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Reminder: Vote For Adam Lambert TOH Album on idolator!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, November 08, 2015

Best Music 2015 Readers’ Poll: Vote For The Year’s Top Albums (Part 1) — January Through June Releases



Nanbert said...

Glamberts -- For the last two days Adam and Carly Rae Jepsem have been trading the lead back and forth. Please VOTE, VOTE, as often as you can... there's no voting limit. We CAN win this for Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

Just voted again. Adam is ahead.

Anonymous said...

You can refresh and vote over and over.
The lead now is so small it can be overtaken in a half hour.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Been Voting all day yesterday & part of today ... had to leave for a couple hours to go to the cemetery ... came home & now the girl is so far ahead I can't even get caught up. What happened?? Surely my votes couldn't have caused this upset ... could they?? I'm going right back now to try to help fix this ... PLEASE VOTE!! ADAM should be the winner here!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Jepsen has pulled ahead again -- just as she has the last two evenings around 8 or 9 pm (EST).
Fortunately, by the next two mornings Adam had pulled back ahead again....thanks, I guess, to the fans overseas. I hope that will happen again tonight!!!
Please VOTE everyone!!

Nanbert said...

Unfortunately, Adam did not regain the lead overnight, and Jepsen has pulled way ahead. No one else is even close to these two. We CAN turn this around, IF everyone concentrates on voting ...PLEASE VOTE!

Anyone know when this thing is over?