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New Pics via zbnow.entertain IG: Adam Lambert interview in Singapore!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, December 29, 2015

#AdamLambert 记者会快开始了。他迟到了半小时。(#洪铭铧 #报道 )

A photo posted by zbNOW, Entertainment (@zbnow.entertain) on

#AdamLambert : Hello #Singapore ! (#洪铭铧 #报道 )

A photo posted by zbNOW, Entertainment (@zbnow.entertain) on

#AdamLambert 和电台节目主持人 #JeanDanker (#洪铭铧 #报道 )

A photo posted by zbNOW, Entertainment (@zbnow.entertain) on

#AdamLambert : 有人签名联署反对我来演唱? 哇! 我受宠若惊! (#洪铭铧 #报道 )

A photo posted by zbNOW, Entertainment (@zbnow.entertain) on


Lam-My said...

Adam, you look really handsome...whenever you come to Singapore, they always make you look so good! Yea, beautiful jacket, has a blend of eastern and western, much like us, really.

Aiyah, Singapore, you always make things so high-level, academically! These Chinese words took me so long to search and understand.

有人签名联署反对我来演唱? 哇! 我受宠若惊!

Okay, more or less got the gist:


有人 yeo ren / did some people...签名 chien ming / sign

反对 farn dui / protest...我来 I come...演唱 yen charng / sing/perform?

哇! Wah!

我受 wor ai / I love

宠若惊! overwhelming appreciation

Lam-My said...

Hey Timeslot...I'm a little suspicious about this powerful time number combination 11:44 ! If it's really what it is...well, well, Adam is gonna rock the stage on fire lwl!

Lam-My said...

宠若惊 choong ruo jing...a feeling of love and startle

宠 choong dote/love
惊 jing scare/startle

So Adam had some mixed emotions regarding the petitions; that of being loved and being startled.

Lam-My said...

Actually, Adam has gone through this kind of situations a few times, for different reasons. Remember when he performed with Queen for the first time, at the EMA, he didn't even want his name included with Queen. He wasn't afraid, just didn't want to upset the Freddie fans who did not want anyone to replace Freddie; in the end, he won them over.
Similarly, now he explains his intention is not to provoke but to unite and find commonalities, not divide. He is sounding quite like a Singaporean, if you ask me. lwl!

Lam-My said...


受 shòu...feel (not, 爱 ai / love)

Strangely enough, it's Adam that takes me back to my Mandarin recaps and he knows no Mandarin. lwl!