certified banger, equally relevant to 2015 and Lambert’s career. This extends to the bonus tracks on the deluxe edition; the bouncy These Boys is likely not included on the main album owing to Lambert’s sexuality. By the end of the album it does feel like overload: tracks like Things I Didn’t Say, dance track The Light, and Heavy Fire would all be main singles on any other artist’s album, but here lose some impact. That’s merely testament to the high quality pop on offer. ‘The Original High’ is essentially Lambert’s equivalent to ‘1989’ from Taylor Swift – both albums raised the stakes for each respective artist, albeit with a helping hand from everyone’s favourite Swede, Mr Martin.


Anonymous said...

interview and performance

Anonymous said...

4 out of 5 no he should get 5 out of 5. But still good.

broddybounce said...

@7:43: WE assume you are the primary reader who has been posting many links of late. We REALLY appreciate your providing them, they are very helpful, especially if we have missed something really good!

If we could ask one small favor, however: if you would be so kind to list them in comments just ONCE -- not on two different posts, as you've done above -- we'd appreciate it. Don't worry: we 'get' it! :) For editorial reasons, we won't be posting everything that you (or anyone else) lists, as much as it is appreciated.

Thank you so much -- and we indeed are about to post the Digital Spy performance & interview!

-The Admin Team

glitzylady said...

It's a VERY positive and well -reasoned review IMHO.. Be sure to to read the entire review...

Anonymous said...

@broddybounce - question for you (First time posting today, probably in a few days actually), what about something like a link for - for example the Subway Fresh Freshbuzz AT40 voting thing. That is such a worthy poll because a win results in actual spins for GT, I believe... and speaking only for myself, I was psyched to see it, the link and reminder, in the previous thread. (I think it was the previous thread). I am very selective about what comments sections I go in to, and I am psyched to have opened up the right one to see the link. I am so busy in RL (we all are :)), and I have a hard time remembering about such voting opportunities, and I love to open up a 24/7 comments section and get a reminder and a link to copy and paste, makes it so quick and easy for me to vote, where otherwise, tbh, I probably wouldn't... is it okay for readers to post something like that in multiple comments sections/threads? That is not an event that is ever going to get it's own thread obviously, but it is sort of a "rolling event/reminder" and worthy of multiple reminders to readers imho, is that sort of multiple posting okay?

I am kind of rushing right now :), I hope that made sense :). Thanks in advance.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:44 PM
I'm sure @broddybounce will reply later.. but I just wanted to jump in for a second.. :)) (Wearing my "Admin" hat :)))

I recently suggested to the blog owner about having a place on the main page for some permanent (or temporary links in the case of polls such as those you are suggesting..) etc.. but we need permission and assistance to do so via the blog owner.. She is the only administrator who has the editing authority to do anything like that.. So I'll make the suggestion again.. We truly do see all of the comments and suggestions that have been made along those lines.. And take them to the blog owner.. We'd love to help make the blog a little more user friendly and informative ..and helpful to our man Adam Lambert!!!...but there are some limitations about what can be done with the Google Blogger format.. In the meantime, I'll post a thread with the current polls sometime today.....

We actually do post threads with polls etc. but they go by very quickly, and unfortunately get lost once they go to the second page and beyond. There is so much happening with Adam's career right now (YAY!!!) with his new album, the interviews, the videos, the various events, concerts, TV shows, the music, the reviews... that the polls get buried under all the rest.

Just a reminder: One the web edition (unfortunately not the mobile edition but the web edition can easily be accessed by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on "Web Version") of Adam Lambert 24/7, there is a column off to the right of the blog, down the page a bit, with recently published threads.. Hoping people are aware of that feature.. And the other option of going to the previous page of 10 threads is at the bottom of the main page...

Thanks for your input!!!!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, can you pin a post to stay at the top of the page? That would be a good place to have the current voting, streaming, etc info. I would also suggest the comments be closed on it so it is an info only post.

Anonymous said...

broddybounce, I believe I bring a majority of the links to this site but I only post them in the top post and only once. Do you wish me to continue or stop?

12:44 PM makes a good point about voting links and the issue of some people do skip or are told to skip posts that have anything to do with Sauli. I hope you will address these issues as well.

broddybounce said...

12:44 & 4:29: apologies for my delay in response. No, you are absolutely right -- polls do need to be repeated at this point in lieu of having something pinned, as u suggested -- and, as glitzylady said, we are looking into that. My apology for not having included that point about polls in my comment.

4:29, no, please dont misinderstand, your providing those links have been extremely helpful. All we meant is that for links to articles/interviews/content (vs. polls), all we need is one mention and we'll either post or not -- we definitely monitor comments. Another thing we're discussing is having a permanent page or an email address where readers can submit links for our consideration to post, which wod make so much more sense, right? We'll be figuring that out very soon.

Thanks again for all of your terrific input -- so very much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

broddybounce, may I suggest it would be best to continue to allow links etc in the comments. As you say the admins chose what to post and there have been many thing in the comments I have enjoyed that were never made as posts. I'd hate to lose that as a source of info on Adam. I am not on Twitter so I miss a lot of things already and I appreciate a lot of what I find in the comments. I'm not fond of the idea of this turning into a curated blog where we only see what passes the admin's judgment.

Forgot to mention previously that I am not 7:43 AM.

From 4:29 PM

Anonymous said...

I am a little late getting back to the party, but I have to agree with June 18 8:37pm, for the most part anyway. I absolutely love getting all the links and pasted in content here. I have been quite busy in RL as of late, for a few weeks, but I am one of those who from time to time posts funny or informative tweets, stats I see out in the blogosphere that I think readers here will find encouraging, etc, that sort of thing. To be quite candid, I "rip" a lot of stuff from a few other blog sites (which I usually admit right in the post at the moment :)), and post it here now and then, because I feel like the item that I am ripping and pasting here might really be encouraging or smile-inducing in terms of Adam's career.

My phone just rang, RL! How dare it, lol ... anyway, I've completely lost my train of thought and have to go put out a fire... but I think I gave the gist of what I wanted to say. I think maybe there is some kind of "sorting it all out" issue, so to speak, when links and pasted content are put in multiple threads?? Is that what you are saying Broddybounce? I would totally understand that. I have no idea what goes in to running this site, I admit that freely, and I defer completely to the expertise (and time and dedication) of the Admin team... so if there is some sort of issue on that front, I totally agree why you would want to make things easier for all involved! I am a big fan of the "scroll on by" concept, so that's why I am a fan of "post and past away" for readers here, but I am fully willing to conceded that I don't know what goes in to running the blog, so what you guys think is best is cool with me! :). Just thought I'd give my POV. Btw, YAY Adam on my TELEVISION today, lol ;).

Anonymous said...

10:35 again, this thread is probably dead... but I just remembered the other thing I wanted to say... when I speak of "ripping and pasting" content here, it is often smaller, less impactful items than say - an awesome video from GMA. Obviously I don't go looking to paste in links and content for items that are big events and will be posted shortly or eventually by the Admin team! But having said that, I will be a little bold and say that over the years, I have found many tidbits in the blogosphere (an encouraging state or tweet, etc) that I wait to show up on 24/7, they don't, and so I'll paste them in a comments section. That sounds a little like I am throwing shade at 24/7, I am not at all ... I realize that not every little tidbit of info can receive it's own thread, many, even most, tidbits of info are not worthy of their own thread!!! That goes without being said. But that's why I like to paste things in the comments sections... sometimes there is some really encouraging piece of news out there (again, which oftentimes I've ripped from another fan site :)) that is less impactful than a major news item, but impactful nevertheless. We have to watch Adam struggle so much for radio play for example, that when I see something in the Glamiverse that I think might give a reader here a sigh of relief or a smile, I paste it in. Damn, there goes my phone again... hope I haven't bored you to death broddybounce! Probably didn't say that all well, rushing, but just my POV. :)

broddybounce said...

@10:35/10:45: If you happen to be checking back here, since this post has moved way down.... Apologies for the delay in reply but I was unable to get to you sooner. Oh, heavens, no, I was not saying, nor did I say above, that we don't want links AT ALL. Please, if you would be so kind to re-read my comment at June 18, 2015 at 8:07 AM, that should hopefully make things clearer.

To your later point, yes, all I was saying is to, indeed, post links, but it is only necessary to do so on ONE thread as it is an issue of, as you suggested, sorting things out. There are three main admins who post, and we all live in different cities and all have very different schedules, so it takes some effort to keep things consistent and not duplicate (which has happened before, and we make our best efforts to correct that ASAP, most times successfully, sometimes not).

Just to be clear, we are by no means trying to be restrictive on placing links in comments on this blog which has been going on for years, and which is enjoyed by many -- and which helps us Admins as it is not always possible for us to find everything on Adam at all times. Also, usually the times when we don't post a link that's been presented in comments is due to our judgement that the content might be redundant and we're trying not to overwhelm the blog with repetition, as well as to allow some of the big stories to have sufficient exposure time on Page 1. When important posts start getting to Pages 2 and 3 we worry that they might lose precious visibility for people who might not be able to look at the blog on a constant basis throughout the day.

Also, as I mentioned above, polls, as well as pleas for purchasing the album, are a different matter altogether, as constant reminders of these things are only doing GOOD to help Adam's album sales, single airplay, etc. And glitzylady did an excellent job of creating a post that combines all the active polls into one thread.

We continue to strive to bring you the best and most current content about ADAM from social media, regular media and elsewhere, as quickly but as thoroughly as we can.

Thank you and everyone who has posted here -- we REALLY appreciate this input!! :)