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Queen + Adam Lambert's Outdoor Concert Venue In Bucharest, Romania (6-21-16) "Constitutiei Square"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, November 26, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, November 26, 2015

Earlier we reported that Queen + Adam Lambert will be performing in Bucharest, Romania, on June 21, 2016

*See the other just-added venues here:
LINK: Queen + Adam Lambert 2016 Tour: More Shows Announced in Romania 6-21-16, Bulgaria 6-23-16, & Finland!

This is the incredible outdoor venue: Constitutiei Square, in Bucharest: What an impressive setting!!!!


CT said...

AMAZING VENUE!!!! YAY FOR QAL's upcoming concerts!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our loving Glamily and to all that celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Hope your day is filled with love, family, friends and lots of good food....:)))

Pan said...

For those interested , a captivating reading about Palace of the Parliament.

Nanbert said...

Wow! what a venue! Hope the weather's good.