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Beautiful pic of young Adam Lambert & Danielle via adamlambert_ir IG

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, July 24, 2016

Posted at : Sunday, July 24, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Adam seems to have cultivated many long enduring friendships. It certainly says a great deal about his character, charm and authenticity. It especially shows that those friendships were never based on his fame or wealth -- but JUST HIM!

Lucky Danielle! Lucky Terrance! .... and all the others in Adam's inner circle! They keep him grounded.... and brave.

But, in the strictest sense, we Glamberts have also been drawn into the "inner circle", too... not geographically, but certainly spiritually!

JAK said...

Among the precious things in life the love of a long time friend is everlasting.

I opened a beautiful anniversary card several years ago......wondering why I had gotten it???
A photo fell out of two 15 year olds washing my dad's car.....laughing and soaked in suds.
The note said 'How could I have forgotten the 60th anniversary of our friendship? Still luv ya....Susannah."

I hope someday Adam and Danielle can look back on 60 years too. :-)

Dee R Gee said...

The old saying is: "When you get famous, don't forget you're old friends." Fame may not last, but true friends will last a lifetime. Adam is wise to stay close to his old friends. And they seem to still love him as always. Adam has never come across as arrogant. Brian May said Adam has a good dose of humility. He and Danielle go back a long way. JAK, I love your story. I have a few friends like that, esp one who I first met BEFORE we were in kindergarten. We manage to see each other about once a year.

JAK said...

@ DRG....I have 4 of my BFF's that I haven't seen in over 20 years, yet we are in constant communication. Not by phone, nor computer....we use a very old fashioned medium.....letters! Lots n lots of letters. I get at least 10 or more a week. We share everything on reams of stationery. Sometimes the envelopes are filled with fun and photos and sometimes blurry tear stained paper. It helps to wail and weep when necessary. Some of our missives run a dozen pages long. Since I am the "wordy" one....mine are the longest!

Nanbert said...

Count your blessings. I've lived in so many different places in the world during my adult lifetime, many overseas, that I constantly lost contact with friends. Friends acquired here in Pittsburgh mostly retired and moved away...or died. I'm 83, and every time I try to track down an old friend or classmate all I find is an obituary!

Sorry, didn't mean to sound glum... I'm really not.. there's family, too. I really just meant to congratulate you all and urge you to nuture those friendships, and never take them for granted.