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Adam Lambert's "Another Lonely Night": Isolated Vocal Version

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, November 12, 2015

An Adam fan from Singapore, Grant Lee, put together an alternate version of "Another Lonely Night" and posted it on his YouTube account.  It's just Adam voice, and includes all blank spaces when he's not singing.  This is by no means 'official,' but it is a wonderful look at the purity of Adam's voice, just on its own, without anything backing it.  Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Glitzylady do you know if Adam has his own face book page there are two and I think at least one is fake but would like to know if someone is just using Adams name trying to make people think it is him then I do not want to give it likes or comments I thought if any one would know I could find out here.Thank You ------------blueeyes01

glitzylady said...

@josie smith
Adam has one official Facebook account, the one that's linked at the top of Adam Lambert 24/7 News, (web page version)...

The link is here:

There is an Official Fan Club Facebook Acct..

Link here:

As far as we know, Adam has his own personal (private) Facebook account.. Occasionally it's been hacked, unfortunately...

Any other Facebook account with Adam's name on it that purports to be Adam's Facebook, is not Adam's.. I've seen other pages that I initially thought were Adam's, but a closer look revealed that it is not him.. One with 50 followers would clearly not be Adam's!

Adam currently has 4, 898, 188 "Likes"/Followers on his Facebook. The Adam Lambert Official Fan Club has 39, 769 "Likes"/followers..

Hope that clears it up :)))

JAK said...

I found this version very interesting. I did enjoy the voice alone, he's really a pro at staying on key.

Magiclady said...

There is no one with a better voice! This is amazing!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much I just hate when people use Adam going to see him in St.Louis on 12/16 very excited will be the 5th concert I have been to will go to more when I can.---blueeye01

Unknown said...

sorry blueeyes01 I have 2 eyes lol

Shelagh said...

incredible !!

coloforadam said...

This weeks thrill! Thanks!

Nanbert said...

Adam ... acapella...impeccable vocals! over to the Youtube website (bottom of this video). On the right side of the page is also listed the "Official Instrumental" of ANOTHER LONELY NIGHT ( the music without Adam).

See how the instrumental alone basically provides a beat plus chord changes for the most part?
Adam actually carries the WHOLE MELODY alone! This is true of at least some, if not all, of the rest of the album. I have been wondering about that, but finally actually realized it when Adam gave that wonderful acoustic concert "Live in the Vineyard".

Genius! Has anyone else noticed this? BTW, I'm not a musician, so maybe I am wrong about this being rather unique.