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The Guardian (UK): British Operatic Soprano Elizabeth Watts Would Love To Work with Queen + Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, October 5, 2015

Posted at : Monday, October 05, 2015

The UK's The Guardian newspaper today has an interview with British operatic soprano singer Elizabeth Watts, and she has revealed that she is yet another artist who would like to work with Adam...and Queen!

Q: Which non-classical musician would you love to work with?

A: I’d love to re-record Barcelona with Adam Lambert and Queen. Must. Make. This. Happen."


The Dark Side said...

That would be awesome. Adam needs to continue spreading his wings.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Must. Make. This happen. !!!

I'd love to hear Adam collaborate with an operatic singer, either male or female.

JAK said...

I, too, would love to hear our Adam sing a tenor role....but not Barcelona...there are many lovelier.

Anonymous said...

This would be a dream. I don't mind what they sing. Come on Elizabeth, make it happen. Once you get a taste of the Glamberts you will wonder what hit you.