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New/old Pics @ Two Years Ago! Adam Lambert & Brian May in Vegas 2014-07-05

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, November 26, 2016

Posted at : Saturday, November 26, 2016

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Helloo Adam! you look so rugged and tattered...This I think is your real person! But your worn-out clothing is not the real thing, they are only made to look like actually worn and worn through years and years because some can't afford to buy new ones. Good try. lol!
Hope Brian is taking it a bit easy; can't rush at this age. Maybe if he does make a comeback, he shouldn't stand on the stage or run after you on the ramp; give him a conveyor-belt that moves around out to the audience and he can play his red guitar sitting down. From concerned Queen appreciator.

LTA said...

Real Adam ha!ha!!!!:) I love your pants, nail polish and your real foot!!!:)

Lam-My said...

Handsome Adam and Guitar champion
Composed...after his Original High Tour
Brian, the mystique monsieur
They found each other on equal footing
Like a father running after his precocious son
A duo of love, talent, fun
Young and dashing vs entrepreneurial
Preempting each other, synchronising
Standing side by side...they look so quiet
But when they's a meteorite bombarding! lwl!

Unknown said...

He's a ginger, he burns easily! You can't expect him to put bronzer on his feet ;>)

funbunn40 said...

Nice polish & even his feet are cute!