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In 10 days! Adam Lambert will be performing at the WSOBV on Aug 22!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Gabi said...

i will be there :) Who else is going?

Daydreaminmylif said...

Wish I was Gabi. It was great fun hanging with you at QAL but so far I don't have plans to go unless some small miracle happens. Have a blast!!

kitty said...

That would be so much fun. Have a good time Gabi.

Gabi said...

@Daydreaminmylif, I am keeping my fingers crossed for that small miracle for you. If I didn't leave early to stay with my daughter halfway in SB I would offer you a ride. Was great meeting you about a year ago in San Jose for Q&A (my twitter: @itisaball). @kitty, thank you!

daydreamin said...

Thanks Gabi! I'll let you know if it works out:)

Unknown said...

Thrilled for you Gabi! Will have to watch videos, I live clear across the country in Ohio. Hoping for a tour in 2016, would love to meet up with some of you at some point. It is awesome how so many of Adams fan know each other. I have been a fan of Adams since Idol but was a little late in finding all of the fan sites.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Thrilled for you too Gabi!! And keeping my fingers crossed for you, too, @ daydreamin' ... I'm back east in NY state so you have a Great time & I'll wait for all the details from you here at 24/7!! I can't travel so I'll have to wait for videos too!! Love 'n Light Sister Glamberts ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)