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Adam Lambert Photoshoot by Xiang Sun

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, December 10, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, December 10, 2015


blu said...

I think our boy is working too hard . . . . losing it . . .

Anonymous said...

Steaming HOT

Maybe Adam is working to hard, but no one will ever be able to accuse him of not working as hard as he can. My only hope is that he is having fun in all that he does.

Frankly I love these photoshoots. I expect he's done enough to put into a full length movie. New format for movies --- followed by a video to be purchased.

JAK said...

Photo #4 is thought provoking....many thoughts in fact.
None of which I care to share!!!

Nanbert said...

Very interesting/moody/artistic. Just proves that Adam is one of the most photogenic men in the world. Hope he's not REALLY as stressed out as these photos want to show. Next to THAT VOICE is........THAT FACE!

Unknown said...

OK then.... LOL looks like the photographer has some issues to work out.

Gabi said...

These pictures are wild!!! .... but i love them. I don't think it's farfetched to assume they are a reflection of his life right now. I only took one quick glance, so need to go back for more.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam is sexy doing almost anything. Sitting, standing, lying down, breathing. You name it. He just has a sensuality that he cannot hide. JAK, I totally agree about pic #4.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness. Beauty personified. He is so "model-worthy" Yum, yum.

blu said...

Yes # 4 . . . . we all know that feeling!

Just love his photos . . walking piece of art!

JAK said...

@ blu...........Your "walking piece of art" reminds me of the display windows in my childhood....large dept. stores would have a beautiful female or male model 'live' all day in what appeared to be a small apartment...they ate, slept, read, etc. in full view of passers-by. They were "walking pieces of art" a child they fascinated me.
No display windows for Adam! However........................ :-)

ICU2;~}INVU4URAQT said...

I like #1 with the followup #8 and the message that goes with it. I ove this man warped sense of humor...... Life to serious sometimes, I like that he flips it off time to time.

Shelagh said...

Ah don't ah Adam don't overdo it ! Although these pics are fab xxxx

choons said...

The bathtub pic. Gawd.

Vagrant said...

SOOOO unfff-worthy pics!!!!!

Adam F. Lambert - you are one of the sexiest badass RakStars in the whole world!!!


Vagrant said...

Totally agree with you - that white shirt/bathtub pic !!!!! Holy....