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BONUS VIDEO! Adam Lambert, "If I Had You" (Reggae Style), New Year's Eve in Singapore, December 31, 2015

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, January 2, 2016

Posted at : Saturday, January 02, 2016

Here is the final video from Adam's performance in Singapore on New Year's Eve, his hit "If I Had You" done in reggae style.  He's performed this song before but, at 15 minutes, never quite this length!  Again, many thanks to YouTube user Amanda Ng for posting the broadcast.  Enjoy...


Lam-My said...

Thank you Amanda Ng ! you're one helluva videographer; and Broddybounce ! for bringing it here.
The first video I saw, had a lot of electrical interferences; this one is very good from start to end. Perhaps they adjusted it or maybe too many people tuned in.
Now, do you see why I address Adam as just saw a Sifu at work, the crouching tiger, hidden dragon spewing fire, Adam style.
Yes, 15 minutes of a song and everyone's attention was held to the end. The best If I Had You since its debut on the Sing charts, for 3 months.

Lam-My said...

Adam said that Singapore is a very clean city; well; I've heard that over and over, but he gave it a twist...showers every day. lol!
If Lee Kuan Yew were around to hear this, he would be so thrilled; because he Had Singapore on the palm of his genius what Adam sang: If I had Singapore...Adam too is a genius, of a different dimension.

Lam-My said...

So from 新加坡 to 北京...Want to make an attempt at Mandarin? lwl!

Give up?...but many will know.

Lam-My said...

新 sin / new ... 加 jia / add on ... 坡 por / slope

北 bei / north ... 京 jing / capital

Anonymous said...

I'm voting FOR reggae "If I Had You". We are voting aren't we?

Lam-My said...

Aha, 838 appears from out of the blue...Mmm, Timeslot ! hard at work. First Bingo for 2016. lwl!

Lam-My said...

Actually, this structure...'If I had... followed by... I would...' etc. is not as easy to learn as it appears; so Adam used it like a master English teacher...on top of that, singing it; oooh-la-la!

blu said...

I really liked this . . so do I have this right . .

Drummer - Brooke ?
Bass - Jarrod ?
Lead Guitar_ Adam (I know I have this one right)
Keyboard - Peter
Backup/Dancers - Terrance (of course)
- Holly

I think he mentioned that this was his 2016 band