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Simply Stunning Adam Lambert Photo

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, November 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, November 09, 2015

Stunning Adam Lambert Photo:

From hlkaiba: CLICK HERE for the larger HQ version


Screen cap/edit from the original by @glitzylady


Jean Renard said...

Hey there, JAK, this is really a good shot of Adam's jeans! I work with young college age people and I see these kinds of jeans every day. One of the young guys told me that in their fraternity, they once had a contest to see how long each one could go before they washed their jeans. Almost all of them made it through the entire school year without a wash. It is considered very sexy to wear dirty ripped jeans. But, you better be young and "hawt, hawt, hawt", otherwise, you would look ridiculous. I am sure Adam bought these jeans with this painted dirty look, and, he probably paid a lot of money for them. Margarita Lady

I love The Light said...

Oh my god he's posing on the floor with his leg up in the "disgusting jeans" trying to kill me again. His hot red jacket pulls me in and the sight of his chest in the mesh top leaves me breathless! Everything about him is perfect down to the killer studded boots, his clean face, and not so black hair...

He was also too stunning yesterday. His perfect legs in slim leather pants...his sexy chest in the low thin t-shirt...just couldn't get over his physique and glowing face

Sometimes I wish he wasn’t so distractedly hot

Dee R Gee said...

Once again he leaves me breathless. He has such incredible bone structure. His face is like a Greek statue. Michelangelo would have been crazy about him.

JAK said...

@ Margarita Lady....I have examined these jeans closely ;-) and I spy mold, mildew and various forms of lichen (fungi and algae).....
A botanical dream.