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Adam Lambert New Photos via XiangSun weibo

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Dee R Gee said...

Well this is a nice surprise. Adam doesn't often show his midsection with just a think shirt. He's in very good shape.

broddybounce said...

Wow! Someone taller than Adam! You don't get to see that all the time. Great photo! :)

Gabi said...

Very nice indeed!!! I think due to Adam's natural "presence" and aura (and occasional high heels and platforms and "up do" hairstyle haha) he appears taller than he is. The few times that I have "met" him so far I was always surprised how petite and slim he is. He's not a big guy by any means even though sometimes on TV it appears that way. He's looking mighty fine on these pics :)

ila said...

Wow, that guy must be well over 6'5"

Anonymous said...

So is the big guy a model or a photographer?

Dee R Gee said...


CT said...


I'm curious about your comment that Adam "is petite and slim". I've never actually met Adam although I've seen him in live performances 15 times.......yes he is slim but petite? He says he's 6'1", Did he look shorter than that? Most people call him tall.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not questioning your right to have an opinion, just curious how you define "petite".

daydreamin said...

Slim? Yes, definitely. When they say the camera adds 10 pounds it must be true. I've met Adam a few times and each time I am surprised at how slender he actually is in person compared to what you see on the Internet and TV etc. I personally would not call Adam petite at all. I would say he is of average height since a guy that is 6'1" is average (to me anyway). We all know he loves wearing heels and wears them a lot so yes, he would seem tall to many. Just my 2 cents for what its worth but everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course.

Gabi said...

@CT and @daydreamin, "petite" was probably an exaggeration of mine haha. Sorry.... I agree that anybody with a height of 6'1" is closer to average than petite. Still, when meeting Adam in person he seems very slim and less "imposing" in terms of height. His radiance though ... wow(!)... he is unbelievably gorgeous and even more handsome and "attractive" in person, and his eyes...they hold magic powers, I believe.

@daydreamin, were you at LIV? If so, congrats!!!

Shelagh said...

I bet they had a good laugh at the photo shoot,Adam seems to smoulder for pics,then laughs at himself or pulls funny faces he is just fab !😍

Dee R Gee said...

I can just imagine him in the MAJOR fashion magazines. He has such a stunning presence. It's rather puzzling that those major mags haven't discovered him yet. He really radiates.