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Adam Lambert on Instagram: Perth Rooftop Moment

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, February 02, 2016

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


ila said...

Hi, Admin Fan. This might be an important thing to post for everyone to see.

carter_ @_AOStarlighter_
as of Feb1 plays on YT, Appl eMusic, Spotify count towards RIAA’s Gold & Platinum Album Awards USA #YOGlamberts …

Anonymous said...

Adam is the topic of conversation in the 1st part of this podcast on February 3, 2016 following the Perth Rooftop concert on February 2, 2016:-

Anonymous said...

Dubai radio interview ........................

Gabi said...

He's looking pretty "norm core" except for the shoes may be, but it works!!! (Adam brought up that new word in the interview for those who haven't watched it yet)

Lam-My said...

Yea, his voice-waves will permeate the atmosphere more profusely on the Rooftop. Another Lonely Night literally soars into the ether.

Adam's voice soars even more
On the Rooftop, above them all
Permeating the twilight lure
Serene, a voice pure
That possesses an innate quality that cures
Ailments or loneliness
Just by being himself, he reaches out
To those in trouble and in doubt
It must be quite tough to sing night after night
Filled with applause, laughter, yet can be rough
But he rumbles on to fulfill a dream, a calling, a first love

Ausglam said...

Oh he was so mesmerizing last night. So close could almost touch him !lol I wish it had gone on longer though it wasn't enough.

Dee R Gee said...

Haha! Love the two interviews! The Perth one (I watched the actual interview with Adam, too) was so cute. The blond guy is such a doll and is so funny. When Adam sees a real cutie, he's not afraid to say so! They really loved having him.

And the Dubai radio interview was great because it was SO enthusiastic about Adam coming there. Sounds like he's doing a 75 minute set!!!!! That's almost a whole concert set!!!!! And it will be a crowd of 10,000!!! Am I using enough exclamation points? LOL

Then there's the Hobart OZ VIP gig tomorrow and the Melbourne IHeart Radio gig on Friday. It's an Adampalooza!