Helloo Pharaoh...you are pretty fussy about keeping clean; wah, what did ole daddy feed you with, deliciously paw-licking good. Aha you may come into a tidy little fortune if people start advertising your paw-licking yum-yum food. How on earth did you amass such fame and fortune overnight? Your ole Rockstar daddy took 8 years! and buckets of blood sweat tears.
This reminds me of...
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
I think Pharaoh falls into the third category although Shakespeare was not even remotely referring to dogs. lwl!
Adam loves animals and liberal, letting Pharaoh walk around the sofa and sleep on his bed. Hey Adam, why don't you just throw him a towel...he's not just licking his paws, he's wiping his face. lol!
Here is a big difference between Adam and Freddie Mercury. Freddie loved cats. I sow some pictures Freddie and her cats.Adam said in a interview to a radio station that hates cats.
I had a dog and he was my baby but I didn't let him to sleep in my bed. He had his own space like others. I hope someday, I can have another one again.!:)
I think Pharaoh is 2 1/2 years old. So a young dog, but not a pup. Adam said that he is allergic to cats and really doesn't like them. Maybe it's due to the allergy. Adam seems like a person who likes animals in general.
Pharaoh may not be licking/cleaning after being fed. I've had 5 dogs in my lifetime; they don't usually do this after a meal but each dog has its own nuances. I am more inclined to think Adam sprayed its paws perhaps after the Runyon hike. In any case, Pharaoh knows what it likes and doesn't like. The wiping of its face seems to indicate the latter. lwl!
Bert and his dog Fiero were out hiking around the canyon one winter afternoon. Sunlight was streaming lightly through the mist enveloping the canyon...so tranquil, thought Bert as he and Fiero took their usual hike. Fiero was smelling the ground, the tree trunks, nooks and corners. And then something seemed to agitate him and it started to bark, looking back and forth at Bert.
'What's the matter Fiero?' Wo! Wo! Woof!...causing quite a din in the quiet canyon. It looked towards the direction that had agitated him. Bert surveyed the area but didn't see anything suspicious. Fiero continued barking incessantly. Bert decided to remove its leash...straight away, it scampered towards a burrow at the base of an old oak tree. Fiero continued barking and scratching the entrance of the burrow relentlessly. Bert peeked in and lo and behold! he couldn't believe what he saw... another dog! a puppy, trembling due to the winter temperature. 'Good heavens!' exclaimed Bert who immediately stretched out his hand to retrieve the puppy. Alas, it was too scared and retreated deeper into the burrow. Meanwhile, Fiero continued barking frantically and it alerted some people living in the area.
Kiki ! Kiki ! A little old lady came running to find out what the commotion was. At once the little puppy rushed out of the burrow and ran towards the lady. 'Finally! I found you, Kiki!' Tears rolled down her face.
Bert felt so touched and greeted the little lady who introduced herself as Mama and her puppy, Kiki. She thanked Bert for finding her lost puppy which had given her so much anxiety, she couldn't sleep at night, thinking the worst that could have happened to her only companion. Holding Mama's hand, Bert pointed to Fiero whom he said was the real hero! who literally sniffed out the puppy trapped in the burrow.
Helloo Pharaoh...you are pretty fussy about keeping clean; wah, what did ole daddy feed you with, deliciously paw-licking good. Aha you may come into a tidy little fortune if people start advertising your paw-licking yum-yum food.
How on earth did you amass such fame and fortune overnight? Your ole Rockstar daddy took 8 years! and buckets of blood sweat tears.
This reminds me of...
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
I think Pharaoh falls into the third category although Shakespeare was not even remotely referring to dogs. lwl!
Adam loves animals and liberal, letting Pharaoh walk around the sofa and sleep on his bed. Hey Adam, why don't you just throw him a towel...he's not just licking his paws, he's wiping his face. lol!
Pharaoh is really a kitty cat.
Pharaoh is adult dog or puppy???
Here is a big difference between Adam and Freddie Mercury. Freddie loved cats. I sow some pictures Freddie and her cats.Adam said in a interview to a radio station that hates cats.
I had a dog and he was my baby but I didn't let him to sleep in my bed. He had his own space like others. I hope someday, I can have another one again.!:)
I think Pharaoh is 2 1/2 years old. So a young dog, but not a pup. Adam said that he is allergic to cats and really doesn't like them. Maybe it's due to the allergy. Adam seems like a person who likes animals in general.
I found out Pharaoh has 2 1/2 years old, breed BASENJI/CHIHUAHUA mix
Pharaoh may not be licking/cleaning after being fed. I've had 5 dogs in my lifetime; they don't usually do this after a meal but each dog has its own nuances. I am more inclined to think Adam sprayed its paws perhaps after the Runyon hike. In any case, Pharaoh knows what it likes and doesn't like. The wiping of its face seems to indicate the latter. lwl!
A very short story...
Bert and his dog Fiero were out hiking around the canyon one winter afternoon. Sunlight was streaming lightly through the mist enveloping the canyon...so tranquil, thought Bert as he and Fiero took their usual hike. Fiero was smelling the ground, the tree trunks, nooks and corners. And then something seemed to agitate him and it started to bark, looking back and forth at Bert.
'What's the matter Fiero?'
Wo! Wo! Woof!...causing quite a din in the quiet canyon. It looked towards the direction that had agitated him. Bert surveyed the area but didn't see anything suspicious. Fiero continued barking incessantly. Bert decided to remove its leash...straight away, it scampered towards a burrow at the base of an old oak tree. Fiero continued barking and scratching the entrance of the burrow relentlessly.
Bert peeked in and lo and behold! he couldn't believe what he saw... another dog! a puppy, trembling due to the winter temperature.
'Good heavens!' exclaimed Bert who immediately stretched out his hand to retrieve the puppy. Alas, it was too scared and retreated deeper into the burrow. Meanwhile, Fiero continued barking frantically and it alerted some people living in the area.
Kiki ! Kiki ! A little old lady came running to find out what the commotion was. At once the little puppy rushed out of the burrow and ran towards the lady.
'Finally! I found you, Kiki!' Tears rolled down her face.
Bert felt so touched and greeted the little lady who introduced herself as Mama and her puppy, Kiki. She thanked Bert for finding her lost puppy which had given her so much anxiety, she couldn't sleep at night, thinking the worst that could have happened to her only companion.
Holding Mama's hand, Bert pointed to Fiero whom he said was the real hero! who literally sniffed out the puppy trapped in the burrow.
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