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VIDEO: Adam Lambert On "The Edge" With Marty & Steph (New Zealand) "Wednesday Whisper Challenge With Adam Lambert"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Adam Lambert was featured today on Marty & Steph's "Wednesday Whisper Challenge" on 
"The Edge" (New Zealand)
Marty & Steph take on the Wednesday Whisper Challenge with ADAM LAMBERT! Watch as they try to decipher what the other is saying..

*We currently do not have an embeddable video but here's the link to view: (We'll embed here if one becomes available, but in the meantime... Be SURE to go to the link below to see the video on The Edge Website: Hilarious!)

Just a *few* screen shots (by @glitzylady) from the video

And updated with this tweet with video gif: Adam almost falls off his chair laughing!


V Camilleri said...

Adam is just adorable!

Gabi said...

Loved that one! I think Adam did too. He's so much fun just being silly and I think he's quite the entertainer aside from his singing talent. Can't get enough of him.

donna w said...

OMG! That was hysterical!! I loved the part when he was talking like a "valley girl!!

Dee R Gee said...

Love it! He was so funny. He can sure speak "valley girl." Once again I repeat: SNL What are you waiting for? Give Adam a shot!

Daydreaminmylif said...

Good that he didn't fall off the chair but he about had me falling off the chair with his valley girl interpretation! Gosh he would be so much fun to hang out with!!!!

JAK said...

In my family we would describe Adam as having a wonderful "sense of silly"...... It's a marvelous quality.