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Via Gelly: Sauli's Hollywood Snapchats - 12-26-15 includes dinner, ouija board!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, December 27, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, December 27, 2015


Dee R Gee said...

Looks like a Ouija board, right? Sauli is definitely out on the town. Wonder if he's staying with you-know-who?

Dee R Gee said...

Duh. I'm so dumb. Didn't read the heading. In a hurry.

ICU2;~}INVU4URAQT said...

How is it known to be Adams fireplace?

Anne Marie said...

I think Sauli said it was Adam's fireplace. It is known that he has been staying at Adam's with a friend from Finland.

Lam-My said...

Aha, better listen to Anne Marie...the AdamSauli ninja! her new insignia lwl!
Now, I recall a story about Saul rescuing Bert in the snow and then they warmed themselves at the fireplace in Saul's mountain shack lol! Oh, there was a special twinkle in their blue eyes etc.etc.etc. And when the rescuers came for Bert, he didn't want to leave...due perhaps to the warmth of the fireplace or was it love at first sight... lwl!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

OT .... Vote for QUEEN + Adam Lambert at the SSE Awards poll ... they are currently in 2nd place ... unacceptable ... here is the link ...

Vote and win tickets!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Kindred said...

Hi Lam-My!
Thankey for the stories again, full of fast surprising turns and fun moments!:)I've missed them.

I have tried to just come back lurking here first, but a good Sauli+Adam related topic is too irresistible to just pass. Especially now, when there seems to be real hints around from the guys themselves..;D! I'm glad there are so many here sharing their friendly thoughts of them.

I think Sauli may have been staying at Adam's during his LA-visit. But his Finnish friend had pics from himself staying elsewhere at a hotel and also a pic of his tickets flying on another route and time to LA than Sauli.

Now Adam surely is starting his NYE preparations and working hard for the beginning of his Tour 2016!
Best wishes for him and sharing this excitement with all the fans here. Good New Year 2016 to all here on this site and with you Lam-My I'm also sharing your excitement for his Singapore Countdown!
Definitely I'm checking up all the vids available about it! Fun Times ahead!

Lam-My said...

Hi there Kindred! Thank you! for sharing our Singapore Countdown.
At the stroke of midnight, I will think of all the people of this site whom I've been with for 5+ years.
You're right, not so easy to let go of Adam+Sauli...lwl! I do hope they find their way back to each other. Right now, I think they are special to each other but have yet to commit. Maybe, this is the modern way of being a couple, at large. lwl! It boils down to love and also if they want to set up family, an aspiration dear to both.
A happy 2016! to you and your family! And all on this site!

Anonymous said...

LAMBERT Outlaw - just voted for QAL and it says they are now #1! Yay!