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Adam Lambert Recent Concert Reviews

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Friday, December 11, 2015

Posted at : Friday, December 11, 2015

Worcester, MA: WXLO's "Almost" Acoustic Xmas Show: 

"The high-energy singer with the gilded pipes had the adoring, full house on its feet..."


Cleveland, OH:  Q104 Holiday Show:

"...his vocal performances were a masterful display of both emotional restraint and pointed outbursts."


Dee R Gee said...

Really strong, positive reviews all around. I don't know where that first reviewer was coming from about ALN, because it sure sounded great to me. He nails it beautifully every time. Looking forward to Boca Raton tomorrow night!

Kath said...

Lambert's singing into a harsh, barely discernable caterwaul. Sometimes I think reviews go with the intention of finding fault in something to make themselves noticeable. A room full of people on their on feet is the best review.

Vagrant said...

Just wish all these writers/journalists/critics reviewing Adam's singing & shows would get their facts right and perhaps they should interview some long time fans in these concerts (for more accuracy and back up info)...