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Video: Adam Lambert Addresses The Tragedy At Orlando's Pulse Nightclub "It's Time For Mourning"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 12, 2016

Posted at : Sunday, June 12, 2016

VIDEO: Adam Lambert briefly comments about the Orlando Pulse Nightclub mass killings before taking to the stage with Queen + Adam Lambert at the Isle of Wight Festival today (6-12-16)

Photo: Adam Lambert (screen shot/edit by @glitzylady) from the video below 

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


JAK said...

So very very sad..... I called my g'son immediately to see if any of his friends who work at DisneyWorld or Universal were injured.
So far his girlfriend has heard of 6 friends hospitalized. They aren't giving out the names of the dead.
It's beyond tragic. I keep thinking of 200 or more parents and family members grieving .